It's Still My Birthday

Babysitting a Delinquent

Hey guys, I'm back from LA after attending KCON! I've missed you all~ Thanks for being patient and hope you enjoy this one :)

Even though the sun was already down, the beach remained lively. There were children running, screaming at the currents and building sand castles under the moonlight sky. Couples walked hand in hand along the waters while others shared a blanket under the stars.

I removed my shoes before entering the sand. My feet sank on each step, allowing the dusty sand trickle between my toes. For once I felt free. No one was stopping me or telling me what to do. I could simply close my eyes and let the wind blow on my face without a problem. I undid my ponytail and let the breeze blow my hair back. I just stood there, breathing in the fresh spring night air for a moment. My break was about to come to an end, and this was the first time I felt relaxed.

I looked out toward the ocean. The waves roared back and forth along the coast. I walked until the water touched the tips of my toes. It was ice-cold, but refreshing. A wave washed up toward my feet and I was able to feel the water go above my ankles this time. I rolled up my pants and let the current wash up above my knees. I shivered, but let it wash up against me once more. My legs were becoming numb, but that didn’t stop me from moving away. Each time the water came and gone, I felt like I was being cleansed on the inside. All the stress I had these past two weeks were already cleaning away. I let my mind set free and forgot about everything. I don’t even remember what happened before getting here. All I knew was I wasn’t going back. I was going to stay here for as long as I could bare.

I shivered some more, and finally snapped out of my trance. I couldn’t feel my feet anymore. I watched a big wave come toward me and I decided to run from it this time, but my legs were too numb. It was as if I had forgotten how to walk. I tried walking backward but stumbled. It was a good thing someone caught me before falling. “What the heck are you doing?!” I looked up and saw the features of the person who caught me. The dark sky made it difficult to see his face, but it was pretty obvious by the tone of his voice that it was Jenissi. “Are you crazy?!” he said looking at my face.

I tried standing back up properly, but fell to the ground. Jenissi bent down and touched my feet. “Dang, you’re feet are frozen! What were you thinking?”

“I just wanted to feel the water,” I said clattering my teeth.

“Come on, let’s go.” He tried hoisting me back up but it was impossible. I kept falling to the sand. “Geez you can’t even stand up! I told you it was too cold!” I didn’t reply. I was too cold. I looked out and crawled to the the dry part of the beach, away from the water. I balled myself up to keep warm but it wasn't working. I touched my feet which felt like frozen chicken s, and breathed on them to try and thaw them out. Jenissi was just standing there, watching me suffer. "That's not gonna work."

"Don't just stand there then! Help me!" I cried breathing on my feet. He didn't do anything. He just chuckled and walked away. He went somewhere across the beach, too far for me to even see where he was. He really did leave me here to suffer. I scoffed and continued to thaw out my feet for the time being.

A few minutes later, in the darkness I saw someone waving a big beach blanket. He was running towards me. As he got closer I realized it was Jenissi. “Wow how did you get that?" I asked.

“I found it back there somewhere. No one noticed me take it so we're good,” he shrugged.

“What? You stole it?” I asked anxiously.

“I didn't steal it. I grabbed it from someone's bag,” he corrected.

"That's stealing!" I snapped.

"Shush, I got this for you!" he said thowing the blanket over my head. “Warm now?”

I took the blanket off my head and shook my head. “No, my feet are still cold.” I stuck my foot out and touched his hand.

He jerked his hand back. “Ah, what do you want me to do? Rub them for you?” I nodded. “No way!” he snarled. I frowned and looked away from him. I felt him sit himself beside me. We sat there for a while, looking out a the ocean currents wash back and forth. I later glanced at him and saw him rubbing his arms. I giggled and scooted closer to him so our shoulders met.

“There's more room. We can share,” I told him, opening my blanket.

He shook his head. “I'm okay.”

“Okay, then.” I scooted back and wrapped the blanked around me again. My legs were already thawing up, we should be able to leave soon. I checked on him again and giggled because I could tell he was still cold. I took the blanket off of me and threw it over both of our legs. “Scoot in,” I told him. Without hesitation he scooted closer to me and pulled the blanket up to his shoulders.

