Look After Yoo

Look After Yoo

The first time Jung Daehyun saw Yoo Youngjae was when the younger was only five months old. Daehyun happened to be walking through a family friendly neighborhood with his hands shoved deep in his pockets and whistling some random tune to himself.

The sun was just starting to rise over one of the modern looking brick houses when he heard the sound of a baby crying in the near distance. Sometimes having supernatural hearing was more of a curse than a blessing. Daehyun let out a small groan of annoyance as he walked towards the source of the high pitched cry.

Daehyun peered into one of the windows of the house and noticed a white wooden crib sitting in the middle of the nursery room. His eyes glowed a faint red as he heard the latch on the window unlock before it quietly swung open. He scanned the neighborhood to make sure nobody was around before he hopped into the nursery room.

The walls of the nursery were painted a sky blue and a white toy box lay in the corner of the room next to a diaper changing station. Fluffy clouds were painted on the walls to give the room a more realistic “sky” feel and a white armchair rested in the corner near the crib. A white wooden endtable with a white lamp sat on top of it and the floors were a light colored wood.

Daehyun approached the crib cautiously as he peered into it with curious eyes. Underneath a sun colored blanket lay a fair skin baby with the chubbiest cheeks he had ever seen. The baby was crying so hard that his face had turned a bright shade of red and his tiny hands were balled up into fists as he kicked his tiny legs underneath the blanket.

As soon as Daehyun scooped up the baby in his arms he immediately stopped crying and opened his eyes. The baby had the biggest pair of doe-like eyes he had ever seen and he instantly grew attached to the child. The baby stared up at the stranger with curious eyes before he smiled revealing his toothless mouth and began to coo.

The sight of the baby melted away whatever annoyance Daehyun had felt as he cradled the baby in his arms and rocked him back and forth. The child looked like an angel in his arms as the baby began to drift off to sleep.

“We will meet again my little angel. I will look after you for as long as you live little human.” Daehyun whispered softly as his words lulled the baby to sleep.

He gently placed the baby in his crib and took one last look at the now sleeping baby before he slipped back out of the window and into the shadows where he lurked.






The second time Daehyun saw Youngjae was when the younger was five years old and playing in the park in the sandbox with his plastic bucket and shovel trying to build a sandcastle. Youngjae’s hair had grown longer and it was a deep shade of brown that almost looked close to black. His pouty lips were a smooth cherry red and his overly chubby cheeks were on full display.

Daehyun calmly walked over to the younger and bent down to look at him.

“What are you trying to do?” Daehyun asked the younger quietly.

“Trying to build a sandcastle. It keeps falling apart though.” The younger mumbled as he stuck his bottom lip out in a pouting fashion.

“Maybe you should put water on it so it won’t fall apart.” Daehyun replied.

“I know that. I just want to see if I can do it without water. Mommy says I need to challenge myself.” The younger said as he began to scoop up sand into his bucket.

“I see. Do you need some help then?” Daehyun offered as he plopped down into the sand across from the younger.

“No. I want to do it myself.” The younger huffed as he looked up at Daehyun with wide eyes.

“Wow!” The younger breathed out as he continued to stare at Daehyun with his doe-like eyes.

“What? What’s wrong?” Daehyun asked as he furrowed his brows in confusion.

“You’re really pretty. What’s your name? My name is Yoo Youngjae.” The younger said happily as he threw his plastic toys down and scooted closer to Daehyun.

Daehyun chuckled at the younger before he spoke quietly, “you are an odd child. Didn’t your parents ever teach you not to talk to strangers?”

“They did but I don’t listen most of the time. So are you going to tell me your name?” Youngjae questioned as he pouted.

“My name is Jung Daehyun. I’m sorry little angel but I must leave now. I have work to do. We will meet again though I’m sure of it.” Daehyun said as he quickly stood up and looked at the younger.

“Okay. See you tomorrow then Daehyun.” Youngjae said happily as he picked his toys back up and began to play with them again.

Daehyun knew that Youngjae was a very special child. He was sassy and very opinionated as far as he could tell. Looking after the younger wasn’t going to be an easy task that much he knew or certain.

Daehyun knew that they were destined to see each other again as he once again disappeared into the shadows.







The third time Daehyun saw Youngjae was when the younger was seven years old and the harvest moon was at its peak. Youngjae lay under the covers in his bed just staring up at the ceiling afraid to sleep because of the monsters that he claimed were hiding under his bed.

