Reason 15: Vulnerability

The Hundredth Reason

Mark POV

That night, I had spent almost 2 hours with Krissie. I felt comfortable talking to her for some reason. I felt like she was someone I knew for almost, years. But that wasn’t true since I literally just met her about a week ago. I wonder if it’s because we went through the same experiences that we could connect so easily.

Today was a slow day for me because I had nothing to do. I could only sit around my house and stare at the walls. I wanted to talk to someone but no one was around. I know Daniel normally has classes around this time of day so he’s out. What about the other guys? Jacob was probably out with his girlfriend or something like that. Who could I talk to at this time of day?

I was scrolling through my contacts when I suddenly got a text. I looked at who it was and should I have been surprised that Krissie texted me? Maybe. But even if I was surprised, I was sending a message to her with a smile on my face like a fool.


To: Krissie Lam



Seconds later, a message came back to me.


To: Mark T.

Hey, are you doing anything today?


To: Krissie Lam

Nothing at all.


To: Mark T.

Great! Can we meet up?

My eyes bulged at the text she just sent. She asked if we could meet again.


To: Krissie Lam

Sure? Same place as the other day?


To: Mark T.



I blink for a second to digest the entire situation that just unfolded. We’re going to meet at the coffee shop right? I was so confused for a moment before I realized I needed to get changed.


Krissie POV

I was just bored at home, and alone. Of course, Daniel took Alis out and I didn’t want to be the third wheel so I made my own plans. With Mark. I liked talking with him. So why not try my luck to see if we could hang out today?

Grabbing my phone off the table, I sent a text to Mark and instantly I got a reply. A small conversation came after it and then all I knew was that I went straight up to my room to get changed.

I come back down the stairs with a brown cardigan, gray high-low sweater, black distressed shorts, and a pair of white high tops. (

I met Mark again at the same coffee shop we had met at before. I checked my watch and saw that it was already 12:30.

“We said 12 didn’t we?” I was thinking in my head.

After waiting alone for another 30 minutes, I thought maybe we had misunderstood each other. I decided my plans were made in vain and was about to leave when I heard the bell chime from the front. I looked up and saw the person I was waiting for.

“Hi.” I smiled, partly because I wanted to see him and partly because I thought he stood me up for a miscommunication.

“You didn’t think I wouldn’t come right?” he said as he took a seat.

Shaking my head I said no. “Not at all. Ok maybe for a bit. It was because you were late.”

He chuckles, “I’m sorry. Something came up into my mind at the last second when I was heading out.”

“And what was it?”

He smiled as he took out a bag and passed it to me. “Open it.” He gestured towards the bag and I did as he said. I opened it to find a necklace, with a square as a charm.


“It was the Asian in me. My parents said to never go somewhere empty handed.”

“I guess we were brought up in the same way then.” I giggled and Mark chuckled as well. I took a small bag from my backpack and gave it to me.

“I guess we do think similarly. Or at least our parents do.”

“Open it.” I pointed to the bag and he did. I didn’t know what to get him so a phone case would have to suffice.

He took out the case and nodded, “I’ve been needing a new case. Did Daniel tell you?”

I nodded, “And I was thinking people tend to change their cases often, even guys.”

“Well thank you.”

For a while, our conversation was just simple and light hearted. After a while though, it seemed to take a turn and change into a conversation that we both wanted to avoid but never did.


Mark POV

“I have a question.” I said as I took a sip of my caramel macchiato.

“Hmm?” Krissie looked up from her tea.

“I know it sounds stupid but, how did you get over him? Your ex I mean.”

She sat back up and slumped into the back of her seat, as far as it could go. “As stupid as my answer may seem, I just did. There’s no way to describe how I did it but I did. It just...happened. But over a long period of time.”

“What can I do to get over her then?”

She smiled a painful smile. “Nothing. There’s nothing you can do to make yourself forget her. You know how they say time is the only thing that will surely sober up a person when they’re drunk? Same thing with a relationship. It just takes time. No matter what you do, it’ll always depend on the time.”

“Is that really the only thing? There’s really nothing else?”

She chuckles and it gives me hope that there is something else. “If there was, I probably would have discovered it by now. But I haven’t. So not really. I’ve been through different forms of a relationship to tell you if there’s anything else. Sorry to say, there isn’t anything.”

“So time is the key.”

“Exactly. So give yourself more time because that’s what will heal you in the future.”

There was silence between us when Krissie stopped speaking. But then, she had a question for me. “Go ahead.”

“Once you get over Shannon over time, what are you going to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you have any plans?”

“What? Relationship wise?”

She nods. I think for a moment and question myself. Do I actually have any plans to continue on with a relationship? I stayed silent for a while, a long while. “I’m guessing that since you’re taking a long time to answer this, you probably don’t.”

I give her a slight shrug because I wasn’t sure of myself honestly. “I guess so. But what about you? Do you have any plans?”

“I think I’ve had enough of relationships for a while. I’ve gone through different stages of relationships from the beginning with a small crush to a larger crush to dating and to breaking up. I’ve been through all of it. And I don’t think I want to go back. At least for now anyways.”

For some reason when I heard her response, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Why though? Why am I disappointed in her response when it has nothing to do with me?

“Can you tell me what happened?” I suddenly asked.

“Long story short, when Daniel, Alissa, and I were in Connecticut together, I liked this guy. Specifically, Daniel’s friend. One day Daniel played matchmaker and got us to go on a date but after that, I hated the guy so much I couldn’t stand to even look at him for a second longer. He was a jerk and after that one so called ‘date’ I never went back. And I’ll admit, I knew he was a jerk since the beginning of time from when I met him. But there was just something about him that I admired. And that fell apart.”

“So that’s the small crush and large crush. And I’d guess Kyle is the dating and break up?”