We sat there, remaining silent for a while. The kids were already gone so the beach was occupied by couples only. I spotted a couple making out beside us. It must have been so romantic for them. I looked away and saw another couple share kisses while sharing a glass of wine. The beach really was a place for romance and love. How nice would it be to be here with your significant other? I sighed and suddenly thought about the incident that happened in the restaurant.

His lips. Who knew they were that soft?

I thought I was dreaming during that moment. It just felt so unreal. It only lasted a few seconds, but once it was over, I got this really weird feeling that was longing for more. I glanced at him sitting beside me. He was looking straight ahead, watching the waves. I wondered what he was thinking about. What if he was thinking about the same thing?

I looked away when I saw him turn his head. I sighed and looked up at the sky. The stars were shining brightly overhead. It was so pretty, I couldn’t help but smile.

I looked back down and glanced at him again. This time I saw his eyes staring right at me. He quickly turned his head, but I’d already caught him. I watched him blink and move uncomfortably under the blanket. Then he cleared his throat and said “I think we should go.”

“Why? It’s so nice out here,” I said stopping him from getting up.

“What time is it anyway?” he asked.

“It’s only ten,” I said checking the time. “It’s still your birthday for two hours.”

“You really wanna stay?” he asked.

“Yeah I like it here. I don’t think I’ll be able to come back here till next time I come visit.”

“When are you leaving again?”

“This weekend,” I said.

I saw him count his fingers. “That’s like in four days!” I nodded. When he said it out loud, he made it seem shorter than I had perceived. He sat back and sighed. “It seems like I just met you.”

“I know, it seems like it was just yesterday when you refused to clean the kitchen,” I jested.

“But hey, I did it today,” he exclaimed.

I nodded with smile. “You sure did, and you’re actually admitting it? Huh, I think you're mom's right. You did change.”

“Or maybe you just never knew the real me,” he explained.

I blinked, surprised by his answer. “You’re right. Maybe you’re not as bad as I thought you were after all,” I told him, looking back at the currents that ebbed and flowed along the sand.

“You’re not too bad yourself nanny,” I heard him say. I looked back at him and beamed. He had a smile on his face this time. It bewildered me. It was hard to tell whether he was being serious or was just trying to be flirt. That’s what’s so confusing about Kim Taeyang. I still had much more to learn from him.

In the dim light, I was able to see the smile fade, but his eyes remained locked with mine. My heart was pounding. I was feeling nervous all of a sudden. Why was I feeling nervous? Don’t fall for him! Stop! Look away!

I’ve never looked at someone for this long. No one has ever looked at me for this long. I couldn’t look away now. It felt impossible. It was like he was a magnet, effortlessly pulling me in. The force was unbreakable. Nothing stopped our faces from getting closer and closer. I didn’t flinch or move a muscle, but my insides were going crazy. I could already feel the heat from his lips. The lips I’ve been longing to feel on mine again but longer. At this point I didn’t care about how much Kim Taeyang drove me insane, only about how much I was crazy about him. I closed my eyes and let him make the first move. I waited, lips puckered up and everything, but I couldn’t feel his lips yet. What's taking him so long?

I opened my eyes and saw him back away. He'd left me hanging while he checked his phone. “Hey!” I wailed at him.

“Hold on, my friend’s been texting me,” he said, eyes on his phone. I crossed my arms and felt the fury rise inside of me all of a sudden. I felt like I was going to burst. Without even thinking, I snatched his phone out of his hands and threw it in the sand. “What the-why did you do that?!” he shouted. I couldn’t help myself anymore. I grabbed him by the collar and did the craziest thing.

I pulled him toward me and smashed my lips onto his. I kissed him myself. I wasn’t thinking, and I didn’t know what I was doing. I just knew this was what I wanted. Once our lips touched, I felt electric shocks circulate around my whole body. It was a feeling I’ve never experienced before, but it felt awkward because he wasn't responding. He just sat still as my lips lingered onto his.

I finally pulled away and let go of his shirt, regretting what I had just done. I looked away and squeezed my eyes shut. What did I just do? I just wanted to hide myself under the blanket and never see him again. “Yooyoung,” I heard him say in a raspy voice. I refused to look at him. I was too embarrassed. I felt his hand caress the side of my face, slowly turning it toward him. I opened my eyes and met his gaze. “Not bad, for a first kiss," he smirked. "But let me show you how it’s really done.” I gulped as I saw him lean in and part his lips. I managed to inhale a breath of air before he planted his lips back onto mine. He kissed me slowly but gently, sending butterflies into my stomach. Who knew a guy like him would kiss so sweetly?

