Chapter 11

A Sorta Fairytale With You...
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"Your old school uniform?"

"What use has that?"

"How the hell will I know?"

"So where should we go?"

"Appa's house."

"Huh? To tell him?"

"No. For my uniform. He'll be too busy anyway."



They drove all the way to their dad's home.

True enough.. the house was dark... No one's home.

"Oppa wait up I'll go and get the uniform.."

When Shin Hye opened her closet.... there it was he old school uniform folded neatly... 

Not just a school uniform but her soccer school uniform for her school does not have a uniform of their own... so she assumed this must be it... Just then she received another call..


"Have you gotten the uniform yet?" 

As if the caller knew her location...

"The soccer uniform... Yes.."

"That's right... Put that on.. and proceed to this location..."

"Do not try anything funny.. if you do... your sister will face it..."


Before leaving the house, she uses her home landline to call Joong Ki. She's afraid if her mobile phone has been traced...


"Orh Joong Ki... Are you still at the station?"

"Yes.. I am waiting for your instruction.."

"Listen here... he has told me of the location.. Before you report it, wait for my call again... that's when you can start to turn to speaker phone mode for the police to hear... you understand me?

"All clear."


Shin Hye got out of the house and got to her car....

"Ssinz... how?"

"We are suppose to go here..."

"Arasso.. I'll drive.."


This time Yoo Hwan drove the car all the way to the location... There, they saw big build men in black with several black cars outside. They stopped the car..

They were searched before they were allowed to enter... There waiting... was... Jang Geun Suk...

"You.. bastard!" Shin Hye spoke...

"You sure you wanna call me that with your sis beside me?"

Yoo Hwan was restrained by the build men... and so was Shin Hye.

"You are still the hard headed that you used to be.."

"And never the lady that you ought to be..."

"You always thought that y

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Please your story is dry
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 13: Thank you for the whole story...^_^
minhakim #3
Chapter 13: Nice fic...thanks for sharing authornim
avrylle #4
Good job least you know how to write a suspense one...its just reading between the lines...ahahahaha...thank you so much for the bless chinggu!
tipani22 #5
Chapter 13: FF good as it differs from the usual Min Ho from a wealthy but a paupers home so very intriguing. Interesting also as Shin Hye is portrayed as a no nonsense strong willed woman compared to the usual weakling type. So loved it thoroughly. Thank you and looking forward to the next ff.
jishkariani_lali #6
Chapter 13: I feel myself very rude and greedy but I cant help myself to not say that...I hope you wont get engry and receive my sincere advices...this story was very short and very superficial. can make this longer and express more...I cant imegine their love was very very very unbelievable. ..there was lack of feelings and love...and story was gery messy and ,how can I say,but not interesting...I like you author and I believe you can write much better stories. are very fast and and in a hurry you left lots of things which is necessary in the story.....I hope you dont understand it wrongly...I am very sincere and I love your imegination. ..I hope there will be much more stories from you...and I believe you will make it better♥
Chapter 13: Thank you for this lovely story...
Chapter 13: its light and fluffy but love it the same so anything new? Will be waiting for your next story.Thanks dear...
jishkariani_lali #9
Chapter 12: I left something? When became shinhye or minho inlove with each other? They weren't at least good friends and they are inlove???????? Tbeir realationship as friends was soososoos short they didn't knew almost anything about each other..and their "friendship" ended with that incident and how can it be tbey were inlve...its unbelievably for me...sorry but I need something more obvious to believe their are very fast in that could to blame shinhyes kindness for that behavior,that she helped minhoz mother...but you should not blame shinhyes feelings towards minho,that she likes minho...its very superficial. ..its only my thoughts. ...sorry if I dont undarstand or left something(becouse you are realy fast and maybe I have left some chapter) anyway thank you♥♥♥
kilumur #10
Chapter 12: are u writing machine?i can't believe.haha anyway thank alot for the fastest update.