Daehyun quietly slipped into the shadows of the room as he watched the seven year old fiddle with his blanket in a nervous manner. As Daehyun approached the younger the scent of vanilla and lavender seeped through his nostrils. The smell was intoxicating as he watched the younger curiously.

Youngjae slowly opened his eyes that were squeezed shut and pulled down the blanket to reveal a smiling face. He blinked several times at Daehyun before he spoke in a voice that was barely audible.

“Daehyun, can you tell me a story? I’m scared.” Youngjae whimpered as he shrinked underneath his familiar yellow blanket.

“Why are you scared? Little angels have nothing to fear.” Daehyun whispered as Youngjae blinked at him.

“The monsters under my bed will get me just like they got that girl in the movie I saw tonight.” Youngjae whispered as he quickly threw the blanket over his head as if it would protect him from the monsters.

Daehyun wanted to laugh at the bitter irony of the current situation. If only Youngjae knew what he really was then he would call him a monster as well. If Youngjae knew the truth about Daehyun he would be terrified and wouldn’t want anything to do with him anymore. Daehyun wanted to tell Youngjae who or what he really was but he knew that if he did it would put Youngjae in danger and he most certainly did not want that to happen.

“Don’t worry my little angel. I will always protect you from the monsters that you fear.” Daehyun whispered as he gently grabbed the edge of the blanket and slowly pulled it away from Youngjae’s face to reveal those chubby cheeks he grew to like.

“So does this mean you’ll tell me a story then? Can it be a happy story, please?” Youngjae begged as he clasped his hands together and batted his eyelashes.

How could Daehyun ever say no to such a cute child like Youngjae? How could Daehyun deny the warm fuzzy feeling he felt as he saw the twinkle in Youngjae’s eyes when he got excited over something? He couldn’t.

Daehyun merely chuckled at the child before he slid under the covers and wrapped an arm loosely around Youngjae’s waist like a parent does to their child when they want to comfort them. Youngjae rested his head on Daehyun’s shoulder and inhaled the musky scent of evergreen. Youngjae felt at peace lying in Daehyun’s arms as the elder cradled him like the child he was.

“Thank you, Daehyun.” Youngjae whispered right before he let out a yawn.

Daehyun just hummed in response as he began to tell a made up story about a unicorn who desperately wanted to become human so she could be with the one she loved.

“If I was that unicorn I would have given everything up for love too.” Youngjae said in a sleepy voice.

“Why’s that?” Daehyun asked in confusion.

“Because mommy and daddy say that love is the closest thing we have to magic. Do you have someone you love, Daehyun?” Youngjae whispered as the elder turned to look him in the eyes.

“No. I don’t.” Daehyun quickly replied before he turned his gaze away from the child.

“Well I have people I love. I love mommy and daddy and I love you too.” Youngjae stated happily as his eyes began to droop.

Daehyun’s eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat at Youngjae’s confession. Although a confession from a child held no meaning Daehyun still couldn’t stop the small smile that formed from his thick lips. He wanted to reply to the younger but as he turned to look at Youngjae he noticed that he had already fallen asleep in his arms.

A whispered promise of meeting again fell on deaf ears as Daehyun slinked out of the bedroom unnoticed and into the all familiar darkness that always waited for him.






The fourth time Daehyun saw Youngjae was when he was fifteen years old and had just started his second year of high school. Youngjae was in the school library studying like he always did at his usual table when he heard the sound of the chair in front of him being scooted across the floor. He smiled a little as he inhaled the familiar scent of evergreen before he looked up and saw Daehyun eyeing him curiously.

“Hello Daehyun. It’s been a while. How have you been?” Youngjae questioned as he looked back down at his notebook and continued to jot down notes.

“I’ve been good. I see you’ve been working hard.” Daehyun replied as he leaned forward and placed his clasped hands on the table.

Daehyun was curious as to why the younger didn’t ask him the most obvious of questions. It was bothering him a lot and it got so bad that he couldn’t even sleep because of it.

“I have been. I hoped I would have gotten to see you much sooner though.” Youngjae confessed as a tint of pink adorned his chubby cheeks.

“Really now? I’m very curious now. Why did you want to see me sooner?” Daehyun asked as he leaned in so close to Youngjae that he could feel the youngers hot breath on his face.