Hold up. Why is Kim Taeyang is kissing me?

I opened my eyes and leaned back, releasing my lips from his. "Are we really doing this?" I said trying to catch my breath.

I saw him blink and crack a smile. "Why, is something wrong?"

I was still dazed by the kiss that I didn't know how to respond. "No, it's just..." Before I could say anything else, his lips were on mine again. That innocent kiss suddenly got intense as I felt him work his lips harder and deeper. As my heart raced a hundred miles per hour, my lips quivered. "Relax," he whispered in between the kiss. I closed my eyes and let him do all the work.

So this is what it feels like to kiss someone. It took me by surprise, but it felt incredible.

I felt like I was in a dream, floating in the sky among the stars. Nothing could ruin this wonderful moment...until I felt a vibration in my pocket all of a sudden. My phone was ringing. It made us both jump because the volume was set on high. He pulled away. "Seriously?" he said as GOT7's A rang loudly from my pocket.

"Sorry," I said taking my phone out. Once I read the caller ID, my stomach sank. "Oh my gosh it's my mom!" I immediately answered it. "Yeah, I just had dinner with Mrs. Kim and her kids," I lied. "But I'm on my way home now." As I spoke to my mom, I saw Jenissi get up from his feet. "Where are you going?" I asked him, but he didn't respond. He walked across the beach and dug through the sand a few times. I figured he was searching for his phone. It was almost impossible to see anything under the dark sky, but he managed to find it. Once he picked it up, he started walking back to the parking lot without waiting for me. When I ended the call, I got up and dusted the sand from my pants before chasing him down. "Wait!" I shouted.

I finally caught up to him. He was already in his car. "What took you so long?" he said turning on the engine.

"You just left me," I huffed.


The whole car ride was silent, nothing but Mozart playing in the background. I was pretty sure both of us were still in disbelief by what just happened at the beach. Besides the blanket, he had stolen my first kiss. It was such a perfect moment while it lasted. Thanks mom for ruining it.

I stared out the window and imagined all that had happened today all over again.


Once we arrived at his house, it was awkward.

"Um, happy birthday again!" I told him at his doorstep.

"Thanks," he said.

"Yeah," I replied. It was dead silent for a moment. We both avoided eye contact. He was already inside the house, probably waiting for me to leave. "Um..goodnight!" I finally said with a forced smile.

"Night," he said with a smirk. I chuckled nervously then finally walked away."Wait Yooyoung," I heard him call me by my actual name. I stopped and spun around. "Thanks for coming tonight. I had fun," he smiled.

"Me too," I blushed.

"Let's do it again sometime." 

I lost my breath for a second by his remark. I looked at him and saw a smile on his face followed by a wink before shutting the door.


Yeah...I've never really typed a scene like this before so sorry if it's not that good/sounds awkward. I probably had to edit this chapter times to make it sound decent/romantic in a sense.

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 Happy 300 days with these doggs <3

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i NEED to know how this emds, i've finished this fanfic in two nights don't give up on it.
Omg, can't wait for the next charter.:888
taegyoelf #3
Chapter 25: The song is love letter lol
Chapter 25: When the third note came I was sure it was some lyric from him to her. xD (but I absolutely can't tell from which song it is xD)
But one thing we can have hope. If he had involved all of his friends, than it's most likely that he's serious about it! x3
And if he's not, Yooyoung can give him a really well deserved punch 8D -run- (ooohh sorry! I'm just joking! xD I know he's serious!!)
Chapter 24: I'm still waiting here.. '-')/
Chapter 24: You still owe a what happen between them x3
Chapter 24: This story is really cool. It would be nice if you continue it. x3
MayLi2 #8
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the next update
Chapter 24: I want an update! I love this story and I fell in love with Jenissi because of it.
Bumblebee04 #10
Chapter 24: I can't wait for the next update! I love your story so much and I'm happy that you are going to update again! ♥♥♥