7) Risk It

Cuz it's Forbidden Love

Narrator's POV

Subin started overthinking everything when she finally came to the conclusion that she liked Mark. How could this even happen? She was raised as wealthy, taught to converse with only the wealthy, how could she ever like someone not even in her league. She had an internal battle, deciding if she should text back to him or not. Yeah, she liked him, he liked her, but this whole idea was still impossible. They could never be and that's something she gotta accept.

After a few days of ignoring his calls and text messages, she finally began to go crazy, shamelessly calling the boy on her cell phone, while she was having dinner.

"are you free tonight?" Subin asked

"we just finished a schedule" Mark said "yah, why aren't you-"

"so you're not free?" she said

"ani I'm free. Why?" he said

"I'm going to text you an address. Go there" she demanded "I'll be waiting for you Mark"

"okay" he said hanging up, a bit too giddy than he meant to be.

"agassi, where are you going?" the butler asked

"out" Subin said "tell my parents I'll be home late, if Junyoung calls, tell him I'm busy"

"deh" he bowed. The girl exited her house, not bothering to take her car and just called for a taxi. She told the driver where to go and they soon arrived in the widthspan of 10 minutes. Subin paid the driver and walked towards the little playground. It was nighttime now and the only lights were really from the moon and from the scattered street lights in the distance. "Subin-ah, why were you-"

As soon as she heard his voice, Subin turned around and leapt into boy's arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a desperate kiss. Although surprised at first by her action, he responded back to the kiss rather quickly, his hold tightening around her waist as their lips moved in sync.

"Mark I'm sorry" Subin said as she pulled away "I just..had to do that one last time"

"what do you mean?" he asked

"Mark-ah, I like you. Honestly, I do" she said and he smiled. The girl looked down, her heart paining as she saw the look of happiness on his face "but we can't be"

"why not? I told you that I wouldn't leave you, that I'm willing to wait, that-"

"we have two extreme situations here Mark" Subin said as she sat down on the swing "you're an idol. You debuted nearly half a year ago and you still have a dating ban don't you? You're early in your career and still have ways to go before you can get a girlfriend."

"but we can make it work" he said

"I'm an heiress. I have a fiancé. I'm getting married next year and then I'm going to inherit several of my family businesses. You're in the entertainment business, I'm in actual business. We have two different leagues and it kills me to say this...but I was taught not to associate with any people under my league" Subin said

"you hate you're fiancé. Even when you get married to him, he'll still have a girlfriend. If he has another lover then why can't you?" Mark said "we can hide it like they can"

"Mark, it'll be risky" she said "you don't understand how much trouble my life really is. It seems all diamonds and money on the outside, but my life has to be flawless. I've been learning about my parents' businesses since I was 10 years old. My future is already planned out and has to go exactly as the way my parents discussed it. If I make a single little mistake or if any blemish gets on me, it could potentially ruin my future"

"Subin-ah" Mark frowned

"if people find out that we are dating, both of our futures could be ruined, and although I am selfish, I am not selfish enough to disappoint my parents, your fans, and basically the whole country just for the sake of someone I like" Subin said

"but you don't understand" he said taking hold of her hand "I'm willing to take that risk"

"Mark I can't..." she said "I'm scared to"

"listen, you have me." Mark said "I hope you know that once I like something, I make sure to treasure it. I won't leave you like you said. I won't let you down like you said. I'll protect you and try to take off the load of your burdensome life. Nothing's going to make me stop liking you. You only pushing me away will make me like you more"

"Mark-ah" Subin said and looked down. He tilted the girl's chin up and pressed his lips on hers with a soft and chaste kiss, yet she could notice the sincereness he put and the sweetness. "alright, we'll try and date. Let me warn you, this is my first time dating"

"Don't worry" Mark said "it'll be fun"

For the next couple of hours, the two of them sat on the swings, talking and playing around like little kids. For a while, it seemed like there was no one else in the world. Just the two of them mattered.

"it's getting late" Subin said checking her phone "8 o'clock"

"are you busy in the next few days?" Mark asked fiddling with her fingers

"oh" she nodded "meetings and marriage stuff, until next week."

"aww I was hoping to take you out on our free day" he said

"I'd love that, but you know that we can't go out like normal couples" she said

"so we can't have a proper date?" Mark said

"sadly no" Subin answered "we'll have one soon, I promise"

"alright" he said and softly kissed her cheek "I'll text you"

"mm" she nodded "get back to your dorm safely"

"you too" Mark said

"Mark-ah, let go of me" Subin whined

"shireo" he said pulling her in a tight hug. Mark rested his chin on her shoulder, showing no signs of letting go.

"Mark" Subin said "we really should go now"

"do we have to?" Mark whined

"yes" she said going on her tip toes and pressing a quick kiss on his lips. Subin reluctantly pulled away and turned around, retreating from the park. She didn't give Mark another look, afraid that she'd go back if she looked at him again. She called a taxi and arrived home with a beam on her face, humming unconsciously.

"someone's in a good mood" the butler said "agassi, eat dinner. It's your favorite"

"deh" she smiled obediently sitting down on the table. The girl ate her dinner deliciously and bowed to the servants before going upstairs to her room. The workers downstairs stared at the heiress in suspicion, wondering why she was acting nice. Subin hummed to GOT7's song as she got ready for her bath.

After preparing for bed, she the tv and resumed her drama watching, the only thing interrupting her was the text tone on her phone

'jagiya, bwohae?'

Subin almost choked on her spit. Jagiya? She scoffed before texting him back.


'don't girls like couple names?' 

'Maybe, how would I know?'

'heartless :('

' jagiya...it doesn't ring my bell'

It only took a couple of minutes before Mark called her

"Kwon Subin" he said

"Mark Tuan" she responded 

"How can you not like 'jagiya'?" Mark asked

"It's not that I don't like it, it just that...it doesn't make me feel fluttery" Subin shrugged

"Even when I say it like this?" He said and cleared his throat "jagiya~"

"Aniyo" she said "nothing"

"Yeobo" Mark said

"Nope" Subin shook her head


"Don't even go there" she interrupted

"baby" Mark sighed and for once, she was silent "baby? Ooh. I like that. What do you think baby?"

"I'll think about it" Subin muttered, feeling heat rush to her cheeks

"So you'll be my baby, and I'll be your..." He said "what should you call me?"

"Hm...love" she said "I'll call you love"

"Love?" Mark said and chuckled "I like it"

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Chapter 28: They are so cute! They went so much trouble,, but in the end. It's still a happy ending
jivisha28 #2
mark so cute
Linebae_93 #3
so excited to read it
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 30: Amazing story ^^
Jae_yoomi #5
Chapter 2: author-nim,it is sponsored not endorsed,endorsed means the person is the model for the brand.
sweetypiee #6
Chapter 22: Omg his father sure is sassy~ HAHAAHHA but too bad I don't have Twitter... Too lazy to make one too...
14 streak #7
Chapter 30: I had a great time reading this story. It's time for me to read the sequel!
Chapter 19: Xiuhan just makes me go crazy sometimes.
xxEXATOxx #9
Chapter 9: You put subins and marks wedding instead of subin and junyoung. Just thought o'd tell you lol. Good story though! Loving it so farr~
Omgxprincessmegan #10
Chapter 29: This story was amazing! Loved it(: