
War of the Kingdoms

It was a cold winter morning, and I was refusing to get out of bed when a sudden barrage of message notifications echoed throughout my room. I rolled over and stared straight at the ceiling with a blank expression, listening to the violent pinging before rubbing my eyes and grabbing my phone. 

Woo Taewoon (57)

You've got to be kidding me, I quietly thought to myself. This idiot woke me up with text spam? What do you want? I may sound annoyed due to the fact I was awoken in such an annoying way, but internally, I was happy. On some days, I barely got a message from the loveable dork, not to mention these 57 messages. I quickly scrolled through all the messages with a smile hidden beneath the pillow I hugged. It was just him, spamming my name, for a good fifty plus messages. I quickly tapped in my reply, hoping he wouldn't crash my phone with his incessant text spam. 

[Text to: Woo Taewoon] What?


[Text from: Woo Taewoon] Hi.


[Text to: Woo Taewoon] You spammed me awake to say hi?!?! B(


[Text from: Woo Taewoon] Actually. It was to tell you to open your window. I'm freezing out here.

Open my window? I quirked a brow questioningly before doing as I was told. My jaw dropped as I stood there face to face with a monkey of a man crouching on a tree branch by my window. He grinned goofily and waved. "Hi. Can I come in?" He asked, pointing inside my room. I stared at him if he was an idiot before he climbed in through my window anyway. I crossed my arms, shivering slightly at the cold draft from the bitter winter outside. Taewoon quietly removed his scarf and beanie before ping his coat and draping it over my desk chair. I quickly closed the window before we both freezed to death and turned to face him as he opened his arms wide for a hug. I gave him a look of distaste as he pouted sadly. "Please? Taehui-ah, do you know how long I waited out there before you finally opened the window? I had to climb a tree with mittens on!"

"I didn't ask you to climb a tree for me," I replied blatantly, flopping into bed. 

"Aw, Taehui, don't be like that. You know I'd climb a mountain for you."

Damn. He got me there. This dumb always knew how to pierce right through my heart. I looked up at him and smiled slightly, though I was still irritated he woke me up. He chuckled before waddling over and jumping into bed with me and hugging me tightly. I squealed and pushed him away, though he insisted on hugging me. "Stop!" I whined, giggling as he tried to trap me in his arms. "You need to leave! If oppa or the others find you, they'll kill you in an instant. You know you shouldn't be here. It's dangerous." He let go of me, letting me roll onto my side to face him as I cupped his face in my hands. "I don't want to lose you..." I sighed, my thumbs gently rubbing against his cheeks. "Please leave before they get home." 

Taewoon looked at me with sad eyes before placing his forehead against mine. "But I've missed you... I've been so busy in the office lately, I haven't had time to do anything with you."

I looked at him with a heartbroken expression before kissing him on his forehead. "I know. Don't worry, okay? I told you I would come to you. At least I won't be in any danger."

"You're the sister of our enemy."

"Your people don't know that," I replied in a heartbeat. My eyes stared sternly into his. "And we'll keep it that way."

Taewoon sighed, reaching up to his cheek to grab my hand, giving it a loving squeeze. "All right. I'll go. Promise me you'll stop by later today if you can?"

"Promise?" I smiled, hugging him tightly. Taewoon returned the hug, and we held it for quite some time, wrapped up in each other's embrace.

Caught up in our love fest, we hadn't even heard the door being cracked open along with the soft whispering of, "Noona?"

I whipped around and stared at Zelo in complete shock. "Z-Zelo? When did you get home? Are the rest of BAP home? ," I cursed before pushing Taewoon under the covers and stacking all my pillows on top of him.

Zelo stared innocently at me, his eyes blinking rapidly. He pointed to the sheets with a cheeky grin before he entered the room and shut the door behind him. "Taewoon-hyung is under the covers, isn't he?"

"Shh!" I shushed him aggressively. "Keep it down! The others might hear. They'll kill Taewoon if they find him."

Zelo grinned widely, nodding. "Sorry, noona. But, um, what is he doing here?" He stuffed his hands in his pocket and sat on the edge of the bed as Taewoon poked his head out, gasping for air. "He's fortunate I came home before the hyungs." 

Taewoon smiled and saluted Zelo, greeting him. The younger boy simply nodded in reply as Taewoon started putting all his winter gear on again. I sighed, watching him as I sat at the edge of my bed. Looking over at Zelo who was watching Taewoon prepare to leave as well, I was thankful to have befriended a sweet boy like him. Like many maknaes of the other groups fighting this ridiculous battle for land, Zelo leaned more towards neutral ground. He didn't enjoy the long, relentless war he was forced to fight, but he had no choice. Many maknaes were either in the war because they were related to someone in the battle, indebt to someone, or had no other choice. Being in the battle may not have been the greatest choice, but at least they provided you with the necessities for living. That was Zelo's reasoning, at least. He was like Daehyun and I, orphaned at a young age and taken in by Yongguk. 

Taewoon walked over to me and smiled, pecking me on the forehead before making his way over to the window. "Text me when you come over, okay?" I nodded and waved goodbye as he pulled a mask over his nose and mouth before climbing out the window and down the tree. I scooted towards the window and watch as his back got farther and farther away before disappearing. I really wished he didn't have to go, but he had no choice. 

