Cutie Clumsy

My Wishing Key


Sunghwa’s POV:


“Why, you don’t think I do?” Jonghyun said, looking at me closely. God, his puppy eyes are so cute. Why did I only notice it now, we have been best friends for years already. Maybe I didn’t really look at him closely like this.

“Sunghwa, yah.”

“Oh? Wae?” I asked stupidly.

“What why? You didn’t hear me?” He said, slightly raising his voice. “I’m asking you. You don’t think I care for you?” He added, widening his eyes more at me. I avoided his eyes.

“It’s not that. I just…thought..” before I could even finish my sentence, he cut me off while smirking.

“What kind of best friend will not care for their best friend, huh?” Hearing him a little bit irritated at me made me pout. Finally, we got to arrive at the clinic that seemed like hours which exactly was only for 5 minutes.

“Finally,” I mumbled. Jjongie made his way to the clinic and carefully laid me to the bed. Our school nurse asked me what happened and I said I slipped. “She only had a little sprain but it’ll be gone later, just rest here for a while.” After that, the nurse ordered me to lay on the bed first and stay here until dismissal time. The nurse left me with Jjongie sitting on the nearby arm chair on my bed. “What? I can’t stay here for that long. It’ll be boring.”

“You can’t leave, didn’t you hear what the nurse said?” Jjongie said turning his head to me. He stood me up and pushed me slightly back to lay my back on the bed board. “Just stay there.” His still voice said.

“Ooh, why are you here?” A familiar voice coming from the door was made. Me and Jjongie both looked at the door.

“Kibum!” I smiled at him.

“What happened!?” He rushed himself over to my bed, looking at me with a puzzled face.

“She slipped, the floor didn’t have any ‘wet floor’ sign and bam, she fell.” Jjongie narrated while chuckling a little bit.

“Yah, you should be more careful! Ah, cutie clumsy.” Kibum said in a loud voice, but he just murmured the ‘cutie clumsy’ part. He just called me cutie, I smiled with delight. He sat on my bed while laughing with Jjongie, these two boys.

“Kibum’s right, you’re a cutie but you’re so clumsy!” Jjongie even repeated it and did a ‘high five’ with Kibum. I sulked at them and pushed Kibum away from the bed using my legs.

“Yah! You…” as he got up and sat again on the bed. I continued sulking at both of them while I rolled my eyes. He just sweetly smiled at me, and came closer.

“I was looking for you and you were only here! Aigoo, why must you be clumsy, eh?” He stressed out the word ‘clumsy’ again.

“You can’t be teased, can you?” As he poked my cheeks. I looked at him with a shocked expression. He slowly tapped my cheeks as I thought, I was burning up from the blush I’m experiencing at the moment. “Kibum’s eyes are so perfect, they’re so like mine.” I thought.

“Of course, it’s Sunghwa, the cutie clumsy who can’t be teased.” Jjongie sure had to interrupt the perfect moment for me to examine Kibum’s perfect face. I quickly turned my head towards Jjongie and mouthed him “yah!” But I got a shock that even his face was so close to mine. He laughed stupidly. I pulled away and stared at these two boys. The bell rang signaling that it was gonna be the English class ahead.

“Wait for us here, we’ll be back.” Jjongie said while waving good bye to me.

“Yah, but I can’t miss this class!” As I pulled him back to me, holding his  hand tightly.

“Didn’t you hear what the nurse said!?” Jjongie said smirking again. I just pouted at him trying to convince him not to leave me.

“I’ll just lend you my notes, haha.” Kibum laughed it off and smiled at me.

“Thanks, Kibum.”

“I’ll leave first.” He said and he came rushing near to the door, where I saw the noona he was talking about standing near the clinic door. They left the clinic together leaving Kibum with me. “I’ll stay with you Sunghwa.” Kibum finally said something after watching Jjongie and the noona leave. My lips slowly formed a smile while hearing those. “Since you’ll just be bored here I’ll stay with you,” while he dragged the chair and place it near on my bed. While nearing me, he murmured something. This guy really likes to murmur a lot, doesn’t he!?

“What did you say?” I asked, raising my brow.

“Nothing, Ma’am.” He chuckled.

“By the way, thanks Kibum!” I said as I slightly bow my head to him.



Kibum’s POV:


“Cutie Clumsy,” I murmured while dragging the chair near to her bed.

“What did you say?” she asked, slightly annoyed with ‘my murmuring’ I just smiled it off. She looks really funny and cute at the same time when she is annoyed.

