13) Anxious

Cuz it's Forbidden Love

Narrator's POV

"rise and shine~" Soohyun shouted waking up the girl on the couch "time for breakfast Subin-ah!"

"oppa, I'm not hungry" Subin yawned as she sat up

"well too bad, now come and eat here before I shove it in your mouth, you little brat" he said

"I'm coming I'm coming" she stretched sitting down at the table with him. Although she said that she wasn't going to eat, the girl turned out to be hungrier than she thought, eating twice as much as she usually would.

"uh huh 'oppa, I'm not hungry' yah, you ate half of it" he mocked

"mian oppa" she said sheepishly and checked her phone "assa!"

"wae?" Soohyun asked

"my parents are extending their stay with the Cho's for 2 extra nights and Junyoung's out of my house" Subin said

"so you're leaving today?" Soohyun said "aw, I'll be lonely again"

"ani oppa, can't you stay over for a few days?" she asked

"hmm, I'll think about it" he said

"jebalyo oppa" she pouted

"yah, are you giving me aegyo right now?" Soohyun asked

"so what if I am?" Subin asked

"you haven't had aegyo since you were 12" he chuckled messing up her hair

"culmanhae oppa" she whined swatting his hands away

"so...what are you going to do about..your situation?" he asked "are you going to tell Mark?"

"aniyo" Subin shook her head

"bwoh? y-yah Subin-ah. I don't want to be the one who to tell you what to do, I mean you're 20 now, you're basically an adult, but this is absurd. You need to tell someone about what your fiance did to you" Soohyun said "tell your parents or your boyfriend, just don't hide it from them"

"but you know oppa" she said

"someone besides me" he rolled his eyes "either of those choices would give you more help than me"

"there's no way in hell that I'm telling my parents" Subin crossed her arms "I love them...but I can't."

"but Mark has the right to know" he said

"n-no, I won't tell Mark. I'm scared of what he'll do, what he'll say" she muttered

"yah, if Mark is a good boyfriend then he'd comfort you and support you. He won't judge you or upset you. He'd also avenge for you and hurt your fiance. And if he doesn't do that, then I will" Soohyun said "you shouldn't be scared of your own boyfriend"

"is it wrong that I am?" Subin looked down

"if you're scared of your own boyfriend-"

"it's not that I'm scared...it's that, I can't view him the same. He's been initiating that we should have ..b-but what if he's like Junyoung, oppa?" Subin asked "what if he'd violate me like that too?"

"I don't know your boyfriend, but if you like him this much, he's got to be better than Junyoung" Soohyun said patting her back "the only way to solve your tensions, is if you talk to him"

"maybe another day..but not now" Subin muttered and answered her ringing phine "yeobosayo? oh! love"

"hey baby, is everything okay?" he asked worriedly

"everything's fine" she said "sorry about not contacting you, the parents kept talking and ugh"

"it's alright...since the boys and I did eat our dinner last night, how about we have dinner again tonight? Jinyoungie said he'd cook" Mark offered

"uh..I can't tonight love, sorry I gotta go" Subin said quickly hanging up

"smooth" Soohyun scoffed


A whole two weeks went like that, Mark trying to set up dates when he can, and Subin outrightly refusing him, coming up with excuses left and right. The girl didn't see Junyoung either. Her parents claimed that he took a business trip overseas and the girl couldn't care less.

The past few days, Subin was feeling under the weather. Every morning she was dizzy and this morning she threw up.

"no no no, this can't be happening" Subin mumbled drinking a glass of water. Again, her phone rang and she answered it "yeobosayo?"

"Subin-ah, are you free today? You've been busy for the past few weeks" Mark whined on the line "I miss you"

"I miss you too" Subin coughed "sorry I've been busy"

"it's alright, I understand" he said "we were pretty busy too last week."

"are you guys at the dorm? I'll meet you there in an hour?" she asked

"perfect" he smiled "I'll see you then baby, can't wait to see you"

"nado" she said and hung up. Although she was purposely avoiding him, Subin couldn't help but miss her boyfriend tons. She missed seeing his face, she missed his hugs, kisses, his smile. The girl was looking forward to seeing him again, the longing feelings overpowering her fear of him finding out.