“Because I’ve missed you.” Youngjae whispered as he bit his bottom lip.

“I missed you too angel but work keeps me very busy.” Daehyun stated as he leaned back in his chair and rested his head in his hand.

“So I’ve heard. I’ve known you for many years now and I just realized that I don’t know anything about you.” Youngjae said as he stopped writing and looked up at Daehyun.

A sigh of relief escaped Daehyun. Maybe now Youngjae would ask him the one question he’s been dying to hear. Daehyun thinks that maybe just maybe now is as good a time as any to let Youngjae in on his life. Daehyun trusts Youngjae and he knows that the younger trusts him but sometimes things get in the way to complicate things.

“This is true. What would you like to know? I’ve got nothing to hide from you Youngjae.” Daehyun said in a very convincing tone.

Maybe now will be the time that Youngjae asks him that question.

“Nothing. I don’t want to know anything about you.” Youngjae replied as he watched a saddened look fall over Daehyun’s features.

“Oh.” Was all Daehyun could say in reply as he sat there dumbfounded.

Surely the younger had questions about him. Who wouldn’t have questions for the mysterious gorgeous stranger that nobody really knew? Daehyun felt his heart sink at Youngjae’s words. He just wanted Youngjae to ask him the one question that could make or break their odd relationship.

Why do you never age? Was it really that difficult of a question to ask? Daehyun was puzzled as to why the younger hadn’t asked him yet. For the first time in his life the elder was truly speechless.

“I’m sorry. I must sound like a horrible person now. Of course I want to know about you. I want to know everything there is to know about you but I can tell that you’re not truly ready to tell me yet so I won’t ask questions. When you are ready to tell me then I’ll be here to listen to everything you have to say. I promise it won’t change my feelings towards you in any way. I’m here for you Daehyun and I always will be. I’m always here to listen.” Youngjae says in a quiet voice.

Daehyun doesn’t reply as he slowly reaches out for Youngjae’s hand and intertwines their fingers together for the first time. The blush on Youngjae’s face doesn’t go unnoticed nor the way his palm starts to get sweaty. In this moment Daehyun thinks no he knows that he’s fallen in love with Youngjae and he is definitely okay with that. Well more than okay really, he’s just completely and utterly happy about the whole thing.

When the wall of darkness approaches the school for the first time in his existence Daehyun doesn’t walk off into it. Oh no. He stays put in his seat with his fingers still locked with Youngjae’s and stares at that beautiful smile he’s grown to love so much.








The fifth time Daehyun sees Youngjae is when he is seventeen and in his final year of high school. It’s steady rain outside and gloomy as Youngjae opens up his black umbrella before he steps onto the sidewalk to leave school for the day. For the first time in his life Youngjae is glad that he doesn’t live far from his school.

Daehyun steps onto the sidewalk that Youngjae has just to and sneaks up behind the younger before he walks beside him at an even pace. Youngjae instantly knows that Daehyun is walking beside him and he says nothing as he raises up his umbrella to cover the both of them from the rain. The elder notices that the younger is now almost the same height as him and his hair has been dyed a sunshine color. How fitting Daehyun thinks as he looks at Youngjae.

The longer Daehyun stares at Youngjae the more anxious he becomes. He’s anxious because he’s wanted to try something for a while now but he’s not sure how the younger would feel about it. He swallows his pride and wraps his hand around Youngjae’s on the umbrella and Youngjae just turns his head with a smile on his face.

“I’ve wanted to try something for quite some time now.” Daehyun says softly as he releases Youngjae’s hand and stops walking to cup his face instead.

Youngjae’s eyes widen in surprise and his cheek are a dusted pink as he feels the elders hot breath caressing his face. No more words are spoken as Youngjae closes his eyes and feels a pair of soft thick lips on his own. He’s a bit hesitant at first because he’s not sure what to do but after a moment he slowly starts to move his lips in an unexperienced manner.

Sparks are going off in both of their bodies and they feel like they’re on fire. Their heartbeats are rapid but in sync with one another. As the kiss begins to deepen the umbrella that Youngjae had been holding onto falls to the ground and his arms fly around the elders neck while arms snake around his waist.

Youngjae could care less that he might end up getting sick from being out in the rain. All he knows is that he just had his first kiss taken by none other than the beautiful and mysterious stranger named Daehyun. He thinks that getting sick is definitely worth it as long as he can feel Daehyun’s lips on his own for as long as he possibly can.






