Gong and the Girlfriend

{I actually have no idea how graduations go @ Yonsei}

Chanshik took a deep breath as he finished his graduation speech. Now came the hard part, he thought. "Over the course of these years I've spent at Yonsei University, I've had the absolute pleasure in enjoying them with a very special woman. She makes me feel like no one else does," he paused, swallowing, "and I love her with all my heart - and most definitely my soul. I don't think I can live without her." He turned around to find his Jihye, and pulled her up to the front of the stage. He was provided with a white rose, and he pulled out a small red box. Jihye's face was colored red, and Chanshik heard yells of encouragement - and laughs at his cheese - along with squeals of fangirliness.

Getting down on one knee, he gave the rose to her and opened the ring box. Inside was a gorgeous yet plain ring with a simple heart design made of diamonds. Jihye's eyes were welling with tears, and Chanshik reached up to wipe a stray droplet away. "Seo Jihye, you are the most beautiful person I've ever met; inside and out. I would die a thousand times to save you from anything. I can't imagine my life today without you, much less the future." Looking into her eyes, Chanshik continued. "After six years together, will you marry me?"

Hundreds of claps erupted from the students as she nodded and threw her arms around the taller man. The head of the school then stepped up to continue the ceremony and Chanshik led Jihye back to her seat, grinning ear to ear. Then dropping her voice to a whisper, Jihye stood on her tiptoes. "I love you, and always will. I absolutely adore you, Gong Chanshik."


Jihye was on the couch in a laughing heap. "C-chanshik! S-stop tickling me!" She was starting to get a cramp from writhing around so much, so she called for backup. "Sunyoung-ah, help eomma!"

Their daughter groaned. "Eomma, I don't know how to stop him! Enlist the twins."

Too bad the seven-year-old twins, Eunhyuk and Jonghyuk, were sleeping after having a "get-together" at a friend's house. 

Chanshik was delighted at the fact that his wife was flushed pink from laughter - and cries. His mischievious self couldn't help it. 

Jihye resorted to other tactics. "Don't you have a big time building you have to design for Jaehwan Industries?"

Chanshik snorted. "I finished that two weeks ago." He finally settled down and pulled Jihye up next to him, kissing her on the cheek. 

Across the room, 13 year old Gong Sunyoung continued to read her book lazily. Sighing, she mumbled, "Typical day in the Gong household." 

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Chapter 2: i'm so sorry for the late comment, but lemme tell u that this is awesomee! i like the whole idea of writing your love story down and then pass it to ur kid one day and so far, this story is great ^^ can't wait for the rest of the story (i love lee jong suk too i literally squealed when he was mentioned)