Simple Hello

Camera, Photograph, You


It's really short hihi you could say it teaser or a chapter already.

Enjoy, please~

Comments and subscribes would be great. Thanks a lot~


Jimin sat on the couch at the living room. He span his phone mindlessly while a notes was on the other hand. He looked at the numbers for the umpteenth time. The photographic contest will be held three days later and he hadn't contact his model nor met him.

Jimin typed the number hesitantly before pressing the green button.


Jimin opened his mouth but he didn't know what to say. No words spoken out.

"Hello? Who's on the line?"

Jimin covered the microphone of his phone and squealed. He miss that voice. So much. He put the phone next to his ear.


"H...," Jimin was ready to answer but the connection had been disconnected. He sighed once looked at the screen with disappointment.

Jimin lay on the couch. He span his phone once again.

'Call him.. Call him not.. Call him.. Call him not..' Jimin thought.

Jimin bit his phone unconsciously. He should contact the model for the photographic contest.


Jimin heard the same voice across the phone. He gulped. "Hi..." Jimin answer hesitantly.

"Oh, hi Mr. Park,"

Jimin smile brightened.


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bingkk #1
Chapter 1: Wait whaat. I didn't expect this OMG
Chapter 2: OMG please update soon! goddddd<3
Sungjong_infinite #3
Chapter 2: Update soon
Chapter 2: Shy boy :) Come on Jiminie, ask him out :D
Choclate #5
Chapter 1: Omg that was facinating and it made my eyes water,yoongi is a cold person but if u get to know him he has a very warm heart
Chapter 1: Aww, sweet. Yoongi just atc cool but... He has a warm heart :D