The sixth time Daehyun sees Youngjae is when the younger is twenty years old. Daehyun thinks it’s time to finally tell Youngjae everything he possibly can about himself. He doesn’t like to keep things from his angel and when he watches Youngjae make his way to the couch and instantly curl up into him he thinks now is the perfect time to tell him.

Youngjae has matured a lot over the years both physically and mentally. He’s officially the same height as Daehyun now and his blonde hair is now a deep red that makes his plump light pink lips look even more inviting. He’s gained muscle where his baby fat used to be and his body is toned as if he has been working out at the gym at least three times a week. His cheeks have lost some of its chubbiness but when he smiles and that hidden dimple reveals itself his cheeks maintain the same amount of chubbiness.

The two are in Youngjae’s small apartment with him snuggled into Daehyun on the couch. Daehyun has his arm wrapped around Youngjae while the other is running fingers through Youngjae’s silky deep red locks. Youngjae feels happy, completely and perfectly happy at this moment.

“Youngjae, I have something I want to tell you.” Daehyun whispers in the youngers ear.

A lazy hum is all he receives in response because the fingers running through Youngjae’s hair right now are feeling way too good for him to say anything.

“I don’t want to keep anything from you. I want to tell you everything I possibly can about myself. No secrets between us, okay?” Daehyun questioned as he threaded his fingers through Youngjae’s.

“Okay. I’m ready to listen.” Youngjae whispers as if he’s afraid someone else is listening in.

“As you are probably already aware, I’m not human. I’m far from it actually. I’m what people would call a demon. I’m not the kind of demon that goes around tormenting and killing people. I’m what you would call a Collector Demon. I go around collecting the lives of demons that disobey the rules that had been stated to us since our creation. There are certain rules or codes that we must go by. I’m not allowed to tell you those rules but there are certain loopholes that allow some to. When a demon is created they are assigned a job and a mate. Most demons are mated with other demons but in some rare cases demons can be mated with humans.”

“So does this mean that I’m your mate then?” Youngjae asked curiously.

“Yes. You’re my mate and I knew you were since the moment I first laid eyes on you when you were just a baby. You are my angel and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect partner. I felt a bit of guilt though over the years. I didn’t want you to have to be tied down to me. I wanted you to go out and live a full and happy life. That’s why I never came to see you very often but I always looked after you without you knowing.”

“No you didn’t. I always knew you were there looking after me. I could feel your presence and your scent is pretty strong too.” Youngjae chuckled.

“Well your scent is pretty strong too. Must be a mate thing I guess.” Daehyun chuckled in reply.

“Hey Daehyun.” Youngjae whispered.

“Yeah?” Daehyun questioned.

“I love you.” Youngjae stated as he turned to look up at Daehyun.

There it was. The three little words that were big enough to tear down the fragile walls Daehyun had once built around his heart. A smile tugged at the corners of Daehyun’s mouth and no more words were whispered as his lips descended onto the youngers.

The next morning Youngjae woke up in the arms of Daehyun in his bed. His head was swarming with questions as he thought about what Daehyun had said last night. Daehyun stirred in his sleep before he opened his eyes to come face to face with Youngjae.

“Morning.” Daehyun whispered as he smiled at the younger and caressed his face.

“Morning.” Youngjae whispered back as he smiled at the elder.

“I was thinking about what you told me last night and I was wondering if it was possible for a demon to turn a human.” Youngjae mumbled.

“Yes. It is possible. Why do you ask?” Daehyun questioned as he looked at Youngjae curiously.

“Can you turn me then?”

“No.” Daehyun quickly replied as his eyes turned a faint red glow.

“Why not? Is it wrong for me to want to be with you forever?” Youngjae asked as he pulled away from Daehyun’s touch.

“No it’s not wrong but I don’t want you to have this kind of life. It’s a very dark life and nothing good ever comes out of it. I don’t want this life for you. I want you to be happy and live a normal life.” Daehyun explained.

“And I want that life with you. I want to be with you forever, Daehyun. I love you.” Youngjae said in a pleading voice.

“No. Not like this. I want you to live a full human life. Not a life of darkness.” Daehyun said as he crawled out of bed and looked around the room.

“I just want to be with you. Is that so wrong?” Youngjae whispered.

