The Days

Summer's Love
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”Myungsoo! Wake Up! It's time for breakfast.” Sungjong pouted as Myungsoo kept on sleeping like a log. Even after shouting at him, he still wouldn't wake up from his deep sumber. The day was perfect, the breeze and sunlight that poured into the room was just right. Sungjong wanted to explore the world around him. He wanted to spend the day with his new companion. It was a wonder on how Myungsoo was able to sleep through a day like this. Sungjong quickly got tired and discouraged of trying. He quickly shook Myungsoo only to be brought down to the bed by a mysterious force. “


Yah!” Sungjong blushed as he realized that he was trapped between Myungsoo’s warm arms, he was just mere inches from Myungsoo's face. Myungsoo opened one eye and smiled the smile that Sungjong has grown to love so much.


“Hello beautiful.” Myungsoo said. He then quickly pecked Sungjong’s plump lips.


“Meet you at breakfast!” Now it was Sungjong’s turn to be quiet as he felt a warmth creep up to his face.


"Aish!" He smiled to himself as he touched his own cheek. He then went downstairs to see Myungsoo waiting patiently at the table. “Let’s eat!” They happily ate their huge breakfast of chicken and eggs while talking about each other.


As days went on their relationship blossomed. They were so hopelessly in love with each other. 


They were inseparable, where one went the other was sure to follow. Everyday they dreamt of their future together, it was perfect. 


One day Myungsoo went up to Sungjong with clammy hands and a nervous heart.


“Hey Sungjong we need to talk.”


“Well, ok just give me a moment.” Sungjong came out of their kitchen with his cute pink apron.


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Chapter 7: I will wait your next fic with many anxieties >3<
Chapter 6: Awww ok im in love whit this fic <3
Really ur the best !!
andaeriel #3
Chapter 6: can this be real please.. God please granted their beautiful love.. *haha i am one of the people who honestly believe and support myungjong's love irl*
Chapter 5: omg so perfect !!
Thank u thank u for writing this beautiful chapter!
Really cute <3
God bless the Wookyu couple !! XD
andaeriel #5
Chapter 5: now it's just feel complete.. always love myungjong with child.. just like in TII.. they're so lovely with children..
Chapter 5: awww now thats just sweet
crying now emagerd
Chapter 4: No !!! Why Myungie ?!! U r so stupid!!
Poor my baby Jongie T_T......
Chapter 4: listening to only tears....huhu crying again
Chapter 4: Happy ending pls ;w;
loveloveloveit! Myungsoo is sooo sweet.o:oD lucky SungJong <3<3<3 I want to know the baby's gender now..such a tease U Authornim. hope you update soon pretty Please.