park jiyeon

please be strong !!

“what is this?” jiyeon sigh. She already lost her patience with taecyeon dumbness and acting. “well if you really don’t know it is the evidence on what happen to my brother few month ago you fool. It is like ALL the evidence. Not even a single thing left for you to hide it.” She say not forget to highlight the word ‘ALL’. Taecyeon jaw drop. “don’t be surprise mr. Taecyeon. We have our own way to find out about this kind of thing, we even use our own money to hired people to do that for us. We maybe not rich like you but we are not the kind of spoiled brat like you that only know to play around with your parents money.” Hyojoon say give him the most sweetest smile he has. Meanwhile jiyeon beside him smirk. “you play with fire too much mr. Taecyeon until the fire burn you down without you even realise.” Jiyeon say while looking at him.

“did you threaten me?” “aniyo, we are not. You are the one that think we threaten you.” Jiyeon say lean forward.  “only a guilty person will feel that we are blackmail them.” She smirk. “i will report this to the police.” “go ahead.” Hyojoon say. “go ahead do that. It is like you run from us but you turn yourself in voluntarily. If we get a punishment because of this, you will get double or maybe death penalty because of that.” Jiyeon raise her eyebrow. “try it mr. Taecyeon. Fine, let us see if your father will help you on this. As i remember your father is powerfull enough to cover you up right. Lets try to see if he will still cover you up when he see those. Want to try?” jiyeon chuckled. “tcch, you can’t even answer me with that question. Stupid.”

Taecyeon sigh. “both of you.. erghh.” He ruffle his hair. “why? We didn’t do anything.” “oppa make it quick please. It is annoying to see his face too long.” Hyojoon nod. “arasso, arasso.” “what did both of you want actually? I won’t entertain you on any stupid thing you want because nobody can rule me except my father.” He say.

Tring ting ting ting... tring ting ting ting...

Jiyeon phone ring. She look at the caller ID before turn to hyojoon. “unnie~da.” “pick it up.” “hello sis. Yes, i’m still outside, why?” jiyeon eyeing both man in front of her. “pardon me? No you stay at home till i come back. You don’t have your car with you, so wait for me. Did you take your lunch that i left on the table? Finish those before i come back or i will not bring you out as you wish.” Jiyeon sigh. “arasso unnie. Annyeong.” She hang up. “she is so stubborn. She want to go to the store but she can’t even feed herself well.” “did she ok?” jiyeon look at him. “none of your business, now back to the discussion. I need to leave soon, so please wrap it up fast oppa.” “We actually want to make a deal but you seems like you are not interested since you say nobody can rule you right? So we will leave now. Do wait for any further action from us ok or you maybe can think about it, if you agree to be on a deal with us do contact us. I believe you have jiyeon number right.” He reach jiyeon hand. “come on baby.”

Inside the car, jiyeon call eunjung to inform her about she going to the store for a while. “unnie, naya.” “ne ji, wae?” “can you wait for a while? I need to drop by at the store, oppa say the new design already arrive along with the new stock, so i’m gonna go and check it for a while. I will be home in 30 minutes ok.” “ne, drive carefully.”

Taecyeon walk back and forth inside his room. Once he look at all the document hyojoon give him, he become restless. All the evidence strong enough to make him suffer inside the jail. “the issue on those accident still not calm yet i got sue because of credit thing but then the biggest problem come. All in 1 day. Aisy.” He ruffle his hair. “what will happen if appa find out about this? No no, appa must not know about this. If he know, i’m dead.” He take his phone.

“hello, i need you to do something for me. Don’t worry about the payment, like usual ok.” He pause. “ok, i will text you the detail later.” He put down his phone. “this is the last one ok taecyeon. Last. No more after this. Ah i need warm shower.”

Meanwhile downstairs his father just comeback from his office. “did taecyeon home?” “yes sir. He is in his room.” He nod.


No answer from inside. “ok taecyeon open up.” still no answer. He open the door and look around. There is no sign of taecyeon inside the room but there is water sound from the restroom. “he must be showering.” Upon he want to leave the room, his eyes catch something on taecyeon desk. “why is this past design file here?” he flip page by page until his eyes stop on an envelope inside it. “what is this?” “appa. What are you doing here?” taecyeon ask when he come out after done showering. His eyes widen when he saw the file on his father hand. “why is this file here ok taecyeon?” taecyeon take the file away from him. “oh i need to do some revision on the design. I’m trying to work on my next design since you reject my design just this morning.” He pause. “but why are you here appa? Did anything happen?”