Daehyun didn’t say another word as he walked out of the apartment with slow footsteps. He knew that he had been a little harsh with Youngjae but he only wanted what was best for him. That’s what a loved one is supposed to do, right? A loved one is supposed to think of their significant others best interest.

He didn’t want someone as pure and angelic as Youngjae to step into the growing darkness. No, he never wanted that. He wanted to protect him and look after him. He wanted to keep him out of harm’s way and to always be there when the younger need him or wanted him. He was trapped in one big pile of emotions and he didn’t like it at all. These new feelings that he felt were scary and he just didn’t know what to do with them.

Maybe one day they could both see where the other was coming from and try to work out the best solution for both of them.






The seventh time Daehyun sees Youngjae is three months later at the youngers apartment. Youngjae is lying in his bed just staring up at the ceiling blankly in the middle of the night. He just feels empty almost like he lost a part of himself and he thinks that maybe he really did. There’s a tiny voice in the back of his mind that keeps telling him that Daehyun won’t be coming back and as much as he doesn’t want to believe it he can’t help but think that maybe just maybe that voice is right.

The familiar scent of musky evergreen hits his sense of smell and he turns his head to find Daehyun quietly closing the window and latching it. Youngjae’s heart accelerates as he watches the demon his demon approach him with light feet.

“Don’t you ever use a door?” Youngjae asks quietly as he stares at Daehyun.

“Sometimes but I prefer windows. They aren’t as loud as doors.” Daehyun replies as he slips underneath the covers and wraps his arms around the younger in a protective manner.

“I’m sorry we fought. I know why you want me to turn you and I respect your decision.” Daehyun whispered as he kissed Youngjae’s cheek.

“I’m sorry too Daehyun. So does this mean that you’ll turn me then?” Youngjae asked as he stared into Daehyun’s eyes.

“If that’s what you want then yes.” Daehyun replied.

“Yes. I want this Daehyun. I want to be with you forever.” Youngjae nodded eagerly.


“Will it hurt?” Youngjae whispered in a shaky voice.

“No. Not at all.” Daehyun said.

“Okay then I’m ready now.” Youngjae nodded.

“It’s done already.” Daehyun said softly.

“Really? How do I look? Do I look any different? I feel the same. My vision is way better now though.” Youngjae exclaimed as he began blinking many times.

Daehyun couldn’t help but laugh at how excited Youngjae looked and sounded. He honestly could not have asked for a better mate or partner.

“I love you Youngjae.” Daehyun whispered as he grabbed hold of Youngjae’s hand.

Youngjae just looked at Daehyun and smiled. His eyes turned a faint red glow as he threaded their fingers together.

“Thank you. I love you too Daehyun.” Youngjae whispered.

“Now we have forever to really get to know one another. No secrets.” Daehyun said happily.

“No secrets.” Youngjae replied back with a mere nod.

The two lovers spoke no more for the rest of the night. Youngjae was completely happy when he felt a familiar set of lips descend on his own. He was glad he would have forever with his one true love, Daehyun because he knew that a life without Daehyun was no life at all.

I’ll look after you.

A/N: I tried really hard to get this posted for Daehyun's birthday but it took a bit longer than I had expected...so here's a late birthday DaeJae present for everyone. Happy belated birthday Jung Daehyun!! I hope everyone likes this one-shot I put a lot of effort into this one. Comments are very welcome here and thanks to all of you that have supported me and followed me through all of my work. ^_^

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Chapter 1: The best flufiness demon fic i ever read..so cute..i love how u make the stories n love progress as time change..it sweet..they too cute for word..thank u for sharing
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 1: Awwww my heart is melting~~~ so fluffy!!!
Rachmi94 #3
Chapter 1: Kkyyaaa!!! So fluffy thing!!! XDD
Why they didn't change to human, so they can feel how to love until they grow old and die~ That should be really romantic, but loving each other forever because they are a demon a.k.a immortal is great idea too :D
Chapter 1: This story is truly amazing! I love it so much omg
Chapter 1: All i just can say is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG!!!! Great!
TheGhost_shipper #7
Chapter 1: This is so sweet~
I love your story idea~
I wanna ask you if I could translate your story? ; ;
I'll give you full credit for sure.
I couldn't send you a private message, so I ask you here.
Chapter 1: This was such a sweet story! I really liked it ^^
Chapter 1: This was amazing and sooooo sweet. Thanks author I love it!~