Chapter 3


''Ice cream, ice cream I'll melt you down like ice cream~"

The 7 boys singing that song, on the way to the ice cream shop you worked at. "Whoa, ___ looks so different with her hair tied up into a ponytail." Mark pointed at you from outside the shop. 

The boys entered the shop. "Daebak! They sell waffles too!!" Yugyeom chirped. "Are you somewhat stupid? All ice cream shops sell waffles." Jackson said. Yugyeom just groaned.

"Welcome to Coles Ice Cream." you bowed to your customer which was actually Jaebum but you didn't notice. "Just get me 7 different flavours of your ice cream- oh by the way, hi ___" he smiled at you. "Did you really have to come?"

"We'll, I promised the boys." Jaebum shrugs.

"Okay just wait for a while. I'll serve you your ice creams later. Your total is 38,000 won."

"Geez why does it have to be so expensive.." he took out his wallet and paid you. 

"HYUNG I WANT WAFFLES!" Bambam shouted from the table. "I paid already." he stuck out his tongue at Bambam and went to the table where the other boys are seated.

You quickly scoop up the ice creams and went to their table. "Okay, strawberry, green tea, red bean, classic vanilla, choco fever, rainbow yogurt and chocolate chips."

"Enjoy your ice cream." you tried to say in a cheerful way but failed. "Wait wait, noona~ Can I have some waffles pleaaassee" Yugyeom and Bambam begged. "I'm sorry kiddos but you have to pay for it." you told them.

Once you said that, they quickly turn to their eldest hyung, Mark. "Just eat your ice cream and don't complain." Mark glared at them. They delightly ate their ice creams but they were like kids. Almost every customer looked at them because of the noise. "I'm sorry but can you guys keep it down."One of my colleague told them. 


"Aren't you going back?" Youngjae asked Jaebum. "Nah, I'll wait for ___." he said. Jackson and Junior started making kissy faces with each other. "You guys are sickening, just go back home."

It was 9.00 p.m. You didn't realise that Jaebum waited for you. When you were about to go out from the shop, you saw Jaebum sleeping on the table. You quietly went up to him and wake him up. "Yah, Jaebum wake up. You can't sleep here." 

Jaebum then slowly woke up. "Owh sorry.. I was waiting for you." he said and yawned. "Why would you even wait for me.." you felt bad for no reason.

"C'mon I'll walk you home since its dangerous at night." He took your hand and pulled you. "You're so small. I'd just realized that." You nod. "Whhut. You're quiet again. That's funny."

You stopped walking and face him. "Why are you trying to be close to me." you asked him. "Well, I don't really know. You're like some kind of magnet that I get attracted to." he places his hands in his pockets.

"But I'm human."

Jaebum did a facepalm. "Nevermind, lets just continue walking." 


"Thanks, bye."

"Wait, next time I can come in right? Your room or house or whatever." he smiled. 

"Uhm, I don't know."

"Ill take that as a yes. Btw, You look pretty with your ponytail today. Next time tie it up with a ribbon to school, it'd be nice. Oh before I go-"

He finish his sentence with a hug. A warm hug. 


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manisa11 #1
Chapter 3: The more i read the more i get attracted to~ xD
manisa11 #2
Chapter 2: Loving this story~
jaebum's so cute! Wait all of them are cute! I'm so lucky i got to be friends with them ^^ hahaha can't wait till next update! xD