The Birthday Party

Babysitting a Delinquent

The next day when I got back to their house, Mrs. Kim erupted, “He’s not telling me what he’s doing today! I told him to bring you wherever he wants to go, but he said he’s not going anywhere!”

“Maybe, he just wants to stay home for his birthday,” I said. “You know, with his family.”

Mrs. Kim looked at me then laughed. “You’re funny Yooyoung. You should know by now that my son is not like that.” I just shrugged. You never know. Maybe he changed. You should give him a chance. “Well I’m heading to work. Take care Yooyoung!”

“You too Mrs. Kim!” I waved.


The kids were still sleeping, so I decided to make breakfast today. I went all out again with the sausage and eggs, but instead of waffles I made pancakes for a change. I made it special for Jenissi's birthday. I didn't get him a gift so it was the least I could do for him. I decided to do something a little special by giving him extra everything. I even added whipped cream and strawberries to make it look pretty. I was thinking about bringing it up to his room while he was still asleep. I wanted him to start his day with a surprise breakfast. I even wrote him a note. It said Happy Birthday Taeyang~ you’re another year older – now act like it. 

I figured this was what only boyfriends and girlfriends for birthdays, but whatever. I owe him for getting beat up for me that other night. As long as he knows that I care for him too. Plus, I wanted to see how he's react.

“Hey!” I heard someone say, making me jump. I turned around and saw Jenissi who laughed. “Ha I scared you!" I ignored him as I finished fixing his plate. I wasn’t expecting him to be up already. "What's for breakfast?" he asked.

“Why are you up so early?” I asked, trying to hide the food I was preparing.

“I got hungry so I came down. What are you making?” He tried to peak but I pushed him away. I kept my back toward him as I put the finishing touches to his plate. When it was done, I held it up and presented it to him.

“Surprise!” I said with a smile.

“Wow, are those pancakes!” he said widening his eyes and raising eyebrows in surprise. “I hate pancakes!” he said without changing his tone or expression.

I frowned. “Ugh, I spent all morning making these for you.”

“Pancakes make me sick,” he remarked.

“If I had known it was your birthday, I would’ve made seaweed soup instead.”

“How’d you know it was my birthday?” he said raising a brow.

“Your mom told me of course,” I said. “Now what am I supposed to do with these pancakes?” I frowned.

“I’ll eat them,” he said taking the plate from my hands. “Only because you spent so much time making them for me.” He smiled and wiped flour off of my face. He sat at the table and started eating my pancakes.  

“How is it?” I asked watching him eat.

He chewed, slowly observing its taste. “Hmm...I give it an eight.”

“Out of ten?” I asked. He nodded. “Really? Do you mean it?” I sang with a smile.

He nodded again with a mouth full. “But if I end up puking after this, you’re taking me to the hospital." I smiled from across the table as I watched him eat some more. “What?” he asked, noticing me.

“Nothing,” I shrugged. “I’m just glad you like my cooking,” I smiled again. I saw him crack a smile and shake his head. Suddenly, I heard Haru come into the kitchen. “Good morning Haru! Your breakfast is ready!” I told her.

“Ooh yum!” she said looking at the food. She starting eating her pancakes as Jenissi finished his. “Oppa, want my sausage?” Haru asked holding it up to him.

“I’m full Haru. Just feed it to our dog if you don’t want it,” he said.

“Since when did guys have a dog?” I asked looking around. When I turned my head back, there was a sausage link in front of my face. Jenissi gestured it toward my mouth saying “open” as if I were his pet.

“Funny,” I said dryly. He and Haru laughed.


After breakfast, Haru said she’d help me clean the kitchen this time. Jenissi went upstairs while baby Tae stayed in his crib and Haru and I did all the work.

When the kitchen was spotless, I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the door to check who it was. Looking through the eye-hole thingy, I recognized it was Jenissi’s friends from yesterday. There were a lot of them. “Who is it Unnie?” I heard Haru ask. She stood beside me, wanting to peak too.

“Strangers. Stay back, I’ll tell them to leave.” There was no way I was letting them inside the house with the kids. I opened the door with Haru hiding behind me.

“Hey! It’s you!” the guy I met yesterday with curly blond hair said. “Did Taeyang let you stay the night or something?” he asked. Another guy with purple/blue hair and big arms punched him on the shoulder and said, “We’re here for his birthday. Can we come in?”