Zelo plopped on the bed next to wear I sat and placed his hands on my shoulder. "Sorry about that, Noona." 

"Ani, it's okay. It's hard, but," I smiled at him, pinching his cheeks, making him groan. "It's worth it."

Daehyun suddenly bursted into my room, staring hard at me and Zelo. He made a low growling noise with an irritable expression on his face. I didn't know what was wrong, but glancing between him and Zelo, I could see why he was so pissed. I hadn't realized how close Zelo and I were just sitting like this. Daehyun stomped over and slid his hands between us before pushing us apart. "Leave room for Oppa."

I groaned at him and quirked a brow. "Oppa, really? We didn't do anything."

He looked at me, flabbergasted, as if I had just dropped a bomb or something on him. "W-what? Nothing? Oho, no. You don't understand, sis. First you get close to the boy. Then the growing boy's hormones act up. And the next thing you know, you've got a boy on top of you and a bun in the oven, and I am not about to let any boy put a bun in my sister's oven. Even if it is our beloved maknae."

I looked at him with disgust and stood up, walking to the living room. "Gross. Do you really have to describe it like that?"

"I'm just trying to protect your innocent ears, dear sister!"

"Yeah, well, you're making it worse. You should've just said ."

"Don't say that! It's a dirty word!"

"," I said tauntingly.

"Stop it!" He screamed back, chasing after me as I sprinted around the living room.

". . ity, y, ," I stuck my tongue out at him as I stopped behind a recliner, trying to dodge him.

"Taehui, stop saying that word!"

"What word?" Yongguk asked as he and the other BAP members walked into the house. 

I turned to him with an innocent smile and blatantly blurted out, "."

Daehyun look like he died inside as crumpled to the ground and whined, kicking his legs wildly. "Yongguk! Make her stop!"

"Oh, hush, Daehyun. She's old enough to know and say that word. Maybe... experience it?" Yongguk smirked at me, winking.

I scrunched my nose at him, knowing full well he was teasing me. Though he sounded like he was siding with me, his actions made it obvious he was on Daehyun's side and trying to repel me from ever using the word again. "Oppa, ew."

He chuckled, grinning widely with his gums showing as he ruffled my hair. "I'm teasing you. I picked up some candy for you on our way back from the meeting." 

I snorted. "Yay, more candy to refill the stash Daehyun always seems to find."

"Because you put it in obvious places," Daehyun retorted.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"All right, that's enough, you two. Daehyun, go help Youngjae set up for lunch. We have to eat quickly," Yongguk ordered, tossing his coat onto the recliner.

I frowned, looking at Yongguk with a disheartened expression. "Are you guys going back to strategizing after lunch?"

Yongguk looked at me, and I reverted my gaze to the ground. Yongguk nodded, a guilty expression on his face. They were always out of the house. For a "family" with many members under one roof, the house is always lonely. I'm usually the only one home, and the others are home for, what? Three hours a day, not including sleep? They're always at their warehouse hideout, talking, scheming, planning ways to get more territory. Though I didn't blame them seeing as they worked under Block B, and doing this was the only way they made money, I just wished we had more time together. 

Jongup walked over to me as Yongguk headed towards the kitchen. He petted my head, trying to smile. "I bet you're lonely being home by yourself all the time." I nodded sadly. He pinched my cheeks. "Sorry, Noona... I wish I could stay at home with you sometimes, but the team needs me."

I sighed, "I understand... don't worry about it, okay? I don't want this weighing down your mind." I smiled for his sake. I didn't want to make Jongup sad as well. Guppy's smile always brightened up my day. He chuckled and jabbed his fingers into my sides, causing me to jerk around and squeal. I was very ticklish and Guppy was taking advantage of that fact to try and make me smile. Well, it worked.

We all ate a quick lunch before I watched as the boys left for yet another few hours of "work." Meanwhile, I prepared to head over to enemy territory to see Taewoon. He was probably still waiting for my text. I put my wallet and phone in my shoulder bag along with a taser just in case before I headed out. Pulling my face mask up, I rolled my bike out of the garage and made sure no one was around before taking off, remembering to send Taewoon a message before I left.

[Text to: Woo Taewoon] BAP went back to work. On my way :3


Welp, there you have it. The first chapter of this fanfic. I hope I haven't bored you to death yet ^_^" Ehehe. This chapter was a lot of... explaining? I guess. You're probably still confused out of your mind, but if there's anything you're confused about, please do leave me a comment! I love comments and they help me to improve the story and make it so that you, the reader, enjoy my fanfic more. Please and thank you! :)

Oh and you're probably wondering, "the title of this chapter is bulletproof and BTS is not even in it. Why." Well, I kinda liked the idea of using songs for inspiration and titles of this fanfic. Though I don't know why I put bulletproof, I guess it just fit. I don't -- Shh, don't question it, just enjoy. <3

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first chapter is up! I hope you like it :)


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Sheeppy #1
Chapter 1: MOREEEEEE!!!!! KYAAAAAA~ <3