little kid eunjung~

please be strong !!

~i'm sorry for not updating for too long. i don't know if this is good enough or not but i hope you enjoy it. love ya ~

Eunjung sleeping while receiving another dripping. Her hand didn’t even let go of jiyeon hand that sit on the chair beside her bed. Earlier instead waiting for eunjung parents to arrive, jiyeon ask help from the airport staff since eunjung is too weak and she almost unconcious. Eunjung parents continue to the airport for jiyeon luggage before heading back to the hospital. Jiyeon eunjung hair that covering her face. She slowly let go of her hand from eunjung to the bathroom with a towel with her. She wipe eunjung face with those wet towel and put it on her forehead to decrease the temperature.

“jiyeonnie..jiyeonnie..” eunjung mumble slowly in her sleep. “kajimayo, kajima...yo..” her hand roaming around with her eyes still closed. Jiyeon again reach her hand. “shh, its ok. I’m here, i’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”she lightly squeeze eunjung hand to assure her that she is there when eunjung finally calm down and back to sleep. “kajima jiyeon~ah.” Her last word before she completely in dreamland again. “i’m not going anywhere unless you push me away from you.” She say looking at eunjung face.

She stay there taking care of eunjung till she herself fall asleep beside eunjung while their hand still interwind together. Eunjung mother and jiyeon mother come together after the chaotic moment. Once they open the door, jiyeon figure sleeping beside the pale eunjung can be seen. “so they make up already?” mrs. Park ask. “i talk to jiyeon just now, she say eunjung didn’t let go of her hand even she is sleeping. She is raving looking for jiyeon when jiyeon let go of her hand just to go to the toilet.” “i feel bad for her. Also for jiyeon. If not because of me, all this will not happen.” Her head down. But then, they heard a slow voice saying something that at first unclear.

“jiyeon..park jiyeon.. park jiyeon..” eunjung again mumble asking for jiyeon. “park jiyeon kajimayo.” She sobbing while her eyes still closed. “shh, unnie i’m here. Don’t cry unnie, i’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Don’t cry. Shhh.” Jiyeon try to calm her down. “don’t cry, i didn’t go anywhere. Shh.” She pat eunjung shoulder like what a mother would do to make her kid sleep. “get some rest. When you wake up i will be here. Don’t worry. Shhh.” She humming eunjung favourite song slowly without she realise that their mother is there.

Mrs. Park turn to mrs. Ham. She sigh. “baby.” She call jiyeon. “oh mama. Mummy here too.” Jiyeon voice out. “she just now go back to sleep again.” Jiyeon low her voice afraid that eunjung will wake up. “the doctor already here?” jiyeon nod. “she will be ok as long as she take her food. Why did she cannot take any food?” mrs. Ham look at jiyeon. “nado molla. I try to force her to eat just to end up she throw up what she eat. She is weak, throw up make her weaker.” Jiyeon sigh. “for now, i’ll take care of her. I don’t care if she throw up her food or whatever, she need to eat. Its ok if i need to carry her from here to the washroom as long as she eat.”

Jiyeon eunjung hair. “since i’m already here, i will make sure she recover soon.” Jiyeon phone ring. “hello oppa.” “oh jiyeon~ah, how eunjung?” “not much change. Her fever come back again, so yeah. Why did you call oppa?” “about the stock and new design, should we start to sell it? Its been a week since we delay the promotion.” “aigoo i almost forgot about that. I think we just start to put it on promotion already. Since eunjung unnie is sick, i am going to incharge in this promotion. The price list and anything related i already place it on the table inside eunjung unnie office.” “arasso. See you later.” She hang up.

“yoo hwan?” “ne. We delay our promotion since usually eunjung unnie is the ine that will deal with it. I thought in a week she already recover but look at her. Therefore i’m going to incharge in this promotion on behalf her. We cannot afford any lost if we delay the promotion longer.” Mrs. Ham nod. “are not you need to be at the store then?” jiyeon smile. “ani. Yoo hwan oppa will deal it for me. How can i go when she lock her hand with mine like this? Besides i should actually do this since the first day she here. So no worries, oppa know what to do.”  “are you sure?” jiyeon nod. “oppa already been with us since the start mama. Don’t worry he know what to do.” She smile.

“oh i bring food. Come lets eat. Try to let go of your hand slowly. You need to eat to take care of that princess.” Jiyeon smile. She eunjung hair that covering her face. “unnie, i’m going to eat for a while ok. I’m not going anywhere, so don’t worry. Rest well ok.” She kiss her hand before slowly let go her hand from eunjung grip.

“what did you bring mummy?” “your favourite.” “chinjja? Woah, i love you mummy.” She say hug mrs. Ham. “ahemm.” A fake cough can be heard. “only mummy? I cook the food with her but only her get the hug?” “aigoo my mama jealous there.” Mrs. Ham laugh. “go on dig the food. You need strength to fight with her later.”

“i eat well. Thank you for the food.” “ne, eat much ok.” Her mother ruffle her hair. “aigoo my baby.” Mrs. Ham voice out. While jiyeon eating her food, mrs. Ham taking care of eunjung. “get well soon princess. Seriously i’m so worried about you now.” Eunjung frown a bit. She carress eunjung head to shoo her to sleep again. “she will be ok soon mummy. Don’t worry.” Mrs. Ham nod. “i’m done eating. Ah, i’m so full. Thank you for the food mummy, mama.” “kere.” “i need to step out for a while. Need to make a phone call to my lecturer. Will be back.” Jiyeon approach eunjung. “i will come back later ok unnie.”

