Keep In Touch

Listen... To You
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                He walked without even looking back at me. I pouted.


Hyuk Eun’s POV


                I walked straight to my room and flopped down my bed.


                “! Don’t ruin everything Hyuk Eun. Stop…”


                 I sighed and took out the medicine from my bag.


                “Don’t let me down, ok?”


                I drank the 2 pills in one go and took out my phone to dial a number. I smiled as I heard it ringing.


Hee Young’s POV


                I looked at the mirror as I tried on the 2 piece he picked for me…


                “Not bad… not bad at all!” I laughed evilly.


                “I look good... I’ll make sure to make you fall for me Go Hyuk Eun!”


                 I slapped myself.


                 “What did I just say? Waaaaaaahhhhh!”


                I picked up a cute top and shorts and went downstairs to wait for my oppa. I smirked as I saw my reflection in the mirror.


Hyuk Eun’s POV


                After finishing the conversation I dropped the phone on the bed and flopped beside it. I looked outside as I felt my stomach tighten.


                “Two pills and you are still stubborn…”


                I sighed and looked at myself at the mirror.



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-.- good job on making me cry lol
I really love this.. You make me cry! I even shared this to my best friends. they punch me for making them cry.. haha.. :D
I know. Haha. I also cried while writing this.
WAAAAH~! I hate you for making me cry! Anyway, good story. Chapters 11 and 12 were short but full of emotions, I hope I could write something as touching as yours. ;D
Arasso [Alright]! Hehe. I'll publish it soon. I'll just finish this freaking story. Haha. :> I like the flow of your story. Crazingly addicting. Heeee. :))
How about the one you made me read? the one with the girls generation being a mafia group? That was an interesting one. Wasn't that your first? Publish it, I bet many would read it since there is super junior in it! ^_^
Hehe. This is my first story. I know it's kind of messed up but I'll try to do it more better on the next one. Thanks for reading by the way! :)
Hee hee... This is so sweet!
Wahaha! XD cheesy dude cheesy parang queso de bola! XD
Bwahahahahaha! If the guy just has guts to say it then everything would have been fine XDD<br />
He should have more confidence since he is more like the "perfect guy" character!