“What are you guys doing here?” I heard Jenissi say coming from behind me.

“We came to surprise you!” a tan guy who looked normal compared to the rest said.

“SURPRISE!” they all said at once.

“Wow! Thanks guys! Come in!” Jenissi said happily, moving me aside.

“No, there’s children here,” I told him.

“They’ll be fine,” he said back as he opened the door wide open for the guys to come in.

“Yeah, we love TaeTae and Haru,” the anime guy said as he came in. He approached Haru with a piece of candy in his hand. “Haru-ah! Remember me? Remember Hansol-oppa?’ Haru let go of me and took the piece of candy from his hand.

“Let’s get this party started!” A guy with red hair said popping a bottle of beer. The guys joined him and started making noise. The stereo suddenly , and loud party music started to play.

I grabbed Haru’s hand and pulled her away from the crazy crowd of guys. There was no way we were going to stay down here. I walked over to baby TaeTae’s crib but it was blocked by one of Jenissi’s friends who had really strong facial features. “Hey there, I’m Sehyuk (P-Goon), and you are?” I ignored him and reached for the baby, carrying him.

“I’m their nanny,” I said before leaving. "Excuse me."

“Where are you going?” Jenissi said stopping me.

“I’m taking the kids upstairs.”

“You’re coming back down though right?” he asked.

“Of course not. I’m sure you guys can have fun without me,” I turned around and starting walking up the stairs.

“But it’s my birthday!” I heard him say. I turned around and looked at him.

“Yeah Unnie, let’s stay! I want more candy!” I heard Haru say. Even baby Tae was reaching out toward his big brother wanting to stay.

“No, not with these guys,” I said watching his friends tear the living room apart. “Come on, let’s have fun with your toys upstairs,” I pulled Haru’s hand and walked upstairs.

“Party pooper,” I heard Jenissi say.


A while later as I played with the kids, Haru whined. “I’m hungry!”

“You are? How about you TaeTae, are you hungry?” I tickled him and he nodded cutely. “Alright. I’ll be right back and bring you guys something to snack on.”

When I got down, the living room looked worse than how it looked when I last saw it. There were cups and wrappers everywhere. Pillows and other random junk cluttered the floor. The guys didn’t notice me come down. They were too busy playing the Xbox, doing Twister, and other things I didn’t care about. I walked to the kitchen which was also another disaster. Haru and I had just cleaned up. I sighed and opened the pantry. I looked and couldn’t find anything to snack on. Not even a bag of chips. “Really? You guys ate all the food?!” I closed the pantry and searched for something else to eat in the fridge. Luckily I found an apple and a pear. As I peeled and cut the fruits for the kids, I saw one of Jenissi’s friends walk into the kitchen. He was the one with red hair. He noticed me and smiled. “Hey,” he said.

“Hi,” I said slicing more fruit. When I looked back up, I realized the guy was standing right behind me, practically breathing on my neck. I looked at him. “Um…you need something?” I saw him smirk.

“I was just wondering if I can have a piece,” he said. I took an apple slice and gave it to him. Instead of taking it from me, he ate if from my hand.

He closed his eyes tightly. “Sour!”

I giggled at him. I was about to leave for upstairs, but then I felt him grab my waist, stopping me. “Wait. Stay,” he said. I looked at him. He shyly scratched his head. “My name is Jiho, but you can call me Xero.”

“Okay?” I said. He was still holding onto my waist. He twirled me around so I was facing him. He stared at me deeply in the eyes. I felt a bit uncomfortable. It’s not that he’s bad looking, it’s because I didn’t know what he was going to do to me. I slowly moved his hand off my waist. “I have to go. The kids are starving upstairs.” He ignored me and started moving his face closer to mine, holding me tighter so I was unable to leave.

"You're really cute. What was your name again?" He said this as his face got closer. I gulped and leaned back from him. I tried to walk backwards until I bumped into someone’s chest. As Xero was about to place his lips on me, the guy I hit pushed him back. I turned my head and saw it was Jenissi. I felt relieved all of a sudden.

“What are you doing?” he asked looking at Xero.

"What?" he shot back.

"Let go of her," Jenissi said firmly.

Xero hands dropped from my waist. “Sorry, man. I thought she was just your nanny,” he said.

Jenissi looked at me and said “Go upstairs.”

I really wanted to see what he was going to do next, but I listened to him and scurried back upstairs.


