

"Once in a while, right in the middle of an Ordinary Life,

Love give us a fairy tale "



The next days in the city of Florence, Soojung always spent her day with visited historical places. Neither does Jongin, they often met at the same place. It's just a coincidence. Initially. But eventually Jongin want to change that fate. Thus no longer be a coincidence.


This morning, Soojung with long black jeans paired with a thin white shirt that she looks very graceful enter. Maybe for her it was a very unusual appearance. But not for the beholder. Soojung sit in one seat is reserved for the visitors in the hotel restaurant. Her beauty fingers, touching her phone screen.


"Excuse me, am I disturb you miss?" A deep voice halted Soojung. Soojung’s head turned up to see who addressed her. As she knows, she immediately displays a cheery smile makes someone who had admonished her embarrassed.


"Oh, hey. What you want me to answer then sir? "Teased Soojung.


"I want you to let me sit with you, miss."


"Okay then, that's my answer."


"Sigh, thank you Soojung. Finally I get a place to fill my stomach. "


Jongin that no other person was rebuked Soojung, sitting opposite Soojung. Jongin looked at Soojung with intense attention, make the girl raises a red tinge around her cheeks.


"What is it? There is something wrong with me? "Ask Soojung curious. Jongin shocked his head with a laugh. Soojung increasingly confused by the attitude of the man in front of her.


"Then why are you smiling like that?"


"You know what? Conscious or not it turns out we both were destined to meet. "Answer Jongin sounded serious.


"Look, you and I look like a couple now."


Soojung then check on the clothes she was wearing and Jongin. Her eyes dilated as she knew, Jongin wearing the same clothes seemed. Only long black jeans combined with a white shirt rolled up to his elbow arm it, adding a manly impression on Jongin. The differences is Jongin, do not put down shirt. Anyone who saw them today would be minded that they are a pair of lovers who are enjoying their vacation in this romantic city.


"Wow, another coincidental. Haha, this is interesting.” Comments Soojung.


Jongin then laughed along with her. He also did not think this would be like with Soojung.


"I think we're destined, Soojung." Murmured Jongin.


"You're talking what Jongin?"


"Ah .. nothing. After this where are you're going? "


"Hm .. I think I want to visit the Piazza del Duomo. What about you? "


"I think it's a great idea. Can I stay with you? I do not know much about the places in Florence this. "Moaned Jongin that Soojung think it's very interesting to see.


"It's okay, but you do not mess with ya." Soojung then chuckled. Jongin laugh. Then he leaned forward towards Soojung.


"We'll see."




No wonder why Florence or Firenze is dubbed with myriads of paradise artwork. This city is very artistic look. In this city there are a lot of historic buildings such as the Palace and the ancient church which still retains the atmosphere of the Renaissance.


Soojung and entered the Piazza Del Duomo Jongin along with the other visitors. Soojung ceaselessly amazed by the beauty of this place.


Piazza Del Duomo is one of the regions most important historic buildings such as the Duomo (cathedral Italian style) as Basilicia Santa del Flore with a towering dome designed by Brunelleschi.


"Soojung, what do you know about the infrequency of this place?"


"Of course I know. I'm looking for more information before visiting this city. What about you? "


Currently they are on top of the Piazza del Duomo. Precisely on the top floor of this building featuring a beautiful sight to behold.


"Honestly, I was blind about the town. Florence was a recommendation from my sister. I just follow it. He said, the city is beautiful. It is true that this place is very beautiful. "


Jongin turned to Soojung who listen to the story. He looked at Soojung gently, made the girl looked back at him. Jongin then smiled and ruffled Soojung hair.


"What about you? What you're planning a vacation in the city since the beginning? "


"Not really. My best friend and her fiancé told me about Florence. They've been on holiday there. And they told me I would be very sorry if I missed this city. So, before I go, I do a lot of searching for information about this city. "Soojung explained. Jongin nodded his head.


"You said that your best friend's fiance told you about this city, is not it?" Jongin asked again. Soojung nodded her head. Then Jongin asked.