She nodded, “I have regrets with both of those relationships and I never want to make those same mistakes again. But I know I will because that’s life. And nothing will change that.”

“Krissie, can I ask you something?”


I hesitated a bit before I asked. “After all we’ve been through, do you think we’re weak? At this point I mean.”

She scoffs but I could tell there was a sense of agreement in her actions. “This is our complex in our lives right now Mark. After the past, we’re scared. Scared of getting hurt again by the person we trust. You could say we’re at our vulnerability stage of life. But we’ll get out of it.”

Will we? Will we really get over this and move on?

I have nothing else to say but I'm sorry T.T I've been gone for so long! And yet here you are...waiting for this crappy thing >.< ugh I hate sophomore year. Midterms are coming up and that means studying...yay -__- and then projects are being piled up along with tests. And add onto the fact I missed 4 days of school because I was sick, I have that work to make up too -__- so it basically means I won't be updating for a while...again :P On the bright side this is something better than nothing right? 

So...Krissie and Mark. At a coffee shop. Talking...and Mark getting a little jealous maybe? Who knows...I have no idea where this is going anymore :P Over the last couple of days I've even been thinking about stopping this story right where it is because I'm so lost with it. But I don't know yet. If I think it's too slow then maybe? 

Aww well. Hope you enjoyed it! The first half has literally been completed since Christmas...and then laziness hit me >.< 

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Don't kill me...I'm in the process of working on the next chapter...I just need some new reasons so please help! It'll be up soon :)


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princess2394 #1
Chapter 2: Krissie is getting me mad I don't wanna sound mean but she is sound really stupid like I understand where she is coming from but ugh she should just give it a try its not like her meeting Mark is gonna commit her to him it's just a hang out. Author-nim I like your story it's good but krissie needs to be more willing.
LadyRyumi #2
Chapter 22: I could totally relate with this chapter because I used to feel that way a lot when I was younger since I was really chubby even tho everyone around me said I looked fine. Not a lot of authors would write about this topic but I'm glad you did.
I'm sorry for not commenting earlier but I'm not used to really commenting on stories. I'll start commenting from now on :)
Litoxcutie #3
Chapter 22: I'm not sure what kind or genre of music you like, but I'm mostly into the male boy groups of Kpop. I'm going to assume though that you've listened to most if not all of Got7's songs, because you're writing this fanfic, but feel free to correct me. Have you listened to any of BigBang's songs? I really like their new ones, if you(the song is called if you), bae bae, loser, and we like to party. I've also been listening to this group called Hotshot, and they recently released a new song called I'm a hotshot, but they have other songs like watch out, midnight sun, and hotshot(I know weird that they have a song that's the same as their name). Or if you're feeling like a sorta rock song, I would recommend Tvxq's keep your head down. Oooo! And you should really listen to Promise by Exo K/M depending on your language preference, the lyrics in that song are beautiful. I also think this song by Amber called I just wanna, is very cute and it's loads full of English, Eric Nam features in it! Uh, I'm sorry if I'm pushing a lot on you and it's actually nice to share things by commenting, it's great and takes no time at all. I'm actually reading fanfics before I sleep so it really doesn't take time out of my day and I like doing it.
Litoxcutie #4
Chapter 21: Wow I never realized that only one person has been commenting on your story. I'm so sorry for not commenting earlier. I'll try to comment more often. I'm glad you liked my rant and that you and I can share a hatred together about Shannon! We'll be the best of friends. Lol.
Not much of a rant about this chapter, but I have this feeling that Angela isn't what she seems to be, like she's putting on this facade of being a nice girl. Then again she could be just that. Now when I imagined Mark when he was talking about Krissie, he had this slightly smug face because he was so proud of her. And in my mind, by the way Mark was talking about Krissie, he already seems to like her even if it's just a little. I'm so glad that Mark and Krissie can speak openly to each other without even needing a special occasion. Oh! I loved it when Krissie smiled because Mark texted her! That was cute!
MrsChopsticks101 #5
Chapter 21: I feel like Angela may want more than a friendship to Mark's dismay... but i see some sparks setting off btwn him and Krissie, PLUS it was sooo cute when Mark started bragging about Krissie as his "friend" :P ;)
Litoxcutie #6
Chapter 20: Ugh. Kinda sick of Mark's parents, what they're trying to force him into is awful, even if it is love. Love isn't something that can magically happen, especially if said person isn't ready to move on. Time will heal the pain and seal it in but it can't make it disappear. I understand what his parents are trying to do, but they aren't trying to actually understand Mark or even Krissie, based on what his mother said about Krissie causing her family heartbreak, though I'm sure it's a large misunderstanding because of the dirtbag named Kyle. It is truly messed up because of Kyle! Mark and Krissie deserve a love they actually want, not Kyle trying to force the two back together or his parents trying to "help". Don't even get me started on Shannon, first she goes and takes away Mark's freedom and now she's messing up the douche Kyle(not that I care for him) who is trying to get Krissie when he's with the abuser. Ugh just sick of all of it.
Sorry for the rant and I love your story.
MrsChopsticks101 #7
Chapter 20: wooooooo~~~ I'm on school holidays too! :D I hope Mark's parents approve of Krissie soon ^ _ ~
MrsChopsticks101 #8
Chapter 19: YAY IT UPDATED! WITH FOOD! XD Idea: being passive agressive tends to be the DEATH of some relationships, along with not saying how u really feel :P
MrsChopsticks101 #9
Chapter 18: character is so ACCURATE O _ O have we met before..??? :P cant wait till the ships starts sailing~
MrsChopsticks101 #10
Chapter 17: what?!?! Krissie is BOSS though! too bad they can't see each ither :/ or will they?? mwahahahahahahahhaha~ another awesome update author-nim~ :D