A few hours later, while the kids were napping, I walked back downstairs. The party must have been over since the music was off. I looked around and noticed that everyone was gone. At least Jenissi was responsible enough to get them out of the house before his mom came. They should’ve cleaned before they left to make it less obvious they were here. I looked at the disastrous mess they made and sighed. Guess I’ll have to clean this up myself.

I started picking up all the plastic cups and wrappers on the floor first. I went to the kitchen to get a trash bag, afraid to see what the kitchen would look like now. When I walked in I was startled, not by the mess, but by Jenissi. He was holding a mop, mopping the floor. He was mopping! I was speechless. “Taeyang! What are you doing?” He didn’t hear me because he had his earphones on. I walked up to him and tapped on his shoulder. “Taey-ahhh!” As I walked by him, I skid on the floor, but he caught me on time before falling. His arm held onto me as we looked at each other's eyes. Both of our faces were still in shock. For some reason I wanted to stay like this forever, looking at him and him looking at me, but he pulled me back up.

He pulled out an earbud and said, “Watch where you’re going next time."

“At least you saved me,” I said out of breath. He let go of me and continued to mop. “Hey, this is new. You’re doing chores for the first time.” He ignored me as he put his earbud back in. I sighed. I looked back at him as he mopped aggressively. He was so focused in it, I was impressed. Why is he ignoring me though? “Taeyang!” I shouted, but he just ignored me again with no expression on his face. “Taeyang is an idiot!” I shouted just to test him. I didn’t get a response. His music must have been turned all the way up so he really couldn't hear me. “Taeyang is so annoying! I hate Kim Taeyang! He is the worst!” I shouted again. I was sure that would get him this time, but he remained silent and unaffected.

I tried again but said something different. “Kim Taeyang, you drive me crazy! Why do you have to be so rude…but cute at the same time?" I trailed off. "Especially when you smile…your crooked teeth, your little dimple, the way your eyes crease…it will forever be the death of me. Why can't I stop thinking about you? You fool!” I looked at him to make sure he wasn’t hearing any of this before continuing on. He was looking down, still focused on his mopping; expressionless and unaware of me speaking. I took a breath and went on. “You know you're not as bad as people think. You're actually pretty sweet and really sensitive. You really care for the people you love..." I paused and looked at him. "What you did that night changed my mind about you and made me wonder: what made you stand up for me like that. Was it really because I was a friend to you? Or was it something more?" I sighed looking at the floor. "Oh what am thinking? You're so confusing Kim Taeyang! If you feel the same way I do just say it!" I looked at him again as he mopped on the other side of the kitchen. No emotions. I looked back the floor. "How will I ever know when it’s the right time to tell you how I feel? We always argue and fight! I wish it was easy to tell you the truth. You're such a criminal for making me feel this way… but I can't help it...I've fallen for you...”

I bit my lip after I said the last part. I got so into it, I didn’t realize how much I was saying. I pretty much just poured out all my feelings in front of him. I looked at him to make sure he didn’t hear me. His back was facing toward me as he continued to mop. I sighed in relief. If he heard me say any of that, I would either have to fly to space or kill myself.

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Shout out to all my loyal readers and commentors! you know you who you all are <3


"I'm confessing to you, even if I don't express a thing. I can feel you. Do you know that I feel like this?"

You guys know where these lyrics are from right? (say's part from love letter/jenissi's new song)

Just thought it was totally relevant.

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i NEED to know how this emds, i've finished this fanfic in two nights don't give up on it.
Omg, can't wait for the next charter.:888
taegyoelf #3
Chapter 25: The song is love letter lol
Chapter 25: When the third note came I was sure it was some lyric from him to her. xD (but I absolutely can't tell from which song it is xD)
But one thing we can have hope. If he had involved all of his friends, than it's most likely that he's serious about it! x3
And if he's not, Yooyoung can give him a really well deserved punch 8D -run- (ooohh sorry! I'm just joking! xD I know he's serious!!)
Chapter 24: I'm still waiting here.. '-')/
Chapter 24: You still owe a what happen between them x3
Chapter 24: This story is really cool. It would be nice if you continue it. x3
MayLi2 #8
Chapter 24: Can't wait for the next update
Chapter 24: I want an update! I love this story and I fell in love with Jenissi because of it.
Bumblebee04 #10
Chapter 24: I can't wait for the next update! I love your story so much and I'm happy that you are going to update again! ♥♥♥