"And here they were on vacation? Only two? "He asked again. Soojung then chuckled amused.


"Yes. They've been together since 3 years ago. Many countries that they have visited together. Why? "


"Not. It's just .. happy all your friends that can vacation here with her partner. "Jongin said slowly.


"Are you envious? Oh god. Do not tell me, a Kim Jongin is jealous because does not have a lover? "Soojung then chuckled softly and banged Jongin arms. Jongin who only embarrassed just smiled


"Do not laugh. It's not funny Jung Soojung. "


"Well, I'm sorry. But really, it's ridiculous Jongin. "


"Then, how do we become a partner?"


Jongin suddenly talked about that and it makes Soojung had an abnormal heartbeat.


"What do you mean?"


"Think of it, you're my love for this Florence. Vice versa. So we could both feel how a vacation with someone. "


"You're funny. Where there is such a pair. But its okay, I agree. I'm curious, how Kim Jongin vacation with someone. Although it is only temporary. "


"Deal. Now, can you tell me a little about this old building? "


Soojung and Jongin standing on the rooftop balcony of Piazza del Duomo. Enjoy the atmosphere of a cool morning and early afternoon it.


"I do not know much about this building. But I know that the main building of the cathedral is Romanesque architectural style designed by Arnolfo di Cambio. Built starting in 1296 and completed in 1436. "


Soojung explained. Jongin then ruffled Soojung hair unexpectedly, his right hand grasped Soojung hand. The girl is only able to turn towards him.


"I was very pleased to meet with tour guide beauty like, Soojung." Then she smiled and giggled. Soojung turned the other way.


"I'm not your tour guide Mr. Kim. I am a visitor here. You do not forget it. "


"I know, but to me you're like my Tour Guide. You've told me about the history of this city. "


"You were cheating. Then who became my Tour Guide? "


Jongin then put his right arm on Soojung shoulder. Strange. Jongin felt their heart beating like mad every time he was near Soojung.


"Maybe I can not be your tour guide. But I could be your partner. “ Jongin then gave a wink to Soojung. Soojung laughed and let go of Jongin arms on her shoulder


"All right, then you have to follow all my orders from now, my good partner."


"With pleasure, sweety."




"Well, what if now you're telling about yourself to me and vice versa."


Currently Jongin and Soojung were enjoyed their dinner at a restaurant not far from the hotel where they were staying. Complete already, today they spend a day together. Started from breakfast till dinner time now.


"Fine. Well I will first tell you about myself. Then, after it's your turn to be told. "


Soojung nodded her heads in agreement with the words of Jongin.


"My full name Kim Jongin, but for some reason since I stepped on the high school years I like the name of Kai. I have an older sister named Kim Hyoyeon and my best friend from childhood named Oh Sehun. Both my parents are very appreciative of all the decisions I make. Therefore I promise I'll be make they happy”


Soojung nodded their heads in understanding.


"Then you must popular during high school, right? Impossible is not for a famous guy like you. What have you been? "


Jongin laughed. And back to continue the story.


"Of course I'm famous. Even I got possessed fanclub. Great right? Unfortunately I did not like it. Do you know? Almost everywhere I was always bothered by the girls who are always trying to attract my attention. Unfortunately, none of whom I love. "


"Really? I think you're a player. "


"Hey, I’m not that bad. I'm a good guy to know. "Said Jongin whileriffled Soojung hair made Soojung pouted her lips.


"During high school I followed an extracurricular, dancing and basketball. For some reason I'm very comfortable while dancing and I would feel very strong when playing basketball. Dancing is my hobby to date. When there is free time, I was always spend to dance. I was an aspiring dancer but as fate would. I was created to be a corporate leader. "


"You dance? Really? Woah, no wonder I could see a different aura about you. "


Jongin laughed, he was very confident with the girl beside him,it can make his heart is very chaotic.


"Differents aura? What do you mean Soojung?”


"Yes, I can see a different aura from you. Not just the aura of a CEO but also the aura of a dancer. It turned out that my sixth sense is really successful. "


Soojung then laughed at her own words. Automatically, Jongin also laugh.


