Happily ever after...

After All

A busy day has finally ended and to help himself unwind, Hyukjae decided to drive his way to the beach. He owns a dance studio where he himself teaches dance lessons. When he arrived there, the sun is already setting down. Hyukjae looked at the orange sky with great fascination. Removing his shoes and socks and holding them, he folded his pants up to his knees and walked to the sea shore while feeling the cold water hit him. Glancing around, he saw some couples walking hand in hand. He can no longer see kids since it's almost night time. He sat on a big stone near the sea and closed his eyes feeling the cool breeze embracing his body.

“It would be better if he was here.” He thought while a single tear unconsciously fell from his eye.
Seeing the sea, he can’t help but reminisce the times when he was with the one he love.

“If things just turned out right.” Regret is now starting to fill his heart as he remembered the good times they had. It has been two years since they last saw each other, but the memories he have are still fresh like they just happened yesterday.

“I miss you so much, Hae.” He muttered with a bitter smile.

Donghae and he had been in a relationship during their college years. They both took up college in the same university and are both in the dance department. Their circle of friends witnessed their great love for each other and gave them their blessings. They had been in a good relationship until some misunderstanding happened and things didn’t turned out right for the both of them. After they were separated, both Hyukjae and Donghae took their own roads and had relationships but none of them turned out right. Even if they didn’t say it, they obviously still love each other, making them long for each others love and affection.

“Aish I should now go home.” With that he got up, picked up his shoes and walked up to the direction of his car.

Next morning, while he is currently practicing some new moves, his favorite student Taemin came. He can clearly see the excitement in the kid’s eyes.

“Something good happened Taeminnie?” Hyukjae asked sweetly.

“Yes hyung! My cousin sent me an e-mail telling me that he’ll be coming here the day after tomorrow!”

“Okay so why are you so excited about it?”

“Well my hyung is single and available and he’s on the same age as you!”

“Okay I don’t get what you’re implying Taeminnie.” Hyukjae asked starting to smell something fishy in this cute dongsaeng of his.

“I want you to meet him! I really want you to be my official hyung so I want you to be his boyfriend!” Taemin innocently exclaimed that made Hyukjae’s jaw drop.


“C’mon hyung please? Okay just meet him. Give him a chance ne? For me?” Taemin plead with his forever famous puppy eyes.

“Argh please not the puppy eyes.” Hyukjae thought.

“Okay fine, I’ll do it.” He said, defeated.

“I know no one can resist my charm!” Taemin exclaimed while doing his victory dance.


“Hey Taemin, tell me more about your cousin.” They are currently at a nearby restaurant eating their lunch.

“Hmm well my cousin is so kind and handsome. He is currently staying at their house abroad alone. Well you are on the same age but trust me, he's like a 5 year old child trapped in a body of a well-grown man.” Taemin giggled at the last part.

“Hmm well maybe agreeing to Taemin’s idea is not bad at all.” Hyukjae thought while looking at Taemin.

“But he has been lonely these past years when he broke up with his first love. He had some relationships after that but none of it succeeded. Looks like he’s still not over his ex.” Taemin stated as he chewed his food but you can hear the hint of sadness in his voice.

“I just wanna make him happy, he deserves it anyways.” Hyukjae just nodded in understanding and they finally ate in comfortable silence.


Few days passed and as a part of Hyukjae’s routine every morning, he is currently doing some stretching when the door suddenly swung open.

“Good morning hyung! I’ve brought my cousin today!”

“Oh really Taeminnie?” Anticipation can be heard in Hyukjae’s voice as he asked Taemin.

“Yup he just went to the restroom but he’ll be here any minute. Oh wait there he is hyung over here!” Taemin waved through the glass door. When the door opened Hyukjae turned around only to be surprised.

“H-Hae?” Hyukjae asked, wide-eyed.

“Hyukkie.” Donghae said as he too stared at Hyukjae with wide eyes.

“Wait hyung you knew each other?”

“Y-yes we were colleagues during college. I-it's nice to see you again Hyukkie I-I mean Hyukjae”. Donghae said stretching his shaking hand to Hyukjae.

“S-same here.” Hyukjae stuttered as he accepted Donghae’s hand.

“Excuse me I-I need to get something.” With that he hurriedly pulled his hand and ran outside the room, preventing the tears from falling.

Donghae stood there like a frozen statue while Taemin just look at them confusingly.
“What happened hyung?”

Donghae snapped out and looked at his cousin.

“I’ll just explain everything to you later okay?” With that, Donghae followed Hyukjae leaving a puzzled Taemin.

Hyukjae went directly to the rooftop sat down with his knees on his chest and his head bowed down and there he cried his heart out. Now that he saw Donghae again, all the emotions he kept returned. His longing for his voice, his laugh, the ways he used to express his love to him, everything.

“Hyukkie.” He heard somebody called him, so he looked up to see Donghae panting who obviously ran to catch up with him.


“Hyukkie I…”

“I never thought that you are Taemin’s cousin. It's been a long time huh.” Hyukjae wiped his tears then stood up.

Donghae suddenly hugged him which made him surprised. They stayed like that for a while until he felt that Donghae is crying.

“Hyukkie i really missed you so much. Please give me another chance. I promise I won’t hurt you anymore. I promise I’ll take care of you better. I’ll do everything just give me another chance. I still love you so much.”

Hearing these words made Hyukjae’s heart become overwhelmed with so much joy.

Hyukjae hushed Donghae by placing his finger on his lips.

“Enough Hae.” Hyukjae smiled at Donghae that made his heart skip a beat.

“Enough with the blabbering. I guess it can’t be helped huh. I guess fate let us meet again. I missed you too Hae, so
much.” Hyukjae said while letting his tears ran down his now flushed cheeks.

“I love you Hyukkie, I really do.” Donghae said as he sweetly placed a kiss on Hyukjae’s lips.

“I guess it’s still us after all.” Hyukjae said as he wrapped his arms around Donghae
and kissed him back.

“I love you too Hae.”

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Chapter 1: Owh!! So sweet ~~ This remind me of Still You ~~
Chapter 1: Loved it .. My heart just wouldn't stop pounding hard right now <3
Chapter 1: ohh, this made me cry.. It is written in a great style, I really love it. You did a very good job, one of the best I've read yet. Short, but not too short.. I really love it x3
Another sweet EunHae story is here!
I like this! X3
I! LOVE! THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =')
@SuperEunAe: awww thank you very much! i really appreciate it! :D
Nice story! I like it!<br />
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@Clear_sky-blue: well hehehe mianhae I didn't really get into the details about that.. Btw thankyu for reading and commenting! :)<br />
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@zah501: thankyu very kamsa for reading and commenting! mianhae it's my first time to write but I promise I'll do better next time! :D