Stop it !!!!!!!!!!!


Characters: Bang Young Guk, Han Jea Hei, Bang Hana and other members of B.A.P

I'm sure all of you had seen Only one shut music vedio ! well their place is some where like that 

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtG8HZEhVxebT-97JL2x4                                                                                          their charater and job is baisd on that too.                                                                                                             


Yong Guk charecter is a cold boy cause he lost his mother  in accident cused by his father enemys, his father is a member of Mafiya(a group that commite craiminal ang ilegal things ). He has one sis who is liveing with her uncle in Bousan but, he lives in Soul with his friend and they made band called B.A.P!!!

Han jea hei is a pretty girl who lost her parent in accident and u live with your aunt in Bousan .she and her best freind ( Bang Hana) came to Soul for studying and u rent house there.

tell me my mistake s by your comments


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Chapter 1: Err~ There are so many typos, the pace is so swift and I don't get what's going on the middle of the chapter. Even you wrote Young Jea not Youngjae~ Good luck for you~