

Is it promising living with luxury, people will live happily ever after? No. Not all people can live happily with only wealth. That's what I'm experiencing at this time.


I'm Krystal Jung or Jung Soojung more precisely. A graduated of Harvard University's International Designer. Amazing is not it? Yes, for them. But for me, it is very imposing. I always required to produce a variety of fancy fashion design. Every day I was charged by sketch papers piled on my desk. Every day I expected to be able to produce 1 new fashion design.



Became a Designer is my dream since childhood. Both of my parents are very supportive of my decision to become a designer. Both my parents are the owners Jung Castil Corporation. One of the famous Art companies in this world. Currently, my older sister, Jung Sooyeon or better known as Jessica Jung participated in the company and took over the part. After she graduated from Columbia University, she immediately jumped into our family company. In contrast to me. I decided not to take care of a family company because I was more interested in building my own company.



After Graduted from Harvard, I started to build my own boutique. Working closely with the best friend, Choi Sulli, we both managed to build a boutique that sold. Not only that, we also managed to expand to International. Proud? Of course I'm very proud. Likewise with my parents and Sulli. Last week, Jessica asked me to help to make the design of office uniform for employees. It was not easy. Why? Because usually my design is a party dresses, Long dress or gown for women. But I was successful! I managed to make 100 uniforms for office employees. Moreover, the employees of Jung Castil are also very fond of my design.





I’m on the plane now. After continuous hard work, and my parents asked me to went to vacation. They do not want to see me die because it is too stressful. At first I was hesitant, because I do not want to leave Sulli alone. But in fact, she was also forced to vacation. She said she could be accompanied by her fiancé, Lee Taemin. Oh how lucky she was, had met her life partner. I'm jealous, of course. Until now I have not found a pair that fit me.
My goal is Florence. A city located in Italy. I have reasons why I chose Florence from the others. Jessica recommends Maldives, Republic, and Canada for me on vacation. Sulli and Taemin recommend Germany, Amsterdam and Florence. Taemin's recommendation to prop my brain. I'm curious about the City of Florence. Everyone always says, Florence is a very beautiful city. City of romance and the city Art.


Finally I arrived at the Galileo Galilei International Airport. After taking my suitcase and all my identification evidence I direct trains up the existing in this airport. A railway line linking the airport and the Santa Maria Novella central station in Florence.
It is true to their word. There's nothing more romantic than city of Florence. The capital of Tuscany is always present romantic atmosphere at all times. Some of the buildings here have become objects of painting the famous painter. Naturally, Piazza, Plaza and the Cathedral in the city is very beautiful in the eye.


My eyes unceasingly watched all the beautiful buildings in the city. What Taemin said is true, even happier if a vacation to this city with someone we love. But who I love? Until today I have not found my life partner. In contrast to Sulli and Taemin who met 3 years ago. If only in this town I could find my partner, my story will certainly not less romantic than the stories of other legends. Ah what are you talking Soojung.






You know what it's like to go on vacation alone? It was very boring is not it? Yes this is what I experienced today. I'm Kim Jongin, A Man, 21 year old who was vacationing alone in the middle of the city of Florence. The city is the recommendation of both my sister. The reason does not make sense to me, just because they both used their honeymoon here with their partners, does not mean in this town I would also get a pair of my life, is not it?



I'm a CEO of a company that was created by my father with his best friend. BigHit Corporation. Son of my father's best friend as well as my best friend, Oh Sehun, he refused to come on holiday with me. If I was the leader, then the Vice leader is Sehun. He refused were put in charge, and I know he is more capable than myself.


Sehun, and both my sisters told me to go on vacation, the reason is because they can not bear to see the stressed face. Our company has just won a project last week. Of course I was very happy. Sehun said this is all thanks to my insistence that sustain the project. Because of this victory, they said I needed a short rest of the office work piling up. Sure enough, my head feels as if to burst.



Right now I'm on the train heading to hotel where will I stay for the next 2 weeks later. Ah during the trip, I see some couples spread their romance in the city of Florence, endelssly. Hyoyeon noona said, the City of Florence is known by the nickname romantic city. Many women and men who find their spouses are here. Whether it's while they're on vacation or whatever. At first I was hesitant with the slogan, but it seems I'm starting to believe now.
If only I'd had a couple this time, I swear I'll be the most romantic man ever. Unfortunately I, who has been with me my beloved immersion 1 year left me with cruel to other men. The reason is very plain, she does not hold with busyness. What kind of lover. She should support me and not leave me with that cruel. Anyway I'm sure I'll get my true love better than she was.



Truthfully, from the beginning on this train, my eyes fell on a girl who was enjoying the view from the glass. I wonder what happened, but I felt she was very attractive. She does not look like the original town. So, I thought if she was on vacation just like me. I think I've seen his face, but somewhere along the line. Her face is very familiar to me at a glance. Is she the prospective partner? Ah, Kim Jongin! What do you Think, since when you were so melancholy like this.





Soojung out of the taxi she was riding to arrived at the Grand Hotel Baglioni, Florence, Italy, this 4 star hotel in Florence near the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. She chose this hotel because of its location is strategic. Not too far from the airport and also not too far from the places on vacation in Florence. She chose the Classic Double room, executive room only for herself.


