A Visit To Key

A Living Hell

"Umma, Appa! I Wanna see Uncle Key!" Yoogeun jumped up and down while waiting for his Umma and Appa to put his jacket on him

"Alright, Alright, Hold on a second Yoogeunnie" Taemin said as his son looked pleadingly into his eyes.

Minho came in with Yoogeun's jacket and put it on him.

"Ready to visit Uncle Key?" Minho smiled as he kneeled in front of his son

"Nae!" Yoogeun jumped excitedly

"Come Here Yoogeunnie" Taemin said as he picked Yoogeun up

"You're getting heavy!" Taemin said, joking and very serious.

Taemin put Yoogeun in his car seat and then got into the front, Cuddling up in a ball with a blanket 

"Whats Wrong Minnie?" Minho quickly looked over to the shaking Taemin and held his hand

"I-i'm c-c-cold" Taemin replied, Stuttering.

"Umma, warm up!" Yoogeun said, trying to cheer Taemin up

"It Doesn't Work Like That Yoogeunnie" Taemin smiled at his son's cheerful mood

"We're Here!" Minho said as Key came running out.

"Such a diva" Taemin muttered as smiled and rolled his eyes at Key's Diva-ish walking

"Don't think i didn't see that Lee Taemin!" Key yelled at Taemin as he opened the door

"Sorry, Key Umma" Taemin said as he got out of the car with the blanket wrapped around him

"Yoogeunnie!!!" Key squealed as he held him

"Uncle Key!" Yoogeun hugged Key

"You're getting so big and heavy just like Appa!" Key giggled

"Ani, Umma's Bigger!" Yoogeun joked

Taemin had a playful shock 'O' face and it turned into a laugh with Key and Minho

"Yoogeun-Ah, Your so funny!" Key tickled Yoogeun

Yoogeun giggled and clapped, "I'm sleepy uncle Key.."

"Lets get inside" Taemin said

They all went inside and put Yoogeun down in Key's bed with Taemin.

"Night Taem, Night Yoogeunnie" Key quietly said

Taemin fell asleep next to Yoogeun

"UMMA!!!" Taemin heard screaming

"YOOGEUN?!?!" Taemin rushed up to find Yoogeun, But he was nowhere to be found

Taemin rushed out to where Key and Minho were sitting

"Taemin, Whats wrong?!" Key suddenly had his umma worried phase on

"Yoogeun's Gone!" Taemin screamed

"WHAT?!" Minho yelled

"Nae! I was asleep when he screamed!'" Taemin panicked and burst into tears.

"Shh, Taemin its okay, We will find him" Minho kissed his lover's lips and comforted him.

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What are silent readers?
Thanks for updating! I've been busy lately!
SHINee4ever5 #3
Please update soon!!!
update soon <br />
MaeRin #5
Wooo, sequel! Ohoh- is Yoogeun already being kidnapped? This is so fast!
I LOVE YOU AND YOUR AWESOME SEQUEL IDEAS^^ hhahahah update please hahahah
BAPMatoki #7
Yay you did make a sequal!
@XChanReginaX Maybe, maybe not. Haha.
@FlamingTaemint93<br />
STILL! If i hadn't come up with this you wouldn't have a sequel :P
@XChanReginaX Your idea, my story. :P XD