Two: Junior Taehyung's Horrible Fate

2 Idiots

Word Count: 200 words


“So, here is the plan; Keep Jackson away from Mark,” Hyunmi said as she and Taehyung hid near the bushes in order to stalk the two. Taehyung looked at Mark, sighed then looked back at Hyunmi.


“But how? That monkey—“Hyunmi threw a glare towards his direction; “I mean, Jackson seems to be wherever he is! How can we separate them when we have no other reason to keep them away? I-”


Hyunmi sighed, smacking Taehyung again.


“For Heaven's sake, if you say things like that again instead of thinking and sorting things out, I will rip your balls and throw them into the river. And no, Jackson isn't a monkey.”


She huffed, while he pouted, like always.


“Stop including my balls in everything.” Hyunmi rolled her eyes, smiling—more like fake smiling.


“Fine then, I won't. Because every time I insult you, you turn into a push-ie.”


Taehyung scoffed at that. “And you always act like a whenever you are with me. Sometimes, I can't help but think you do have a .” He snorted.


Hyunmi inhaled and he gulped, noticing the change in her mood.


And sadly, Junior Taehyung's fate seemed to be horrible today—getting kicked by Hyunmi twice. 


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