Besides Soojung, there is also a man who was also being booked a classic double room as Soojung. Soojung understand the dialogue between him and the front because they use English. Soojung can be sure, this guy looks like being on vacation together. Soojung still waiting the hotel clerk to deliver her to her room. Shee was waiting on the sofa for guests at the entrance area. Before long, the man she had also seen the sofa sat before her. This handsome man. Once the inner Soojung. It seemed she ever saw the man's face at one of her favorite magazines.



"Excuse me, are you an Italian?" Soojung snapped out of her reverie as the man greeted her

For God's sake, his voice is very heavy. Sounds really suitable for his performance.

"No, I'm not. I'm just on my vacation here. “ Soojung reply friendly to him.


Jongin hard blinked his eyes when he saw the woman before him to answer the question. Not forgetting also the woman smiled at him. The smile is very charming. Jongin feels like to always see that smile.


"I See. Same as me then. Where do you come frommiss? "

"I'm from Seoul, sir. And you? "

"Seoul? Is it true? "Jongin quickly direct talk with the Korean language. Making Soojung shocked and laugh.

"You're also citizens of Seoul?"

"Yes. And I think I've seen your face. Somewhere, but your face looks very familiar. "Jongin trying to remember Soojung pretty face.

"Really? I also feel like it. Oh by the way I’m Jung Soojung. You? " Soojung introduce herselves first.


For some reason she felt comfortable talking with this man. Yet this man has just met, a few minutes ago. This is definitely not normal for her. Soojung is including a women who are troubled by the new someone she knew, but it becomes an exception to the man in front of her now.


"I'm Kim Jongin. Soojung .. Jung Soojung ...! Ah I remember now. You're a International Designer, Krystal Jung, right? "

"I think you're right. And you Kim Jongin, or would you rather be called Kai, CEO of BigHit Corporation who already open branches everywhere. Am I right? "

"Excatly! Ah an honor for me to meet directly with a Designer who designed the wedding dress for the Prince's America. " Click Jongin amazed by the achievements of women in front of him.

"Tsk, you're redundant. And an honor for me anyway, can meet directly with Leader International Company who has been very successful. I remember my family company, has also been working with your company. "

"Really? Why I didn’t know? What is the name of your Company family? "

"Jung Castil Corporation. Remember? "

"Of course! Oh god, so you're one of those families? Jung Castil Corporation became a very pleasant cooperation partner. I do not lie. The leader, Jung Jessica is very creative. "

"Thank you've praised the company of my family and also my sister. Maybe later I'll tell her, haha. "

"Terrific! Your sister is a CEO, and you're a Designer. Very contradictory. "

"Yes it is. But you are much more intense when I see it. "

Visible red tinge on the Jongin cheecks. Strange, this is the first time he felt embarrassed when praised by a woman. Usually it will be normal. And also Jongin really enjoyed the time he spent talked with Soojung.


"Mi Scusi, La vostra camera e 'Pronta. Voglio da qui, signora? (Excuse me, your hotel room is ready. Want me company you now, ladies?) "Soojung’s waiter comes over, turns her order room was ready. She glanced in front of her, Jongin’s room seems was ready too. He also was talking with one of the waitresses.


"Ah, Si ', Grazie. Tra me ora, cosi se. (Ah yes, thank you. Deliver me now if so.) "The waiter immediately brought Soojung suitcase.

"It was, my room was ready. You? "Ask Jongin when he finished talking to the waitress.

"Me too, well if so I'll see you again, Kim Jongin-shi. Glad to meet you. "

"Indeed I am very happy to meet with Jung Soojung-shi. I hope we can meet again. And yes, you’re Italian languanges is very good. "

"Like you're not haha. All right, see you later. "


Eventually they parted. Jongin towards the right, while Soojung towards the left. Soojung get a room on the 5th floor, with the number 5024. Soojung really like the design of this room. The view from the room is also very beautiful. Without it know, destiny again bringing with Jongin. Jongin were in room 5014. 10 different rooms rom Soojung . If Soojung room is to the right, Jongin is on the left.



Same with Soojung, Jongin were satisfied with the service of this hotel. The rooms which he requested in accordance with the request. Jongin laying in a king size bed room. His mind drifted as he was talking with Soojung. For God's sake, Jongin wanted to meet with her again. Women who attracted the Jongin attention of early he first saw it. He had never felt anything like before. 'Is this how the feels if someone falling in love at the first meeting?' Inner Jongin.

'Yes, it is!'


Jongin asleep with new feelings he felt. Feelings of love since she first met Soojung.


Elsewhere Soojung who was relaxing in her sofabed was also thinking the same thing. 'Come ci sente Sinti qualcuno a prima vista?' (What it feels like someone at first sight?)




*Sorry, if there any wrong words in my stories. Thank you for reading :)*

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Smile3107 #1
Chapter 1: kaistal <3
love your story, update soon plz ^^
sideswipe #2
Chapter 1: love this!!
Salsatk22 #3
I ever read your stories in Indonesia, I waited part 3 :(
But #epiloge still not out :(
please, continue :*