“Nothing, Ma’am.” She thanked me and bowed to me slightly.

“But how about your English class?” She suddenly asked after I sat.

“It’s ok, I’ve already learned English and it will be easy to cope up with any lessons.” I comfortably said.

“Oh, easy for you. But for me, it’s like it’s my only time to learn English and I still didn’t attend this class.” She worriedly said, somewhat sad.

“It’s ok, hwaiting!” I confirmed her, bowing to her with a smile.

“Aww, thanks!” Her eyes slowly formed like a deep, dark brown and half-moon shaped eyes, literally like mine. Her smile made me want to hug her, she was so cute that anybody would want to have her as theirs, or maybe as a dongsaeng too.

“Oh, by the way Kibum, when we get the time by this week let’s finish the research, is that fine for you?” She disturbed me while I stared at her looking at her perfect eyes.

“Hey Kibum, are you there?” as she snapped on me.

“Oh yeah yeah, it’s fine.”

“How about if we finish it right now?” I suggested.

“Oh good idea, Kibum. But I left my book and research papers in my locker, will you help me go there?” She added.

“Ok.” I simply said while I grinned at her.



Sunghwa’s POV:


Kibum slowly helped me sit up on the edge of the bed. I was about to step my ‘sprained foot’ when he shouted ‘Yah!’

“Why are you shouting?” I asked while pouting.

“That’s your sprained foot right!? Aigoo, wait, I’ll hold you.” And he held my sides carefully then my shoulders.

“Don’t walk fast.” He said in a still voice.

While we were walking towards my locker, there were some murmurings I heard from the ‘known cheerleaders’ from our university. I bowed my head not to make any eye contacts to those freaks. “Freaks.” I murmured under my breath. They’re really weirdos too. While I went to me locker, Kibum just went by to the restroom and left me.

“Oh, so here’s Miss Flirty, flirting with Kibum. I see, skipping class to flirt isn’t that good for nerd like you, Lee Sunghwa.” The queenka came close to me and leaned on the other locker. I cursed in my head. I just didn’t mind her and continued looking for my research papers. I decided not to talk since she’s only gonna get a punch on her beautiful but fake pretty face in the end. She’s talking non-stop so I just put on my iPod. “Oh is this what you’re looking for, flirty?” She tapped my shoulders and showed me what I was looking for.

“Get them back to me, or I swear you’ll regret what I’ll do with your face pretty face.” I warned her sternly pointing my index finger to her.

“Oh so it’s like I’m afraid of you. You can’t even walk right now, poor nerdy girl!” She continued to tease my appearance and ran away with my research papers.

“Ya get back here!” I tried to run but unfortunately I just fell again, since my feet still hurt.

“Ahh, ouch.” My foot really hurt, and this queenka and her friends were still laughing at me.

“Agh…” It even hurt more than the first time I fell. They just left and crumpled my research papers, throwing them on me.

“That’s the right thing for you, nerdy.” She said and walked off with her “friends.”

“Darn it.” I said while trying to get my research papers.

“Those girls will have a day with me too.” I said, irritated with their act. I held my right foot and tried to massage it, it really hurt so much.

“Omo!” A loud voice came from my back.

“What happened Sunghwa!?” A shocked Kibum came from my back and asked me.

“Those stupid queenkas.” I mouthed silently.

“Oh, oh nothing. I just fell again. I’m sorry.”

“Aigoo, don’t move.” He said while he gathered first my books and put it in his bag.

“I’ll carry you. You can’t possibly walk, right?” He said, raising his brow.

“Fine.” I sighed. What’s up with all with these touchy best friend and close friend of mine? He slowly lifted me and held me carefully. Again, why did it have to be in a bridal way!? I thought to myself. It will even anger those queenkas more. Kibum just slightly smiled at me and my heartbeat started to suddenly rise. His face, my face, were only centimeters apart. We stayed like that until we got to reach the clinic. There was an awkward moment at first but it didn’t take long when Kibum broke it off.

“So let’s finish It now!” He said grinning. We finished it by the time the bell just rang. Jjongie went in the clinic with his ‘noona’ and greeted us.


I finally got to go home and I was tired from all that happened this day. And those two guys were really sweet friends of mine. I yawned and went off to sleep.



Jjongie’s POV:


After a week, everything seemed to be nice and going pretty good between me and Jinny noona. Though I can’t really hide my sadness since Jinny noona said that she was having problems with her boyfriend. I just comforted her telling it will be alright. Stupid boyfriend. Who would ever want to hurt a girl like Jinny noona? I kept on thinking that if it was only me I’d protect noona.


