Please, don't go
Alright,I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately. Well,I have 2 things to tell my subbies. 1)Well, actually I'm only 12(13 in korea). And.. I'll be having my PSLE,Which is the most importent exam in my life. So I won't be updating often next year. But during Sundays,maybe I'll update this story. IF I CAN GET HOLD OF THE COMPUTER. 2)I wish all my silent readers,new subbies and old subbies a Happy New Year!:D
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I love the story and the facts at the end of the story! ^^
houseplant #2
lol when i read the will you be my gitlfriend part i thought of the beginning of boyfriends boyfriend lol
@Sjysjj:Keke kamsahamida~ Yeah I am^^ Is it really fun?:D Thank You:DDD<br />
@Helloimyslove:Cheon^^ Thank you:D Well, first day in sch wasn't that bad... Maybe PSLE's gonna be awesome:D Keke<br />
kekeke, gomawo ^^<br />
and and gooodluck for your PSLE XDD idk whyy but I hope to jabbed exams every day. haha, I'm crazy, I know XP PSLE is awesome. XP
Dorina::) Same here^^<br />
Helloimyslove:Sureee:D I won't delete it:)
aigooo, dont delete!! hmpf! this fic is for me, remember??? I'll support you(: so don't delete>< <br />
I'm gonna reall it all over again ^^<br />
Aww i hope their parents accept their relationship
iloveb2stforever:Thank You:) I'll try to~<br />
helloimys:Their parents used to be enemies.
Owhh owhhh, running away from home. But whyy minkyung's parent don't want minkyung to be with Yoseob? O.O