
marry me!


Sooyun had everything in her perfect life. A comfy house, car and a lot more that can’t be listed. She also had ByungHun as a perfect boyfriend who always made her happy, and her bestfriend HyunJae.

Her parents were running their bussiness in States, quite success to provide her perfect life. She never thought that a day like this would ever come. A letter came, said that her parents died in an accident, it became worse when her parent’s wealth was frozen there. One by one, she started to lose her car,house, but never her boyfriend nor bestie.

She finally ended in a small apartment, and she also had a part time job in a department store.


One day, a woman came to her apartment and introduced her self as Sooyun’s parents friend. She said that Sooyun’s parent had ever saved her bussiness, now it grows rapidly in California. She really wanted to pay them back, unfortunately, they died before she could do something. She was glad to find Sooyun, she thought that Sooyun was the only thing she could save from them.

She saw Sooyun’s life and asked Sooyun to live with her in States. She gave Sooyun 2 weeks to think about it before she cameback.


Now,  it’s already 2 weeks passed.

A message come to Sooyun’s phone, named a fancy restaurant downtown, a day and time detailed. It was from Mrs.Choi. She knows what it means, but she doesn’t have the answer yet. She finally decides to come, hope that Mrs.Choi maybe has another option for her.


This is a really fancy restaurant, she thinks when she arrives at the restaurant.  A waiter asks her name and leads her  to a table near the window.

An hour passed, and she already drank more than 3 cups of coffe. Mrs.Choi doesnt arrive yet. She wants to order  the 4th cup when a guy comes sit next to her table.

He orders the same coffe like her. Suddenly, she really wants to go to the toilet, she run to her fastest to reach the toilet.

She really feels relieve  until she says “ow, what a relief...” right after she sits. When she opens her eyes, she can see the guy, now, right in front of her. He seems to see a weird thing had happened, at  least that is what his face tells.

“Omona! Why are you on my table?”

His face becomes a lot more weird than before, like he is going to slap someone

“wait, it should be me who asked that question. What are you doing on my table?”


“now you are sitting on my table, i think your relief is the worst...”

She remembers what she said about that ‘relief’, what? He heard that? Omona, how can should i...

“em, i don’t know what you are saying about, but, okay, maybe you’re right, i’ll move...sorry....”

“wait, stay still, comeback to your seat...”

“sorry, i think i’ve said sorry, am i forget to say that?”

“no, you have. Just sit here.”

“oh,so you finally realize who is right, okay. If you...”

“who are you waiting for?”

“huh, why should you know that?”

“don’t you want to eat something?”

She actually thinks about how should she pay for the bill to eat something here

“i’ll pay for it”

“really? You mean, as your apology? I accept that.”

We order a set of bulgogi and two cream brulee

“huh, what a relief...”


“em, sorry for that. Im waiting for my parent’s friend, and, who are you waiting for?”

“me? my mom.”

“oh, you must have loved your mom.”  I hope i can still wait for my mom

a phone rings


Suddenly he looks at her, who is eating the bulgogi now

“are you sure,mom?”

“i’ll try”

Then he hang the phone and, again, looks at her.

“is it great?”

“yes, thank you...”

“do you have any plan after this?”

“huh? Im still waiting...”

“forget that, im asking you now.”

“i can’t leave before she comes”

“this restaurant is going to be closed soon, she won’t come”

“i can wait outside then.”

Then a waiter suddenly come and said the same thing like he did.

“so, you still want to wait outside?”

“yes, how about you?”

“why you still want to wait for your parent’s friend?”

“she is the only person i can wait after my parents”

“what if she only wants to tease you?”

“no, she won’t. How dare you to say that?”

“how can you easily trust her?”

“i believe that she is a good person, i know that”

“let’s go outside”


“are you gonna wait here too?”

“let’s go for a walk”


“i’ll pay for it”

“are you sure?”

“she won’t come, it’s already late at night.”


“how much do you want for a walk?”

“who are you?”

“i’ve just came here, i want to look around the city”

“okay,my name is Song Sooyun, what’s your name?”

He shocked, but

“eh, Siwon..”

She never heard a person introduced their self with their nickname before


They go around the block. She named every place there, just like a travel guide. Sometimes, she tells about her life when he asks that.

Until they come in front of an Ice Cream cafe, suddenly she stops and stare.

“what are you looking at?”


“let’s have some Ice cream here”

“no. There is another cafe near here, better”

“i wat to eat here, i like the place”


“i pay you for accompanyinf me”



It was a lovely cafe. They go inside and take the seat right in front of the bar.

She sit still and suddenly becomes quiet

“i want a cup of blueberry mint,please...”

She shocked to hear what had he oredered

“me too”

It is ByungHun’s favourite ice cream here

“what’s wrong with you?”

“me? nothing”

Minutes passed, and they only eat teir ice cream without any chat

“have you ever come here?”

“yes,a  few times”

“with who?”

“my friend. He also loves this blueberry mint...”

Memories come to her mind, all about ByungHun

“wow, i think im the only person who loves this”

“he also said that only him who loves to eat that”

“he has the same sense like me”


“ i love this place, so, tell me about him”


“your friend, or...”

She tells him a lot about ByungHun, just like a kid who tell their mom about their toys.

“i really love him, i think”

“i can see that”

“omona, why i tell you this, how can ?”

“just like your relief,huh?”

“oh, please..., im sorry to make you hear this”

“that’s okay,  love to hear a silly love story”

“what, a silly...”

“now is my turn, i wll tell you my story...”

“hahaha, okay”

I don’t think you are this childish

He talks about his childhood, how his parents really proud of him. Until he decided to follow his passion instead of his parent’s request  when he should  decide his carreer. His parents were really upset and decided to  leave him. lately, it becomes better when his parent started to call him. he’s really happy about that.

“but, do you know? My mom lately asked me something i should think about, i still don’t have the answer...”

“what is that? yeah, if you don’t mean i know that”

“yeah. That’s okay, you should know about it”


“i mean. It’s okay”


“my mom asked me to marry a woman”

“let me guess, arranged marriage, you already have a...”

“no, it’s just, i don’t know her that well”

“i think you parents know what is the best for you, but...”

“you think that?”

“huh? I said that you really want to comeback to your parents”

“yeah, I know.”

“unless you really love your girlfriend”

“no, i mean... how about you? Leave him to marry an unknown man?”

“huh? What do you mean?”

“my name is Choi Siwon.”

“so? Wait, you... you are mrs.choi’s son? Aren’t you?”

He nodds

“why don’t you tell me, your mom ask you to meet me, right?”

“so, you know about it?”

“yeh, she can’t be here, so, she ask you, i get it”

“not that, oh, please...”

“what?am i missed something from your story?”

“you! Don’t you know who is the girl said to be a part of my mom’s arraged marriage?”


“i want your answer now.”

“what? What do you want?”

“will you marry me?”


All the people there suddenly stare at us

“lower your voice”

“i can’t”

His phone rings, he says yes and leave. Sooyun still shocked to not realize that he is gone.




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