He try to divert his father attention from the file thing. “ah i almost forgot. You need to follow me to a meeting tonight with mr. Robert.” “that guy again? Ah, it is hard to deal with him.” “whatever it is, be prepare. We need to leave at 8.” “ne appa.” Once his father leave the room taecyeon sigh in relief. “i hope he didn’t saw this letter.”  His phone beeping as a text come in.

What did you want me to do? I need the detail mr. Taecyeon. If you don’t want to make a deal, i have other work waiting for me.                        ~xxx~

I text you later tonight. I need to figure out something so, till then just hold on.         ~taec~

“park jiyeon i’m hungry, lets go out and eat.” Eunjung scream from her room. “no, i will make the food. Just wait for a while will you.” Eunjung scratch her head. “what are you doing? Palli, i’m so hungry.” “i’m just now done wash up unnie. Jamkkan~man unnie, jebal.” “ah too much talking. Let just eat out, i don’t want to wait anymore. Just dress up and we go out to eat. Palli.” Eunjung voice out. Jiyeon enter eunjung room with her hair still wet. “aisy this unnie, cheongmal. Arasso, give me your hair dryer palli.”

They go to the nearby restaurant since eunjung already whine saying that she is too hungry to go to other place. “is it ok here?” “anywhere fine as long as it is just nearby here. I’m so hungry.” “who told you not to eat your lunch.” Eunjung pout. “what? Did i say something wrong? I cook the food already for you to eat. You are the one that too lazy to heat it up. pabo unnie.” Jiyeon mock her. “oh shut up.” they place their order. jiyeon look at eunjung. “i’m glad you back to normal again.” She say smiling. “but you didn’t throw up after you eat right?” “few days ago yes, but i’m not since 2 days ago. But still i feel full easily, so i don’t eat much as well.”

“its ok, as long as you didn’t throw up, its fine for me.” Eunjung nod while focus on her food again. “are you that hungry?” “yes miss jiyeon and i’m on my period remember. I got hungry easily when i’m on my period.” “eh? Again?” eunjung look up. “what do you mean by again?” “are not it already come early this month?” “it is, but it happen to be twice this month.” She nod.

“unnie, want to go to the store tomorrow?” eunjung face lighten up. “chinjja?” “since you already look so well, so i think you can be there start tomorrow.” “thank you baby. You know how bored to be at home all the time.” “ara, so if you don’t want this to happen again, take care of yourself. Okay?” eunjung nod like a little kid. “kyeowo.” “oh jiyeon~ah, where did you go for the past week? You always leave early and come back late.” Jiyeon stop eating. “ah, i have some work. Thats why i always late unnie.” Jiyeon lied. “geojitmal aniya?” “aniya unnie, chinjja.”


Jiyeon phone ring. “hello?” “jiyeon~ssi?” jiyeon look at the caller ID. “yes, its me. Who is this?” “its me, taecyeon.” Jiyeon smirk. “oh taecyeon~ssi. What can i help you?” “i call because of the deal your brother talk about last time.” Jiyeon smile. “ah that deal. Why? Interested?” “may i know what is the deal?” “i will tell you only if you want to cooperate with it.” Taecyeon sigh. “how can i agree with it when i don’t even know the deal? It is like i don’t have option here miss jiyeon.” Jiyeon chuckled. “are you afraid? Omo, it is just a deal. You are businessman, so i believe what does deal mean right?”taecyeon sigh. “fine. Deal.” “easy. You make a confession publicly saying about the design things and pay for the royalty of the design to HEJPJY collection commensurate with the benefits received through the design that you produce. Easy right?”

“hell no. You want me to confess? It is like i dig my own grave. Miss jiyeon your deal is really absurd. I can pay you how much you want but to make confession, hell no.” “ok then, we are done dealing here then. For your information, all of this conversation are recorded. You make your choice to deal with my lawyer and the police then.” “can i just pay the royalty and we sign some agreement to close this case quietly?” jiyeon laugh. “no. I’m sorry, you meet the wrong person to deal with that kind of way.” “what actually you want from me?” he ask. “nothing. I have everything enough until i don’t need anything from you but those precious thing you take from us by cheating as you become busy yet you are actually having fun while other people suffer is really too much. I won’t deal much with those kind of people for your information. So consider yourself lucky since i still kind enough to offer you a deal rather than just throw you inside. Remember, i have the evidence that will make you languishing in jail.” “park jiyeon you.” “me what? If you have nothing more to say, i’ll hang up ok.” She hang up. “yah park jiyeon, park jiyeon.”