“hello, sam.” “oh jiyeon~ah, where are you? I heard the flight get delay.” “sam, i have something to tell you. I am at the hospital.” “WHAT? What happen to you? Are you ok?” her lecturer ask her panicly. “sam, calm down. I’m ok, one of my relative admit here. Sam, i’m sorry, but hayoung is the one that going instead of me. Are you with that?” “jiyeon~ah its your decision. I am not going to force you or any of them to go if tey don’t want.. yeah i must admit that i am a bit dissapointed you let go of this chance since you are my best student and the most suitable person to go, but its ok. Its your choice.”

“thank you sam. I’m sorry again for dissapoint you.” “aniya, at least one of my top students stay with me here. To my surprise, the best one that stay.” The person on the other line laugh. “i like it here and you as the one that teach me, thats why i stay.” She say. “aigoo, so cheesy.” “by the way sam, did you know the clothing line HEJPJY?” “yeah, who don’t that brand. The best after ok company clothing line. Why?” jiyeon bit her bottowlips. ‘should i say it or not?’ she keep thinking. “did by any chance you hear anything about that brand from the others?” “i don’t understand what did you try to say.”

“i mean did the other say something to you about that brand?” “oh, ara. The owner is a very yound talented girl. Her design is the best. If i’m not mistaken her name is ham.. ham eunjung.” Jiyeon smile.

Not many people know about her since she stay low when it come to the store and let eunjung lead it. She is fine without being introduce as the 2 president of the store since she know eunjung will do better. “come over some time. I treat you something from there.” “omo, you know how expensive it is for you to treat me the cloth from there. Besides i will demand for something the most expensive there.” “its ok. I can get it for you for free.” “oh? Come again?”

Jiyeon laugh. “sam, i say this but please don’t say anything to other seonsaengnim ok?” “mwondae park jiyeon~ssi?” “ham eunjung is the founder come along with park jiyeon. HEJ for ham eunjung, PJY for park jiyeon. I am one of the owner and also one of the designer there.” “chinjja? How come i never know about it?” “because i stay as low as i can and let my unnie handle the front line for me. Thats why i can’t go. If i go who gonna manage the store when my unnie go for outstation.  Do come ok sam, i treat you with something the most expensive since i feel really sorry for dissapointing you.” “you really something park jiyeon.” Jiyeon laugh. “i will wait ok sam.” “arasso.” “but sam this is secret ok. Not many people know about this unless they close to me.” “arasso.” “see you later sam.” “eung.” She hang up.

Jiyeon lean her back on the chair. “ah, i’m so sleepy.”

Meanwhile inside eunjung room, the peaceful being interupt with eunjung weak voice. “jiyeon.. park jiyeon.. park jiyeon..” eunjung eyes snap open. She look around to search for jiyeon. “jiyeonnie.. jiyeonnie..” her mother run towards her to calm her down. “princess calm down ok. Jiyeon will come later, calm down ok.” “where is jiyeon? Where is my jiyeon?” eunjung say start to sob while her hand roughly pull out the needle from the iv drip make it bleeding. “princess don’t be like this. She will be here soon.” “i want jiyeon. Where is my jiyeon. Let me go, i want to find her. If not she will leave me, let go og me.” “princess listen to me ok. Calm down.” Her mother turn to mrs. Park. “palli get jiyeon over here. She will calm down if jiyeon in front of her. Palli.” “mummy let go. I need to get jiyeon.” She let herself free from her mother grip and run outside

“jiyeon.” Eunjung say while opening every room door.”jiyeon eodiya?”  But then, she see the figure that she almost lose just now at the hallway in front of her. She sendimented on the floor. “unnie.” Jiyeon call her running towards her to calm her down. Once she in front of eunjung jiyeon hug her tight. “calm down ok. I’m here, i’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving you ok. Calm down.” She say rub carress her back. Eunjung wet jiyeon shirt with her tears. “i thought you leave me already.” She say while crying. “ani, ani. I’m not goig anywhere now and i am not going anywhere later too.don’t worry. Come on we go to your room.” She help her to stand up. “aigoo look at this blood aigoo.” Jiyeon walk while eunjung hand still wrap around her waist. “you need to follow what ever i ask you to do ok? You need to get well soon, so we can go back home. Arachi?” eunjung nod.

Jiyeon smile. Eunjung may look tough but inside her is still like a little kid that like to be pampered. “i love you unnie.” 

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1132 streak #1
Damn you Taecyeon I just hope you rot in jail and i hope Jiyeon's brother will be save... I kinda forgot this so I'll re-read it later hehehe
ShainaloveTara #2
Chapter 25: Wow Im glad that you continue writting this authornim I love this and music in me story. Thank you.
ShainaloveTara #3
Chapter 1: Authornim please continue this story... ??
ShainaloveTara #4
Chapter 24: please comebackk finish this story ??. It such a nice story
Chapter 24: Am I the only one whom want to punch that jerk???
Thanks for updat
greenjade21 #6
Chapter 24: OMG! Please knock Ok Taecyeon now! Make him pay already! I can't take his rudeness anymore! hihi .... Very nice update authorssi! It made my day! Thanks! :)
Chapter 23: Oppppssss I'm so damn curios to know whar taecyeon wanna do
Thanks for update
mayang #8
Chapter 23: Omo! What will that do?? Can't wait to see how jiyeon protect eunjung and take revenge towards taecyeon... Update sooooonnn
greenjade21 #9
Chapter 23: I hope, Jiyeon and Hyojoon won't give Taecyeon a chance to retaliate? I mean his already been too much! They should realize that Taec won't just go easy and let this past without doing anything? I hope his evilness ends! Ugh! Nice of you to update again authorssi! Thanks! I hope you update again soon! Good luck.
Ramjung #10
Chapter 23: Thank you for updating again it's been a while aince your last one ..hope nothing bad will happen to the girls :( Update soon plz ^^