chapter four

The damaged
When I woke up Monday morning, the first thing my sleepy brain decided to wrap around was the fact that I very much didn’t want to get out of my comfortable bed just to go to hell, also known as school. I spent the whole weekend constantly worrying and mostly regretting the stupid decision I made Friday afternoon. I mean, what the was I thinking? I had probably experienced some kind of a momentary brain failure, because there is no ing way I would actually sell my dignity and good name in my right mind. Seriously, what the hell was wrong with me? But no matter how much I wished I hadn’t made that deal, I knew I wasn’t going to cancel it. I was disgusted with myself yes, but the truth was that I currently needed money more than I needed dignity.

I spent next couple of seconds thinking if I should perhaps just stay at home – just to mentally prepare for tomorrow, because even though I had been trying to encourage myself for the whole weekend, I still didn’t feel even a little bit ready to go to school and consequently destroy everything that was left of my dignity. I was completely aware of the fact that delaying normally did more bad than good, but was nonetheless seriously considering the idea of never getting out of bed, when my phone (very old and badly working thingy I got from my parents years ago) suddenly vibrated.

I unenthusiastically checked the message, having a pretty good idea who it was from.

Sadist: Don’t even think about it freak.

Yes that’s right – we also exchanged numbers two days ago, apparently because; I quote;”I can control you much easier that way. Besides we are probably going to need a subtle way to communicate and discuss the strategy if we want this to work. And by discuss I mean; I order, you obey.”

Freak: Don’t even think about what?                                                                         Sadist: Don’t play innocent freak, it really doesn’t suit you.                                         Freak: Sorry (not really no), but I have absolutely no idea what are you talking about.     Sadist: You do realize this is a standard phrase, used every time someone is trying to pretend to not know anything, right?                                                                                   Freak: Sorry to disappoint, but I also use it when I actually don’t know what someone is talking about.                                                                                                                 Sadist: I don’t have time for this, freak. Just make sure you come to school today.             Freak: And if I don’t?                                                                                                 Sadist: You don’t want to find out.

I sighed and put the phone back on my nightstand before slowly climbing out of bed and getting ready for school, because hell I probably really didn’t want to find out what would he do if I didn’t show up.


An hour and a half later, when I finally arrived to school, I found Jongin leisurely leaning on the wall across my locker, obviously waiting for me. “Good morning freak.” he greeted sweetly the exact moment he noticed me. He then pushed himself away from the wall and slowly walked towards me.

“Not anymore.” I murmured darkly. “What do you want?” I had been seriously hoping I could avoid him for at least first couple of hours, but he clearly had other plans, which – believe me or not – didn’t improve my mood at all.

“Oh, now now freak - don’t tell me you have already forgotten about our little plan? I honestly had a bit higher opinion about the quality of your memory. You know, especially since there is money involved.” he mocked, his lips slightly curled upwards and head tilted a little to the left.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. “You just pretended not to understand my question correctly, so you could insult me right now, didn’t you?” I asked as calmly as I could while trying to suppress the anger that slowly started boiling inside of me. I knew Jongin for a little longer than a week and was already irritated by his behavior in extend that made me want to give him a strong punch in the head every time I as much as just looked at him.

“Definitely.” he calmly replied, his typical smirk once again plastered on his face.

“Okay.” I murmured quietly. “You know what – I have class right now. We can talk later.” I hastily turned around, getting ready to run for it, when he suddenly wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me back.

“Not so fast freak.” he said. “We have the first class together, remember?” He gave me a dangerous smile before releasing my hand and motioning towards the classroom. “Come on, move.” he commanded.

I followed him with my lips pressed into a thin line. I was a little angry with myself, because I somehow managed to forget we had English lesson together and completely furious with him, because he was clearly unable to hold a conversation without adding nasty insults in his every sentence (which was already old news). Unfortunately, that was something I simply had to get used to, since we were sadly going to spend a lot of time together from now on.

When we arrived to English classroom, he calmly occupied his ordinary seat in the third row before tapping on the spot next to him while suggestively looking at me. I sighed, completely aware of the fact that he wanted me to sit with him and I couldn’t do anything to avoid it. I slowly walked towards the third row, ignoring a small number of students that was staring at me with wide eyes, clearly wondering what the hell was going on. People like me normally didn’t sit with people like Jongin, - or come anywhere close to them for that matter. It was simply a no-no in high school rule book. 

“So about your previous question…” started Jongin right after I sat down. “…The fact that you even felt the need to ask, means that you probably haven’t understood the whole point of our deal. So let me make something clear; you’re not entitled to have any free time. I expect you to follow me around like a lost puppy 24/7. You can go running on your own only when your schedule doesn’t cover mine. Got it?”

I slightly narrowed my eyes, trying to suppress another wave of anger and frustration that was swiftly traveling towards me. No, I wasn’t really surprised. Believe me or not, but I actually saw something like this coming. Jongin had been constantly around only for a little more than a week so I obviously didn’t know him very well. I had no idea what he liked or how he lived or what he did after school (and honestly, I didn’t want to find out). I only witnessed enough of his behavior to know that his reactions were or negative or somehow unexpected.

“This deal is actually very one sided, don’t you think?”

“That is why I made it.” he sent me one last conceited smile before shifting his attention on the teacher that choose an awfully good time to start the lesson.


Right after the class ended and I managed to put all my books back into the bag – which I did very quickly, because I was hoping I would somehow manage to get away from Jongin before he could come up with any more unpleasant surprises, or with another words; I was hoping for a miracle – he grabbed my wrist with one hand and gestured towards the door with the other. “We wait for my friends in the hallway, so you better turn you acting skills – if you even have any that is – on.”

Yes, my acting skills. The thing is – I didn’t need acting skills to make a total fool out of myself. The fact that I could now freely speak with Jongin, didn’t necessarily mean that I was also able to easily converse with everyone else. That sadistic bastard had managed to smash the blockage in my mind to dust and was keeping it from rebuilding itself by making me highly irritated on regular basis. His friends on the other side… I had never talked to them before, not to mention they were just as impertinent and immoral as Jongin (I sat with them at lunch for five days and that was what I picked up from their behavior). So yes, I would blow it big time, even if I actually wanted to hold an ordinary conversation with them.  

I pulled my hand out of his grasp and threw an ugly look in his direction, before slowly following him out of the classroom.

We didn’t need to wait for his so called friends long - Sehun showed up after a short minute and Kris wasn’t very far behind. When they spotted us, the former’s face stayed as indifferent as always, while the latter furrowed his eyebrows in question. “What is going on?” he wondered.

I noticed how Jongin’s lips slightly curled upwards. “Oh, I believe you have both already met Chantham high’s biggest loser? He will be joining us for a while.” he averted his gaze from his friends to look at me. “Say hi, freak.” he commanded.

Three pairs of eyes were suddenly set on me and I could literally feel how all the contempt they were sending my way prickled my skin. If the plain realization that I had to open my mouth and actually say something wouldn’t be enough to make me feel uneasy, that definitely was. “Um… h..hi.” I stuttered, my voice unintentionally quiet and weak.

Sehun and Kris shared a look I couldn’t quite comprehend, before turning back to Jongin who just nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.


 With that it was settled – I officially became their group’s scapegoat. Well, in a way.

I did precisely what that sadistic son of told – I mean ordered – me to do, though I had been spending quite a lot of time trying to find some way around. Knowing that people thought you were some pathetic loser was upsetting to say at least. Yes, that was their opinion even before I made that deal with Jongin, I often felt like even back then, but now… now it was ten times worse. I was suddenly forced to leave the backstage behind and come to an actual stage. Because I was so close to the group of ‘chosen ones’ everyone’s eyes were constantly on me, looking me, judging me, mocking me.

And the group itself… Kris made a couple of jokes on my account and Sehun was just being Sehun, which meant he kept quiet for most of the time - though he did pay his share when one of his friends found a very good insult to throw at me and was asking for opinion. Jongin didn’t change much through the week. He was mocking me when his friends were around and commenting on my poor acting skills when they weren’t. It didn’t yet reach the point of hate, but it was definitely getting close. 


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School is starting, so the updates are going to be much slower than they were during summer.


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It's been more than a year and I'm still waiting for this to be updated TT
namjalover #2
pleaseee can you write moore TT.TT i need it!! i started reading this when you add the chapter 13 and I NEED MOORE PLEASEEE YOU ARE AMAZING}
angelrain #3
Chapter 15: your story is fantastic ^^ keep updating^^
kaisoolover97 #4
Chapter 15: omg!!! this is too perfect! I need more!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
buty_bire #5
Chapter 15: Oh comeeee oooonnnn i neeedd mooooreeeee
Chapter 15: Ohm y gOD ITS SO PERFECT OMG finally kisssssssssss
aigoo kyungsoo is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^____________________________________^
thank you so much for the update
i love you
toeferitasditas #7
Chapter 15: damn it! it's getting interesting hahahha hope you update regularly hahahahaha
Chapter 15: I'm starting to like Jongin here. Kyungsoo is so precious; I hope Jongin won't hurt him more. A good update as always. Thank you.
Ttalgi-Hyukjae #9
Chapter 15: Hehehe i really love this Story and the characters :D i think i am rather dumb or just as dense as Kyungsoo cause i am also always wondering "what the hell is that Guy thinking ?!" XD anyway i really love it thank you for this great Update !!!!!