First Meeting

Gong and the Girlfriend

Jihye rolled over in bed to address her husband. "Chanshik, what are we going to do for Sunyoung's birthday?"

He chuckled. "You're all alone there, sweetie. I have something for her already," he replied, causing Jihye to groan. Even after minutes of shameless begging from her, Chanshik didn't give in.

She accepted this with a huff. "Fine. I'm going to outshine you in the birthday battle." As she was getting out of bed, Chanshik asked her where she was going. "To my home office, of course. I'm going to write her a book."

As he stared at his wife's back leaving the doorway, he couldn't help but mutter, "About what?"

** (Let's go back in time - 20 years, to be exact.) **

Jihye stared up at the cafe sign that her best friend Jaebum had sent her to. According to him, he and their other best friend Seolhyun decided that she needed a boyfriend. Geez, it's just high school, Jihye thought with an eyeroll. Besides, who needs blind dating?

Still a little annoyed that she had to go through with this so that she wouldn't blatantly stand someone up, Jihye grumbled the whole way to the destination. "It's not my fault that Jaebum has Jinhee and Seolhyun has Haneul!"

Upon entering the cafe, Jihye looked around for her date. His name was Gong Chanshik, and he was in her grade. Seeing only one male in the whole building, she approached him. "Hello?" Jihye waved awkwardly.

Startled, the teenage boy jumped in his seat a little. "Hello," the boy greeted, "are you Seo Jihye?"

"Yes, nice to meet you. You must be Chanshik!" Jihye took the seat across from Chanshik and glanced at the café menu. "So," she started, "have you ordered anything yet?"

Chanshik scratched his head. "Well, I wanted to wait for you."

"Oh really?" Jihye smiled at him. "You really shouldn't have. Just... surprise me!"

Five minutes later, Chanshik came back with a chocolate frappé and a caramel macchiato. Upon seeing the frappé, Jihye was fixed. Chocolate and frappés? Her two favorite things.

Without even a second thought, Chanshik handed her the frappé. However, when she stayed silent for a few moments, he began to worry. "Did I get you something too sugary? Do you want a tea or something? I'm sorry, I thought that you would like sweets.."

Jihye giggled, despite her earlier complaints about the date. "No, it's just that chocolate frappés are my favorite. You really are amazing, Chanshik."

Chanshik flushed and Jihye began warming up to him. "Would you like to go anywhere else?"

"Let's go to the pier," Jihye mused. "I heard there's a Hallyu celebration there today."

Chanshik agreed, having heard the same. Various idols, actors, and actresses were going to gather on the pier and have a press conference as well as showcase. "Jihye, how'd you get here today?"

"I walked, of course," Jihye laughed. When Chanshik looked at her, amused, she felt a little embarrassed. "What's wrong with walking?"

"Nothing," Chanshik smirked, "except that your bus pass is still hanging on your neck." Now caught, Jihye was the one who flushed red. 

"Psh, I just had that out for show!" 

"Your face isn't telling me that," Chanshik teased. Pulling his date on to the bus, he chose two seats. When he noticed that she was staring at his side profile, Chanshik boldly grabbed her hand. When she turned to him, a little surprised, he simply explained that he didn't want to lose her in the crowd.

"You're so cheesy," she huffed. "But that doesn't mean I don't like it," she whispered. For her first time dating since her ninth grade year, it was going really well. At the pier, Jihye and Chanshik stumbled around until they found themselves right in front of Lee Jongsuk at his fansign. "Oh my gosh," Jihye gasped, "it's Lee. Freaking. Jong. Suk!"

Chanshik merely smiled at her fangirling, but Lee Jongsuk chuckled and took the notebook she had somehow obtained from her backpack. "Hi there," the actor said, "what's your name?"

Seeing Jihye so starstruck amused Chanshik to no end and he took lead. "Her name is Seo Jihye," he grinned. 

"How are you guys today? Having fun?"

Jihye seemed to gain control of her vocal cords and breathed, "Yeah, we're actually here on our first date."

Jongsuk smiled brightly at her and handed her the notebook. Winking at Chanshik, he mouthed, "I wish you guys a long and happy relationship."

Two fansign lines and five pictures with passing-by stars later, Chanshik was on the bus with a snoozing Jihye on his shoulder. When it got to their stop, he gently shook her shoulder and walked her back to her house.

"Thank you for today, Chanshik. I'll see you soon," Jihye beamed at him. She then decided to go on her tiptoes and kiss him on the cheek.

He was somewhat speechless for a while, but then he coughed and the blush on his cheeks was obvious. "You're welcome, Jihye. I'll call you, okay?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice," she grinned stupidly as he walked away from her house. 

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Chapter 2: i'm so sorry for the late comment, but lemme tell u that this is awesomee! i like the whole idea of writing your love story down and then pass it to ur kid one day and so far, this story is great ^^ can't wait for the rest of the story (i love lee jong suk too i literally squealed when he was mentioned)