End flashback

‘mian unnie.’ “lets go to the mall after this unnie. I need something from there.” Eunjung nod.

Inside the car, jiyeon being silent which is a rare thing to be see. Eunjung look at her. “wae unnie?” ‘why are you being so quiet today? Is there anything wrong?” jiyeon smile. “aniya nothing wrong. I am just thinking about my assignment.” Eunjung raise her eyebrow. “ani, we got an assignment on the unique way to mark your design so that nobody can plagarise it and what kind of punishment to give to those that plagarised those. I just can’t figure out why did she give us that kind of assignment? I mean who cares about those punishment and all when you the police can do their wok for that?” jiyeon say try to voice out her reason for being silent. But inside her head there is a lot of thing running around waiting to be solve.

Meanwhile, taecyeon busy with his work when his phone ring. Looking at the ID, he become sweating. “what did he want now?” he calm himself down before pick up the call. “hello.” “hello, mr. Taecyeon.” “yes, its me.” “sorry for disturbing you, i am miss jiyeon lawyer. I want to proceed with the next procedure regarding on the lawsuit on you about the royalty issue. But miss jiyeon ask me to call you first to ask if you change your mind about the thing that both of you discuss before. If you change your mind, she ask me to hold on. So i want to know about that.” Taecyeon his hair. ‘i tell her already i won’t do it. When i say i won’t thats mean i won’t ever do it. And i will not take back on whatever i say. Whats deal already being deal.”he say hold on his phone tight.

“ok then, i will proceed with the next procedure. Thank you for your time mr. Taecyeon. The letter from my side will come to you soon.” He say hang up. taecyeon look at his phone. Without he even realise, the phone already crash on the floor after fly to wall from taecyeon hand. His hand tremble a lot due to her anger. He try to call his lawyer but he can’t be reach. He try to call him again, still the same. “where are you when i really need you? Everything is a mess right now. Great, soo great. I’m sure dead this time, oh my god. What should i do? What should i do? What should i do?” he startled when somebody knocking the table. “what happen to you? Is everything alright?” his father ask him. “ne appa, i am just lost in idea on the design. Why are you here appa?”

“oh yeah, i will go for a meeting with HEJPJY collection CEO today. So i need you to prepare all material that will make them agree to collabrate with us.” Taecyeon jaw drop. His father leave the room. “asiy, what now?”  he look around. “park jiyeon, park jiyeon, park jiyeon, PARK JIYEONNNN.” Taecyeon smack the table. “you wait and see. How dare you to do that to me. wait and see park jiyeon. You wait. How you make me miserable, that is how i will make you miserable. You mess with the wrong person park jiyeon, other people can but not me.”

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1132 streak #1
Damn you Taecyeon I just hope you rot in jail and i hope Jiyeon's brother will be save... I kinda forgot this so I'll re-read it later hehehe
ShainaloveTara #2
Chapter 25: Wow Im glad that you continue writting this authornim I love this and music in me story. Thank you.
ShainaloveTara #3
Chapter 1: Authornim please continue this story... ??
ShainaloveTara #4
Chapter 24: please comebackk finish this story ??. It such a nice story
Chapter 24: Am I the only one whom want to punch that jerk???
Thanks for updat
greenjade21 #6
Chapter 24: OMG! Please knock Ok Taecyeon now! Make him pay already! I can't take his rudeness anymore! hihi .... Very nice update authorssi! It made my day! Thanks! :)
Chapter 23: Oppppssss I'm so damn curios to know whar taecyeon wanna do
Thanks for update
mayang #8
Chapter 23: Omo! What will that do?? Can't wait to see how jiyeon protect eunjung and take revenge towards taecyeon... Update sooooonnn
greenjade21 #9
Chapter 23: I hope, Jiyeon and Hyojoon won't give Taecyeon a chance to retaliate? I mean his already been too much! They should realize that Taec won't just go easy and let this past without doing anything? I hope his evilness ends! Ugh! Nice of you to update again authorssi! Thanks! I hope you update again soon! Good luck.
Ramjung #10
Chapter 23: Thank you for updating again it's been a while aince your last one ..hope nothing bad will happen to the girls :( Update soon plz ^^