Where Are You



As we were walking down the street, a girl that was also in the ice cream shop was following us. As we were increasing our speed trying to get away from her, she screamed out our band name. “Damn i should've known.” I mumbled. I rolled my eyes in annoyance at the screaming group of girls coming at us. We didn't want our fans to think badly so we stopped (more like we were stopped) and started taking pictures with them.

When we were taking pictures and interacting with our fans, I checked my phone again and it was already 6:00. I started running, I didn't even think about the rest of the guys, or the fans, at the moment all I could think of was Youngjae.

Youngjae’s POV:

My chest felt tight and heavy. I tried to control my breathing and talk to reassure Jr that i was ok, but all I could do was wheeze. My vision was started to blur and my chest was burning. I needed JB hyung, he had to be back in time, he lied he told me he'd protect me. As all these thoughts were in my head, the door was suddenly opened.


I ran as fast as I could to the dorm, but when I got there, the sight in front of me crushed me. Puffy red-eyed Jr was on the floor trying to calm a hyperventilating Youngjae. "What happened?" I asked even though I already knew. I walked to where they were "I- I was just trying to feed him veggies and he *sob* started hyperventilating." Jr said between sobs. "It's Ok, he'll be fine." I try to reassure Jr and myself.

I grabbed Youngjae from Jr and hugged him. I rubbed circles on his back and whispered calming words to him. His breathing slowed down and I could feel his muscles untense. I moved Youngjae away from me just enough to see his face, but he just looked away. “Are you okay?” I ask. He doesn't answer and the rest of the guys start to come in.

“Hyung, why’d you leave us? We thought….” BamBam asks but stops mid sentence when he sees me holding Youngjae. “What happened?” I ignore him and everyone else's questions and focus on Youngjae. “Youngjae are you-”i try ask again only to receive a cold “I’m fine.” He stood up and as he started to move he staggered towards the room. I went to him and grabbed his waist trying to hold him from falling.

“I’m not feeling well just leave me alone,” he says and squirms out of my hold. “At least let me help you get to the room” “I don't need your help” He finally turned around and looked at me. “I can walk on my own.” he said harshly. I let go of him and watch as he retreats to our bedroom.

“Hyung, did something happen?” Yugyeom asks me. “No!” I snap at him. “S-sorry” he responds putting his head down. “Chill man he was just asking about what happened, no need to be so mean” Jackson says. My eyes widen, and I turn to Yugyeom. “That...that's not...*sigh*I’m sorry Yugyeom-ah.” is all I could say. I decide to go outside and take a walk to try and clear my mind. I went to a park nearby the dorms and sat on a bench.

I hadn't meant to scream at Yugyeom. I was just so frustrated about not being able to get back to Youngjae in time, knowing i could have prevented him from going through that. I tussled my hair in frustration. I came to clear my head, but all i could do was think about how irresponsible I was towards Youngjae situation and the rest of the bandmates.

“I knew I'd find you here.” a familiar voice said. I looked to my side. “Jr?” I hadn't even noticed when he sat down. “What are you doing here?” I ask. “I should be asking you that. Shouldn't you be at home reconciling with Youngjae?” I just looked at him.

“What did you do to him? I've never seen him this upset before, and for both of you to react like this it must've been something very serious." "I really messed up this time. I don't think he's going to forgive me that easily.”

I hesitate on whether or not to tell Jr the truth, but I couldn't bring myself to disappoint Youngjae once again. After a moment of silence Jr continues, “If you don't want to tell me it's fine but you should probably go fix things with Youngjae before things become worse than they already are.”

No One's POV:

Jr. saw that JB didn't look like he was going to take action, so he decided to push him a little bit. All the bandmates knew JB had a thing for Youngjae so Jr decided to use that against him. “Well, if you aren't going to go comfort Youngjae, then I will.”

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SungYongGun #1
Thanks for the update!! Love the chapter ♡ I want to know what's going to happen!!
Chapter 3: Authormin !!!! YOU'RE BACK!!!!

Thanks from the update
Chapter 2: Ruuuuun JB ruuuun!!! Ahahahh
SungYongGun #4
Yay!! Thank you for the update ^^ really love it <3
deemee96 #5
Chapter 2: love it!! fighting~
SungYongGun #6
Chapter 1: I'm really waiting for this story :(
Ill have the story ready by tomorrow
my fave otp
Awwww 2JAE is my otp as well <3 Update soon sweet~