Irresistibly Gorgeous

Babysitting a Delinquent

I went to the nearest coffee shop and ordered a white chocolate cappuccino.

“One white chocolate cappuccino!” the barista called out.

As I reached out to grab my cup, someone else had reached for it at the same time. “Ah, sorry. We must have ordered the same drink. You can have it first,” he said.

“No, it’s okay. I can wait,” I said handing the cup to him, but he refused.

“No, ladies first,” he insisted with a smile. I was left breathless, I couldn't say another word.

I smiled in thanks and sat at a table by one of the windows. From my table I could see the guy waiting for his white chocolate cappuccino. I thought he was really cute when I spoke to him and so polite. After he received his drink, I saw him turn around.  I quickly switched my gaze so he wouldn’t catch me staring. I glanced at him once more and it looked like he was walking towards me. I tried to act natural as I sipped my drink, but it burned my tongue. He noticed.

“Haha, still too hot?” he said standing by my table.

“Yeah, haha.” I blushed in embarrassment.

“Mind if I sit here?” he asked with an ever so charming smile. I couldn’t believe he was asking me.

“You may,” I nodded and smiled.

“I’m Hyosang,” he said offering a hand.

“I’m Yooyoung,” I said taking his hand.

“Yooyoung, I’ve never seen you around here before,” he said sipping his cappuccino.

“Yeah, I don’t usually go out,” I explained.

“Well, I think pretty girls like you should go out more often.” I felt myself turn pink right there. “Sorry, I probably sound like a creep right now,” he said avoiding eye contact. I could tell he was nervous.

I giggled at his modesty. “No, you’re doing fine,” I smiled. This guy was really cute. I’ll let him say anything to me, as long as they weren’t insulting or disrespectful. I’ve heard enough of those.

Hyosang and I chatted until even after our cups were empty. He was just such an interesting guy. Plus he was irresistibly gorgeous.

“You rap?” I asked after he mentioned winning a competition once.

“Yes, since I was in high school. It’s what I love to do.”

“That’s really cool you have a passion for something!” I thought of Jenissi and his piano. Maybe if he continued, he would’ve been more successful. That’s why I admired Hyosang. He never gave up on his passion.

“Yeah. I’m actually having a show this weekend. I’d love to see you there.”

“I’d love to!” I said but then remembered. It’s just that I have babysitting. What time will it be?”

“It won’t be until late at night. It’s at one of the bars downtown.”

“Oh, then that’s perfect!”

“Great! Let me get your phone number so I can text you.”

We exchanged phones and punched in our numbers. When I got my phone back I read his contact name. It was different than his real name. “Kidoh?”

“Yeah, that’s my stage name. They call me Kidoh which means kid and oh!”

I giggled. “That’s pretty cool.”

“Thanks,” he smiled.


We talked until it was dark out. We didn’t realize how long were talking until the barista told us to leave for closing time. We just got so into each other’s conversation. Being with him felt great.

I couldn’t stop thinking about him that night. He was such a great guy. He was just so cute and friendly; definitely my type.


The next day I went through the whole babysitting routine yet again. I just wanted this day and tomorrow to be over already. I couldn’t wait to see Kidoh again tomorrow.

We ate cereal for breakfast this time. Jenissi was up early this time too. “Sup nanny,” he said as he passed by me.

“Good morning Jenissi.”

“Unnie, can you pour me some orange juice?” Haru asked.

“Me too!” Jenissi said holding his cup out. I took both of their cups without comment. “Wow, you’re being nice today?”

“When am I never?”

“Unnie’s always nice,” Haru said.

“How about your brother? When is he ever nice?” I asked playfully.

“Dude, the day just started. Why would you ask that?” he said offensively. Did he just call me dude?

“Sometimes he is,” Haru giggled.

"Sometimes?" Thanks Haru," he said seemingly pleased by her answer.

“Thanks for cleaning the up mess yesterday by the way," I told him.

“Haru, I told you not to tell anyone!” I said with wide eyes.

