The first victim

20 lethal letters


It was the harsh ringing registering in his brain that awoke the male from his deep slumber. At first it was a dull chime at the back of his mind, but then it's volmume increased, resulting in a throbbing to occur in his skull. Finally, his eyes sluggishly opened and his senses heightened which caused Baekhyun to realize that someone was attempting to contact him on his work phone. Immediately, his legs swung out from underneath the warm blankets, and the dectective wasted no time in pushing his body off from the bed and crossing the floor to collect the cellular device from his bag. His fingers blindly d through the contents of the briefcase before scooping up the vibrating device and accepting the call. The bright screen elicted a hiss from his mouth and caused the male to rub at his awakening eyes in frustration. Once Baekhyun brought it up to his ear, a yawn escaped his cracked lips as he mumbled a greeting and wondered who could be requesting his presence.
Immediately the male straightened up and slapped himself awake once the gruff and familiar voice of his boss started speaking. It wasn't entirely normal for his employer to call at such a random time, usually the chief could wait until he arrived at work so that meant this call was urgent. Baekhyun listened carefully and when the words reached his ears, his heart stopped and the unfamiliar feeling of numbness spread throughout his body.  The chilly autumn air hanging in his bedroom, the cold screen of the mobile device against his face, and the harsh reality of the situation stinging his innocence. It was funny really, the male was completely unaware of the fact that years from now he would be looking back at this moment, just wishing that he had thrown the phone away, grabbed Taeyeon, and left his old life forever; It would be so much easier than what he was going to face. For a few seconds, he couldn't speak due to the fact his brain was buzzing with activity and trying to comprehend what had happened.
Someone had been murdered and now it was finally his turn to figure out who had done it and why.
Baekhyun knew that this was the case he had been waiting for, however the reality of someone else slaughtering another human being was quite sickening, especially knowing that he was the one who had to learn every detail about this case. After snapping himself out of his sudden trance, the detective learned the location of the crime scene and hung up the phone, taking a few minutes to collect himself. The male first went to the bathroom in order to brush his teeth and wash his face before going to his closet and changing into a suit and a coat for the chilly outdoors. He then went into the kitchen where the man prepared a small meal consisting of an apple and a note to his girlfriend which explained his whereabouts. After leaning against the counter and finishing his breakfast, Baekhyun left to the bedroom to collect his briefcase before finally exiting the house and crossing the frost kissed grass to his car.
Once the male inserted the key into the ignition and heard the rumbling of the engine awakening, he turned the GPS on and carefully pulled out of the driveway, listening intently to the robotic voice directing him. It was going to take about half an hour to arrive at his destination, but to be painfully honest he didn't mind one bit. The victim was a young girl who was an honors student in a nearby women's college, she was living alone and was said to be liked by almost everyone- almost everyone. Apparently the apartment she was living in hadn't been broken in to- meaning the murderer must have been someone that she would let into her house. Neighbors on the same floor reported having heard no disruptions and didn't see her welcome any visitors into her home. Baekhyun was going to be dealing with someone who knew what they were doing.
His thoughts were so deep into the case that he didn't even notice that the crime scene was only a few minutes away, and when the robotic voice announced it, he jumped a little in his seat. His smaller hands gripped the steering wheel tightly and when the apartment came into view, the male grit his teeth and parked alongside a few cop cars. After killing the enginge and waiting for a few cars to pass by, the male opened the driver's car door and exited the vehicle before crossing the street and arriving at the entrance. After taking a few deep breaths, the detective entered the apartment building and took the elevator to floor 3, clutching his briefcase and trying to prepare his mind for what was about to come.  When the sickeningly sweet ding resonated throughout the elevator's room, Baekhyun left through the opening doors and rounded a corner, walking down to the room marked C. He didn't bother knocking, fully aware that a few cops were already inside working along with the chief and a few apartment staff members. The door opening caused a few of the inhabitants to turn their head towards his direction, but after they saw his badge they returned to work.
The male approached the chief of his department, who gave him a few more important details and advised him to take a look around, the older man had to get back to base so Baekhyun would be left alone to deal with finding clues. Apparently the girl had been put to sleep - permanently. There were no physical wounds on her exteroir which was quite alarming, was it a suicide then? she had been described as a happy and ambitious girl, her friends never expected her to end her life so shortly, especially without a note. As a matter of fact, on her calendar there were neatly scribbled upcoming events with friends and family, it simply made no sense. Yesterday, she had gone out with her cousin and was described as normal, nothing out of the ordinary occurred. His eyes glanced at the kitchen and his throat yearned for some water, however it was a crime scene and he couldn't mess anything up. His eyes were retreating from the room when he noticed a striking gift basket filled with cupcakes - how could anyone want to kill a girl who received those types of things?
