Left Behind


" Where are you you? Answer me!

Rolling clouds swirled ominously, seemingly alive. The sky was black with thick smoke, that s downwards and wrapped around her neck until it threatened to suffocate.. Choking, she gasped on what little air seemed to reach her lungs., clawing at the passing trees until her fingernails were bloody. The pain never registered in her mind.

    Run. Run! Her instincts screamed.. Stumbling, she heaved a sob. Desperate panic clawed at her insides, as she felt a hand grasp her ankle. She shrieked, and tumbled to the ground.

Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, you can’t run, you can’t escape…

    The last thing she saw were the dark clouds moving above her, and everything went black."


 She had lost him just before they were to be married.

His voice is still in her mind, his smile, his touch, his every word.

And in her dreams, she searches for him, lost and wandering in the never ending, dark, and deadly woods.

Her pursuit soon begins to beg dangerous and her dreams pull her in more than they should, but she's in far to deep and it's much too late to escape.

Run as much as you desire, but you'll never find him...

Someone, please save me.


Hi, jyounglove9012 here. ^^

Random bit of inspiration came to me while I was washing dishes. Bah, homework can wait ;)

Of course, inspired by IU's music video and song "Missing Child" (Lovely song, by the way.)




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