“So it was you?” I let out a laugh.

“No, what are you talking about. I don’t clean," he said sipping his juice.

“Why are you trying to hide it? There’s nothing bad about being good.”

“Cleaning just doesn’t fit into my vocabulary. I don't even know what cleaning or chores mean. That’s why there’s people like you to worry about all that stuff."

I rolled my eyes. He was being ridiculous.

Once the kids left, I asked “Are you going out with your friends tonight?”

“Nah, today’s a lazy day.”

“Good! You can help me clean the kitchen!”

“Nope. That’s what nannies are for remember?” he said before drinking out of the milk carton.

“What are you doing? Don't do that!”

“What?” he took another chug.

“Stop, other people will drink that!” I grabbed it from him.

He wiped his milk mustache and burped in front of my face. “Ugh, you’re so disgusting. Don’t you have any manners?”

He chuckled. “Come on. It’s not like you’ve never burped before.”

“I have. Many times. I just don’t do it in front of people’s faces!” I said up to his face. The distance between us was only inches apart. It reminded me of that dream I had of him not that long ago. I tried not to let it get to me, but he was staring at me just as he did in that dream. His sparkly brown eyes mesmerized me as they stared into my own.

Our faces were so close, I didn’t want to move back until he scrunched his nose and said “Whoo, you smell like kimchi.”

My anger and irritation had risen right there. Humiliated, I pushed him on the chest and walked away.

“Aish! What's wrong with you?” he cried out.

“You are so annoying!” I yelled at him, failing to keep my anger in.

“You’re so annoying!” he shot back.

"I'm annoying?"

"Yeah, all you do is get made at nothing!"

"You're the one who needs to grow up!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"I'm you're nanny and you do what I say!"

"Never!" he said up in my face.

“You know, if you ever got married, you’d be the worst husband on earth!” I screamed at him.

“Oh yeah? Well you’re already the worst nanny on earth!” he spat.

I tried not to take that offensively. I knew I wasn’t the worst nanny. I pushed him away.

“Clean the table!”



After he left, I wiped my sweat with my sleeve. I knew I was overreacting but he was just such a hassle. I was getting a headache again. I felt like I was going to overdose on aspirin. I don’t understand why he has to make things difficult.

Then I remembered the kids. I was afraid they heard us yell at each other. I checked on them in the living room. Both of them were on the couch, but the TV wasn’t on.

“Haru, why aren’t you guys watching TV?”

“You and Oppa were making too much noise. We couldn’t hear Mickey Mouse.” I walked and sat next to her. “Were you and Oppa fighting?”

“Sorry, I just got angry with your Oppa, but everything’s okay.”

“Oppa’s a nice guy. You don’t need to be angry with him.”

“Okay,” I nodded. I believed her. I’m sure he was deep down inside.

“Mama said he’s different. Give him some time.”

I softly chuckled to myself at how smart this girl was. “Okay, I’ll give him time.” I gave Haru a big hug after sharing her words of wisdom.

I sighed. I just wanted it to be the weekend already.

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i NEED to know how this emds, i've finished this fanfic in two nights don't give up on it.
Omg, can't wait for the next charter.:888
taegyoelf #3
Chapter 25: The song is love letter lol
Chapter 25: When the third note came I was sure it was some lyric from him to her. xD (but I absolutely can't tell from which song it is xD)
But one thing we can have hope. If he had involved all of his friends, than it's most likely that he's serious about it! x3
And if he's not, Yooyoung can give him a really well deserved punch 8D -run- (ooohh sorry! I'm just joking! xD I know he's serious!!)
Chapter 24: I'm still waiting here.. '-')/
Chapter 24: You still owe a what happen between them x3
Chapter 24: This story is really cool. It would be nice if you continue it. x3
MayLi2 #8
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the next update
Chapter 24: I want an update! I love this story and I fell in love with Jenissi because of it.
Bumblebee04 #10
Chapter 24: I can't wait for the next update! I love your story so much and I'm happy that you are going to update again! ♥♥♥