Subin got dressed and tied her hair in a ponytail, deciding to wear some flats because heels were just too much for her right now. The girl clutched her stomach again after wearing her shoes, the wooziness going away for a moment.

"agassi, eodikasayo?" the butler asked

"GOT7's dorm" Subin said

"agassi jamkammanyo" the maid said rushing to her "there's a question I've been meaning to ask you"

"yes ahjumma?" Subin asked

"are you pregnant?" the maid asked "I-I mean, you've been sick in the morning lately and-"

"I'm not pregnant" Subin snapped "I can't be pregnant. Now if you don't have anymore ridiculous questions, I'll be on my way"

"deh agassi" she bowed her head. Subin sent a glare to the onlooking workers and went in her car, ordering the chauffeur to drive to the market

"kamsahamnida ahjussi" Subin said getting out "I'll walk from here, his dorm is nearby. I just have to buy them something"

"deh agassi" he said driving away. Discreetly, the girl walked in and went into the feminine isle. Grabbing a thin box and quickly paying, stuffing the content in her bag before walking to GOT7's dorm.

"noona!" Bambam shouted pulling the girl in a hug as he opened the door "noona it's been too long!"

"mian Bambam-ah" she chuckled hugging him back. The younger boy ushered her inside, the girl receiving multiple hugs from the 6 boys.

"Subin-ah" Mark said coming out from his room. Subin immediately leapt into her boyfriend's arms. God, she missed him "bogoshipda"

"nado" he sighed lifting her up by the waist. The boy let her down and pulled her in a deep kiss

"okay kids" Jr said covering the maknaes' eyes. The 8 of them were chatting happily, talking about random things and laughing at Jackson's stupidity. Subin rested her head on Mark's chest and hugged his waist, their usual way of sitting on the couch.

"God, I missed you baby" Mark whispered in her ear before kissing her temple. She nuzzled her face in his neck

"I missed you too" Subin said, her voice muffled

"and we're back to the grossy gross" Youngjae gagged. Mark threw a pillow at him and the boy fell backwards "hyung!"

"you asked for it" Mark shrugged. Subin laughed then suddenly sat up with a jerk "are you okay baby?"

The girl didn't answer and lunged for the bathroom, throwing up for the second time today.

"baby" Mark widened his eyes asking JB for some water "did you eat anything bad? are you sick?"

"I'm fine" Subin coughed downing the water

"baby are you sure?" he asked cupping her face, the boy examined her eyes, worry evident on his face

"I'm sure" she forced a smile "love, can you do me a favor and get my purse?"

"of course" he nodded obediently. He came back and handed her the bag "anything else you need?"

"not right now" Subin said pecking his cheek "I need to do something personal, I'll be out in a few"

She took out the thin box and ripped it open, gripping the stick firmly in her hand before peeing on it. Subin put the stick on the counter and restlessly sat down on top of the toilet, waiting for the results

"jebal jebal jebal jebal" Subin quietly chanted, her knuckles turning white as she joined hands. After about 5 minutes, she stood up, her hands trembling as she checked the stick.

A/N Your comments on the previous chapter XD Oh My God, I love you guys <3 Sorry for leaving you guys hanging like this, but I'm an author and that is what I do hehehehe. Okay yeah don't kill me for doing this LOL

K-pop slays me.
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Chapter 28: They are so cute! They went so much trouble,, but in the end. It's still a happy ending
jivisha28 #2
mark so cute
Linebae_93 #3
so excited to read it
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 30: Amazing story ^^
Jae_yoomi #5
Chapter 2: author-nim,it is sponsored not endorsed,endorsed means the person is the model for the brand.
sweetypiee #6
Chapter 22: Omg his father sure is sassy~ HAHAAHHA but too bad I don't have Twitter... Too lazy to make one too...
14 streak #7
Chapter 30: I had a great time reading this story. It's time for me to read the sequel!
Chapter 19: Xiuhan just makes me go crazy sometimes.
xxEXATOxx #9
Chapter 9: You put subins and marks wedding instead of subin and junyoung. Just thought o'd tell you lol. Good story though! Loving it so farr~
Omgxprincessmegan #10
Chapter 29: This story was amazing! Loved it(: