Voice of My Heart


Being the best design students in their school, a boy and a girl – Park Hyunwoo (Alex) and Kwon Minhyo (Lily) – were approached by their lecturer to attend a three months students exchange programme at an arts school in Seoul. They became the best of friends – that is, until Minhyo became closer with Kim Myungsoo. Otherwise known as the famous, Infinite’s L.


I had just finished packing when my phone gave out a beep, telling me that a text message was received. Walking over to my phone, I wondered who it was. Opening the text message, I saw that it was from someone named ‘Park Hyunwoo’. It took me a while to realize that it was Alex who had text messaged me. The text message read:


“Kwon Minhyo.

That name suits you.

You owe me an ice-cream now for helping you think of a name.

You’re welcome, by the way.

Goodnight, Minhyo ah…”


I smiled and lay down on my bed. Staring at the ceiling, it occurred to me that I was leaving my house, my family, my friends, everything I once knew – I was leaving it all behind. It became clear to me that I was leaving for a new world, new place and new people. It was scary just thinking about it.


“Alex – No, Hyunwoo is there… I’ll be fine…” I assured myself.


“My name is Lily and I will be leaving for Seoul tomorrow. For three months starting tomorrow, I will be known as Kwon Minhyo. I’ll make it through somehow. I can do this,” I told myself – secretly hoping that ‘tomorrow’ will not come.


People… I fear them the most.


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sooo cool being able to do something like that
eLquinox #2
sounds interesting....