"After graduated from high school I continued my education to Japan. And that's where I met my first girlfriend. "


For some reason when Soojung heard 'first girlfriend' she not like it. Although she was only 3 days to know this man, she already feels comfortable with it.


"The first girlfriend? Then why do you own now? "


"After a year in a relationship with me, she felt I started to forget about it and busy with my responsibilities at work. You know, he's always angry if I did not raise my cell phone when I'm in a meeting. I also feel upset, supposedly as a lover he supported me. But it turns out she does not even support me at all. After I think we lost a match. I let it go. Worse, it turns out she had found my place faster. "


Whether to laugh or concerned, Soojung giggled at Jongin story. Unfortunately the fate of this man. Handsome but her lover left him. Jongin snorted indignantly when saw Soojung laughed at his story.


"All right, ladies you should laugh as much now. Enough is enough, now it's your turn. "


Jongin stop laughing stock by glued his strong hands to , Soojung then tried to pulled it from . Jongin laughed at who Soojung upset with him.


"My name is Jung Soojung. My English name is Krystal Jung. I’m the second daughter of 2 sisters. My Sister named Jung Sooyeon and the English name is Jessica Jung. And this time she is engaged with Lee Donghae. Ah, they are very compatible at all. I was born in California. I have a friend named Choi Jinri or Sulli for vocation and her fiance named Lee Taemin. Just like you, my parents are also very supportive when I chose as Designer. Not continue the trail like my sister, corporate leaders like you. When I finished college at Harvard, I've decided to build my own boutique with my best friend. And finally I can reach it all this time. "


Jongin stared at Soojung with amazed. He was amazed how Soojung independence. How Soojung on their own to build the store.


"In high school I was hard to adapt to the school. Fortunately there was Jinri, if there is no way I will keep alone. I'm friends with her since elementary school until now. I love Ice skatting. Once I've entered the contest of Ice Skatting Princess"


"Really? So how did it go? "


"I won. I also did not expect it. While in New York I decided to follow the Ice skatting education as well. "


"Do not bother following 2 fields of study at the same time?"


Soojung laughed and drank her Strawberry mix, remaining half before continuing the story.


"My Love story experienced not much better than you. I have to give my first love to another person. It's my fault never told him that I loved him. But what can i do, he just saw me as a friend. So I had to see it only as a friend, do not you? "


Soojung then turned to Jongin, and smiled bitterly. Jongin swears he didn't want to saw that smile. Just a beautiful smile belongs Soojung who wants to see. Not a bitter smile like this.


"Are you okay? You do not hate him? "


"I'm fine. For what I hate, it is not wrong at all. He is not my mate. So I had to let it go instead. I'm sure one day I will meet a man who will love me as what I want. "


Jongin still stared Soojung. He wanted to be him. Jongin been very fond Soojung, says he's a young man who easily fall in love but only this time with the deadly virus, Jongin already like Soojung. When he saw Soojung, he already felt different feeling of his heart.


"Is the case of man what do you want Soojung?"


Soojung stared at Jongin bead eyes. There is a sense of a strange vibe in her eyes when she saw the beads.


"I want a man who is really sincere love me. He not only saw my physical appearance alone. I want a man who loves me earnestly. He could accept my good and bad. He also can receive family. Men are not only false promises. "


Jongin still stared Soojung, and vice versa. As if there were only the two of them in the restaurant. Jongin then smoothed Soojung hair and place them behind her ears. Both of their heartbeat was very loud, so they can be heard. Soojung feel the blush on her cheeks.


"Can I be a man like you want?"



Come Raggio di sole hai un Illuminato la mia vita -

Like a ray of light you have brightened / warmed my life



Thank You for reading and i'm sorry for my bad grammar :(

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Smile3107 #1
Chapter 1: kaistal <3
love your story, update soon plz ^^
sideswipe #2
Chapter 1: love this!!
Salsatk22 #3
I ever read your stories in Indonesia, I waited part 3 :(
But #epiloge still not out :(
please, continue :*