love or destiny

marry me!


It was the worst night ever for her. She still thinks that maybe it was just a dream, nightmare, except the set of bulgogi she had eaten. She was fooled, he left her without her money that he had promised and she also had to pay for the ice creams. She ran out of money, it took a long time before she could comeback home.

Now, she is in her apartment, cleaning it. Tidy there,tidy here. Everything must be shined until a fly will slip on it. now what, i don’t have any money, i should pay for the rent soon, and there aren’t much ramyeon left for the next 3 days. God! Why should i meet that guy last night, is he another form of devil who came from hell?

She lose in her mind when the bell rings. Riiing..riiiing...

“ommo, a guest, i think i don’t have any appointment today, who would come this early?”

She looks through the peepinghole and

“OHMYGOD! Is it him? the bad luck giver, how...”

A voice comes from the other side of the door

“Sooyun-ssi, it’s me, Choi Siwon, i had something to say to you...”

I would rather something to give to you, is he forget about the money already, oh, he can’t!

She opens the door and directly held her right hand out

“give me my money and also for the ice cream, you don’t even know how you put my life-“

She hadn’t finished her sentence when he suddenly grab her hands

“omo, what are you doing?”

“don’t you remember what i said before i left, have you thought about it?”

She goes back to last night and gasp to remember the ‘will you marry me’ part

“omo! This wasn’t dream! Aigoooooo, what have i done wrong?-“

He is shocked to see her freaking out

“i know this sounds crazy, but i’ve told you about my mom, you should have all the things in their places”

“what ‘things’ about marriage?”

“tell me that i don’t have to retell my story lastnight”

“i don’t have any idea about this”

“my mom wants me to marry you because she thinks that it will help you out, without you have to move to California, get it,huh?”

She leans her back to the wall and forget to let him in as a guest.

Does this really happen to me? 


“i’m still thinking, don’t you see that?”

“i know that you know how my mom really wanted to help you, i hope you understand that”

“yeah, i know that, it’s just, why should have been a marriage?”

“cause you don’t want to move to California, at least it was she thought”

“but, i...”  had already promised him, i’ll give my life to him just like he does

“i know, this must be all the reasons and answers, your boyfriend?”

She doesn’t reply and keeps looking at the floor she steps on

“you can still be with him, you can still run your life just like you have done this far...-“

She straighten her face to find his eyes, he tells the truth

“what do you mean?”

“i won’t disturb your normal life except the fact that we will live in the same house”

“do you mean, i still can be me, date him, go to university, work?”

“maybe it won’t for the last, you shouldn’t have to work anymore, it will-“

Suddenly she thinks about this as a favor for her

“do you really mean this, how about your mom, does she know this?”

“she will see us as a happy couple.”

“i agree, i will do this.”

“doest it have to be like the ‘ i do’ part?”

“uh, but, how about the wedding? How should we do that?”

“ah, you still don’t know my mom” he chuckles “she must have gotten all the things ready by now”

“uh?” she paused “i mean, will anyone invited to the wedding?”

Suddenly, he passes Sooyun and goes inside her apartment in a second

“oh, sorry, i forget to let you in...”

“i think yes, but maybe it will be my parent’s friend here, private party, or you want to invite him?”

“are you crazy, or something, i won’t”

He leaves after tells her to be ready within 2 days


I think i have came just on time, she is so, pity, her partment, tidy, but still can’t hide her ‘help me’. How can she still be like that, hide her wound behind all of her silliness. I never thought that she already goes to that point. My mom always know the best for everyone.


“ommo, my girl! You are so gorgeous!”

She cames out from the burgundy curtain in a pale white room, she wears a white long dress with some ‘diamonds look like’ go along her upper chest, the same shine as her pale skin.

“what do you think,dear?”

She even had already called me, dear... i miss this. Gomawo,ahjumonim...

She sees her self through the mirror, she can’t believe she is her

“this is really beauty, ahjumonim, just, doesn’t this too much for me?”

“ommo, a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl, what too much dear, beside, you should get used to call me mom...”  she wink at her. It reminds her to someone.

I think i know who he takes after, he really looks like her when they both do that

“thankyou, mom...”

“i like that”

They are in that room with others who are bussy measuring her size or discussing the model, all of them agree in one thing, the girl in the dress is so beautiful and lucky.


“so, i’m going to handover the invitations tommorow, i’m sorry to not tell you first, i wish i could....”

“em, it’s okay mom, me, that should be sorry to not accompany you and i think i can go with you tommorow...”

“oh dear, you’re so kind. I mean i had told my people to do the invitations. You can prepare yourself to move in...”


The car is turning to right at the corner of the block

“i still can’t believe that you will accept siwon’s proposal. I had prepared my self to propose to you, but this is better....”

The thought of the deal she had made with him comes to her mind

“so, how did he propose to you? I hope he didn’t tease you...”

“no, not at all. He did it properly. It was cute”

“oh, really? He still the same, he is unpredictable, em, can i ask you for another favor, dear?”

“oh, offcourse, mom”

“maybe siwon had already told you this, but i will tell you by myself.”

Sooyun looks into her eyes, she is so beauty and pure, she believe that she had taken the right decission to do this.

“i always proud of him-“

She begins to tell her about Siwon, it takes almost the whole drive

“i know you won’t be this fast to fall for my son, but i really hope you’ll soon. I don’t know, to who else i can trust him to.”

She grabs Sooyun’s hands and starts to look into her eyes

“please, take care of him...”

She begins her story again and Sooyun her self, begins to feel sorry to her.


She had came to the peak of the stair when a figure appears in front of her door.  Ommo...


He gasps and turn his face from the door to her

“I, sorry, i think i...”

“you’re not disturbing me, it’s always the thing you said when you come to see me...” had he been here for hours, it looks like that, mianhe...

“am i?”

“so, how long have you been here?”

“ a while”

“let’s go in” she leads him inside

“wait a minute, i will have you some drink, oh, have you eaten?”

“just a minute, don’t do this to me again”

She started to puzzle

“em,what? Making you food? I think-“

“no, you were avoiding me lately. We rarely had time together and-“

She doesn’t know how to think after heard that words

“i feel like, there is a wall between us now, i don’t know-“

“no, it’s just your feeling, i don’t feel the same, i think we-“

“that makes sense, even now, you don’t feel that”

She becomes a lot more puzzled, this isn’t Byunghun she had known

“Byunghun,” she suddenly move to his chair and look into, ups, she can’t look into his eyes

“believe me, this is just your feeling. We’re the same like we met for the first time”

He tries to find her eyes but he can’t

“i’m just tired. I’m just... even i don’t know what is this”

He held his hand to move her hair from her eyes, she avoids it.

“i know, this is hard for you, all this time, you-“ he stops when he feels her trembled, he hugs her tighter.

“but, i want you to know that i won’t go anywhere but to be here with you-“

She can feel her heart ached, she knows it is everything she always want him to say, but, to find that now she is going to break them into pieces, it really makes her wants to scream, she never won’t to hurt him.

“if you aks me to” he begins to move her hair again and now she doesn’t avoid it. Their eyes meet. It goes closer,

“i love you” she says it in a crack voice

“i always did and will always”

Their  lips meet, her  tears are coming down to it.

he then hugs her until she falls asleep.

He comes out from the door after carried her to her bed.

Why am i thinking that she wants to leave me, i almost break her when i keep thinking that to not meet her who now really desperate. mianhe, Sooyuna, i won’t do that again.

A pair of eyes are looking at him, they are gone when he leaves.


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