28 Hours 28 Minutes 28 Seconds

28 Hours 28 Minutes 28 Seconds
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28 hours 28 minutes 28 seconds before

I can’t wait the day when she finally stops bugging me.


“Yifan, someone’s looking for you outside.”


I look up and see Luhan points outside class. I growl as I know who is looking for me. “Why didn’t you tell her that I wasn’t in classroom?”


Luhan chuckled. “What? You want me to lie when she can see you’re in classroom? Our class windows are transparent, Yifan. Do you want me to get smack down or what? In case you forget, Stefanie holds black belt in karate.”


"Ugh. Fine.” I stand up and walk toward the door.


Stefanie Choi. My childhood neighbor. Younger a year than me. She always follows me since we were kids and looks for my help.


“What now?” I ask when I stand up in front of her.


Stefanie looks at me and grins. “Oppa, can I borrow your dictionary? I forgot that I had to bring dictionary. If I don’t bring dictionary, Ms Yoo will punish me for sure. I have to stand up outside class.”


“Stand up then.”


“OPPA!” Stefanie raises her voice.


Uh-oh. She will do her nagging-and-annoying mode.


“What kind of childhood friend are you? Don’t you have any heart? How can you’re so mean to me? How if I stand up-”


“Stop!” I cut her rambling before it gets more annoying. “Okay, I will lend you my dictionary. Wait.”


I see Luhan want to laugh at me when I grab my dictionary.


“Don’t laugh. Or I will hit you,” I warn him.


“Oh, c’mon, Yifan. It’s just a dictionary. Besides, she’s cute when she’s doing her aegyo things to you.”


“Maaaaaan! I hope I can live without her around me soon. I want my peaceful life without hearing her nagging annoying voice,” I sigh and leave Luhan.


I hand her my dictionary. “Don’t get my dictionary dirty or fold. I won’t forgive you.”


“I know.” She pats my shoulder. “Relax, Oppa. I’ve known you long enough to know your super-freak-clean habit.”


I roll my eyes and bid a good bye.


“By the way, I can’t see my reflection this morning.”


Her sentence stops me walking.


I never thought that my wish would be granted so soon.



“By the way, I can’t see my reflection this morning.”


There. I said it.


Yifan looks surprised; he even stops walking.


He knows my sixth sense. He knows it well.


He looked surprise for a second then his face changes quickly to his poker-face-mode. “I've already said that I don’t believe your sixth sense. You should study, not thinking about your absurd thing like that.”




“If you want to talk that nonsense again, then I’m out.” He walks back to his classroom


I hold his hand. “Wait. At least, do me a favor.” He raises his eyebrow. I continue, “Go home with me today. I have club activities until six o’clock then we could walk home together.”


Yifan looks at me for a while and then scoffs. “Get up, Stef. You want me to wait you for three hours?” He shakes his head. “Not now, not in a zillion years.”


Then, he just walks away.


Sometimes I forget my childhood friend can be this mean and annoying until I want to punch him right in his face.



22 hours 45 minutes 16 seconds ago

“Stefanie Choi! Are you coming or not?”


I hear my friend’s shouting from outside doojo. “Coming! Coming!” I push all my things inside the bag and rush toward the door where Eunjung and others are waiting for me.


“Why did you pack all your things from locker?”


I smile a little. “Where should we eat today?” I change the topic. I and my karate club friends often eat together after practice.


“Isn’t that Yifan?”


I turn my head as Eunjung points out a direction. I see Yifan is sitting down on a bench with his black hoodie. His hands and eyes are focused with his phone. He is definitely playing games like usual.


I blink my eyes several times, still disbelief what I’m seeing now.


“Ehm,” I clear my throat. “I think I can’t join with you guys.”


They are teasing me first for sure but then they let me go with Yifan.


Eunjung pulls me toward her. “Tell me what happen between you and Yifan later, right? You know, I’m curious to death now seeing Yifan probably is waiting for you,” whispers her.