It was finally our Party time before our Holiday Break, well not really but after one day it will be. So I got to get a cute gift for my reindeer which was a cardigan sweater. I also got a gift for Sunghwa and Kibum, also a special one for my Jinny noona.


Sunghwa, yea that cutie clumsy. What shall I do with her, she keeps on accidentally hurting herself. Aish! If I can only protect her from slipping and being clumsy at times I would.



Sunghwa’s POV:


It was the night before our Party, and yes I’m very excited. “Oh, I wanna know now who got to pick me!” I squealed and jumped of joy. I didn’t know why I was that hyper though. I still haven’t gotten over what happened between me and Kibum the other day. Well, those queenkas attacked me again but unfortunately for them, I got to scare one of them. But really, I hate it when Jjongie had to interrupt and ask me stupid questions like “You like Kibum don’t you?”, “You’re blushing, you must like Kibum so much.”

It’s just like, I don’t see him as a crush, but I see him more as like a sibling of mine since we have too many common likes, interests and others. I opened my journal and began writing before I sleep.


It feels so long since I have written something here. I became so busy with my studies and I forgot to write here. So, yea. I just recovered from my ‘minor sprain’ thanks to my besties, Jjongie and Kibum. Oh and yea, Jjongie likes a new noona, she’s pretty though. Kibum, about Kibum….. Jjongie said I like him. Do I like him? WELL OF COURSE NOT! I hate Jjongie for always teasing me with Kibum. But, when Kibum whispered to me, he nearly pecked me on my cheek. I was about to die with that with a surprise. Aigoo, my mind doesn’t seem to comprehend anything and write something with a sense here so I’ll just go now and sleep.




I rested my head on my desk again and didn’t want to talk to anyone since I’m that sleepy. Jjongie started on resting his head beside my head, since he wanted to tease me again. “Jjongie, stop it. Don’t bother me, I’m tired.”

“You’re no fun!” He whined and just continued to whisper on my ear. “Oh look Kibum’s approaching you.” He whispered once more. I still didn’t move then I felt him move away from me. But then I felt he sat back again and leaned near me again.

“Oh, Jjongie stop it!” I quickly lift my head up and looked to my right just about when he came near me.

“Omo!” My eyes widened with shock.

“Kibum...” I took a big gulp then I slowly said it.

“Oh, mianhae Sunghwa. I was just going to invite you over to my next week with Jjong.” He said, his half moon-shaped eyes became bigger.

“Uh, gwaenchana.”  I softly said, backing away my face from his lips.


I was walking down the hall, holding my books near me. “Kibum..” I whispered and smiled slowly. “I knew you like him! I knew it!” I looked to where the voice was and it was Jjongie, again, he put his arms around me and leaned his head on mine.

“Stop it, I just said his name.” I annoyingly said.

“I know, you said his name because you like him that much.” He started to bombard me with his teases again.

“Fine you won’t stop!? Ok then Im’ma go tell your noona you like her! Eh, you want?” I stopped and looked closely at Jjongie with an angry face.

“Why are you so cute when you get angry!? Aigoo.” He pinched my cheeks instead of being afraid of what I will do.

“SMILE!!!” He said and held my lips and formed a smile on it.

“There,” he said and grabbed my shoulders again.

“You’re so weird Jjongie.” He just ruffled my hair. 


AN: Heeya Sorry if I updated like GAZZILION YEARS XD School just ended so I might update faster! Hope you'll still read my fic guys! Thanks so much! 

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This is so good <3
new subscriber! this story is really good~update soon :D xxx
AKreiko #3
Jonghyun! Jonghyun! Jonghyun! Jonghyun! Bridal style, heheh... <3 so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.. ^^
Unnie, your comments are sooo cute! AHAHAH!
Cute sia. xD Bridal style. LOLS. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Aigoo... Darling... You copied and pasted chapter 4 2 times. :/
@Guys please read chapter 4, I overlooked and posted the wrong chapter I feel so sorry for doing that guys. Just to let you know Chapter 4 before was Chapter 5, so you already have read chapter 5 please read chapter 4, komawo.
@Guys omo I am sorry but I posted chapter 5 instead of chapter 4
You finally updated eh. ^^ Keke. It was so cute. ^o^ Key blushing when he held Sunghwa's hand.
AKreiko #10
please put an update soon, onegaishimasu! it's so kawaii! i like it...i think something ....terribly awful or terribly sweet is going to getting funny ideas, oh this is storry is so good! hope you continue it soon! arigato!^^