After snapping on some medical gloves, Baekhyun entered the bedroom and started investigating the drawers and closets, looking for any sign of a indication that could lead him to a conclusion of the cause of death. He hypothesized that a pill or multiple could have easily done the trick, but after checking the medicine cabinet, he found that most if not all of the bottles were near full - there was absolutely no way possible she could have overdosed on the drug with the small amount taken out. He checked the floor for any tablets or bottles but there were none, if she had taken a numerous amount of pills then it would be most likely that she had dropped the bottle or a pill due to becoming weak and lightheaded, at that stage she couldn't have been able to dispose of anything properly. After going through the living room and kitchen with no luck, the detective then entered the bathroom which he hoped could harbor some truth as to what happened.
As he entered the bathroom, Baekhyun closed the door and approached the sink where he began searching for fingerprints. When he heard a clacking noise made against the tiles, his heart raced and he immediately looked up into the mirror where he was met with a pair of dark eyes. His heart skipped a beat when his brain raced to a conclusion that she was the victim, but after a few seconds of eye contact the male realized she was not the deceased girl despite the fact she bore a resemblance. The woman behind him laughed and raised an eyebrow while running a hand through her long dark hair, "You're the baby I need to look after?" She asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement as he turned around to face her with confusion written all over his face. "Chief hasn't told you yet, but since this is going to be a hard case he assigned me as your partner Baekhyun, My name is Kwon Yuri and i've been in the business for a few years."  The male sighed in relief and then clasped a hand over his chest, leaning against the sink and shaking his head. "Sheesh you sure know how to make an appearance." He mumbled, attempting to calm his racing heart. His remark stirred a few chuckles out of her and she crossed both arms over her chest before scratching the nape of her neck.
"So far things haven't been going too smoothly, a few hours ago I checked the security tape to see what the suspect looked like, but in the past 48 hours no one has entered the apartment besides the victim - which doesn't help us out at all. I then tried every window and even the laundry chute, but it would be impossible to climb both due to the building's height and the small confinement of the chute. Not only that but the windows were locked anyways, I interviewed the neighbors to see if there were possible criminals, however they were out at the time of her death - and it could be proved with the security tape. This case is looking more and more like a suicide." Yuri finished, chewing on her lip in frustration while her mind whirled with the possibilities.
"But do you honestly think she could and would just take her life like that?" Baekhyun stressed, his eyebrows furrowing together in concentration. Something was definitely off here, nothing was adding up. Yuri sighed and simply shook her head, "No I don't, but where is all this evidence leading to?" She demanded, opening the door and then exiting the room. "I've been here all morning and there's nothing leading to a murder, I think it's time to wrap up, Chief is just getting old." Baekhyun sighed in frustration and ripped his gloves off while following his senior, who was starting to help her fellow co workers clean up their equiptment. The male decided to quickly take one more look around the apartment, refusing to give in so quickly. His feet brought him into the bedroom and the only thing he could do was seat himself on the bed and look around the room with dead eyes, he felt so defeated and lost- what was that?
His light brown orbs immediately focused on the vibrant blue piece of paper sitting at the bottom of the clear garbage bin. He could really only see it from the angle he was at due to the fact it was all the way at the bottom of tissues and food wrappers. Immediately the male stood up and crossed the room to the object before he started to quickly remove the items inside, desperately digging to the bottom of the barrel. Using his sleeve as a replacement for his missing medical gloves, Baekhyun gently picked up the envelope and realized that it was addressed to the victim and her name was neatly typed out using a type writer, it was sent only 3 days ago. His blood was pounding in his ears as he opened the previously ripped letter and scanned the one sentence neatly portrayed across the piece of paper.
                                                             Mardian Demo
Baekhyun felt his stomach lurch and he had to cover his mouth with his free hand. He instantly recognized the bright color and stood up, kicking the door open and running into the kitchen. Yuri and the others stared at him in complete bewilderment as the male threw the letter onto the counter and grabbed the gift basket, ripping open a cupcake. An officer rushed over to stop him when he let go of his arm and gasped, covering heis mouth with wide eyes. Baekhyun's frosted covered hand help up a small pill hidden within the cupcake and as he placed it on the counter, the male continued to rip the treats open only to find more and more deadly drugs hiding inside. Yuri stared grimly at the discovery before holding up a walkie talkie to , "Chief, we've got a killer on our hands."
Author's note: Boom! first chapter done u w u sorry seohyun! you're the first to go ~ 


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I really hope HyoKai will be in the house~