I nod and giggle because of my best friend’s threat. She is the most curious person I’ve ever met. “Okay, okay. I will.”


She sighs in relief. “See you at Monday, Stef.”


Will I meet her at Monday? Will I be still alive at Monday?


I force a smile. “See you, Eunjung. Take care.”


Eunjung waves to me and then runs toward others. I alter my direction to Yifan’s bench. I stand up in front of him.


“You said you didn’t want to wait me?”


He still looks at his game. “I did.”


“Then, why are you here?”


He closes his game and looks up at me. “I had football meeting. Then I wanted to play this game a while before I went home. So I sat on this bench and played. Are you happy?”


I raise one of my eyebrows. “No. I sniff a lie here.”


“Whatever.” He stands up and walks ahead me. Not so far, he turns his body around. “Why are you still standing up there? Aren’t you going home?”


I get startled and come closer to him. “Does this mean you are going to walk me home?”


“Nope.” He walks in front of me. “Don’t be silly. I just have to meet someone around your house.”


I beam a smile.


Wu Yifan has sharp-tongue and harsh-mouth-without-filter. But beyond that, I know he is really kind and care. Just like last week when a man was trying to harass me in train. Yifan came out of nowhere and beat that man. I know this sounds cheesy but I hold my breath when he came to help me like a superman. That is why I can rely on him.


“Does your father know?” Yifan breaks silence between us.


I turn my head. “About what?”


“About your death.”


I smile mischievously. “Didn’t you say that you don’t believe my sixth sense?”


He looks annoyed. “Oh, forget it.” He leaves me behind.


“Wait.” I catch him up. “I didn’t tell him. And I won’t. After my mother’s death, how can I tell him that I’m about to die too? All he has right now is only me and my brother.”


Yifan doesn’t answer my rhetoric question. He just keeps walking.



“After my mother’s death, how can I tell him that I’m about to die too? All he has right now is only me and my brother.”


I can’t answer her question.


It’s true that her father only has two children, Stefanie and her older brother. Her older brother works outside town and only comes home once a month or two months. Practically, there are just Stefanie and her dad. No wonder her father is very protective to her. Her mother has died ten years ago. I don’t remember a lot about her mother. As long as I can remember, her mother had a beautiful smile just like Stefanie and she used to cook many foods for me.


“Is there anything else you want to do before you die?”


That question comes out from my mouth suddenly.


Damn. I don’t want Stefanie thinks that I believe her sixth sense. I know that her sixth sense is true. First time I heard about it, I just thought she might watch some film about sixth sense and get too attach to that film. But then, everything she said happens. So I believe her and her sixth sense.


But knowing she will die soon is too much for me. I try to denial it since she said that. I think as long as I don’t believe it, she won’t believe too. So she won’t think about that too much and that death won’t ever happen. But I know a little part of my heart realizes that it is true. Stefanie will die soon.


She turns her head to me. “Yeah, absolutely.”


“What is that?

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Chapter 1: First of all, let me send you my endless kiss and hugs for writing this story though when I first saw the female OC's name... I was speechless... heolllll~ out of all the names in the world why why why you used my very own name *rolling like buffalo* hahahaha I know you didn't imagine the girl as myself when you wrote down this but still... I have to hold my breath everytime Yifan said "Stef" /okay I know I'm being hyperbole here/

I know this was supposed to be touchy and else but I guess I'm too absorbed with Yifan's "Stef" lmao but hey though we're (and why am I using 'we' here xD) no longer human, I'm glad we got chance to spend the after life together kkk thank youuuuuuu, pooh! hahaha guess I need to write something as a payback (but I'm terrible in writing oneshot OTL). With Baekhyun maybe? ;p
nerdyviv #2
Chapter 1: AUTHORNIMMMM!!!! (cries a river) OMG this is so...no words but good job authornimm!! :D
Chapter 1: Sad *cries* but perfect! ^^