What's Wrong With Suho?

EXO's Sunday Chatroom

[$uho] is now chatting with [Kris]

$uho: Kr1$!

Kris: Yea?

$uho: C@n y0u h3lp m3 93t th3 b00k$ d0wn fr0m th3 h1gh3$t sh3lf 1n my r00m?

Kris: I’ll be there in a sec.

$uho: Th@nk$


[Troll Yeol] is now chatting with [$uho]

Troll Yeol: Hyung, was it Overdose first and Wolf last or Wolf first and Overdose last for the performance?

$uho: Y0u m3@n th3 0n3 n3xt w33k?

Troll Yeol: Yea, that one

$uho: It’$ W0lf f1r$t @nd Ov3rd0$3 l@$t.

Troll Yeol: Ok! Thanks hyung!


[$uho] is now chatting with [Sehun]

$uho: $ehun, d0 y0u st1ll h@v3 my l1pb@lm?

@r3 y0u th3r3?

Sehun: Oh, sorry hyung.

I put it back into your drawer with all the other lotions and things.

$uho: 1 f0und 1t. Th@nk$ $ehun.


[D dot O] is now chatting with [$uho]

D dot O: What do you think I should cook for the minions, Spaghetti or Pasta?

$uho: M@k3 wh1ch3v3r 0n3 y0u w@nt

1 th1nk th3y w1ll l1k3 y0ur $p@9h3tt1 m0r3 th0ugh.

D dot O: Ok.


[D dot O] is now chatting with [Baek Is The Best], [Chensing Machine], [Deer Han], [GuTao], [Kim Jong Kai],
[Kim Min], [Kris], [Sehun], [Troll Yeol] and [Zhang Yixing]

[Chensing Machine is offline]

D dot O: Minions, is there something wrong with Suho

Zhang Yixing: ??

Kim Min: What’s wrong with Suho?

D dot O: He was t@lk1n9 l1k3 th1$ when I asked him if I should cook Spaghetti or Pasta.

Kris: Yea, he was like that to me as well.

Troll Yeol: Me too.

Sehun: It took me 5 minutes to figure out what hyung was trying to say… :(

Kim Jong Kai: Hyung, you should make Spaghetti.

@ND H@H! 1T T00K Y0U 5 M1NUT3$? @H@H@H@H@H

Sehun: . . .

[D dot O has removed Kim Jong Kai from the conversation]

Deer Han: Nice one, Soo.

Zhang Yixing: Maybe hyung’s A, E, G, I, O and S keys aren’t working?

Kim Min: That could be possible... Typing like that doesn’t seem like something that Suho would do.

Kris: That would be some coincidence that all of them didn’t work at the same time though.

Deer Han: You guys should probably ask the Suho himself.

[D dot O has invited $uho to the conversation]

[$uho has joined the conversation]

$uho: H1 3v3ry0n3!

Kris: Suho, why are you doing that?

$uho: D01n9 wh@t?

D dot O: Typing like that.

$uho: 1 h@v3 t0 d0 th1s b3c@u$3 1 l0st 1n @ 9@m3…

Kris: A game…?


D dot O: Of course. Of course it would be you, Chanyeol.

Troll Yeol: No, no! It wasn’t just me. Baekhyun and Tao were playing too!

We were playing UNO yesterday and whoever lost the game had to use @, 3, 9, 1, 0 and $ instead of A, E, G, I, O and S in chats for the whole of today.

Deer Han: So no one else lost?

Baek Is The Best: Chen also lost before Suho took his spot in the game. I think he just chose to stay offline for the whole day instead.

I didn’t think you would actually do it, hyung o.o

Troll Yeol: Baek, where were you! It feels like all the blame is on me when you were the one who thought of doing that ; ^ ;

D dot O: So it was you Baekhyun.

Baek Is The Best: Uh…

[Baek Is The Best is now offline]

$uho: Why d1d h3 l3@ve?

Kris: Suho, stop that.

$uho: :(


A few hours later however…

[GuTao] is now chatting with [Kris]

GuTao: Du1zh@n9!

Kr1$ 93!!

Kris: Are you doing this on purpose, or did you lose a game.

GuTao: N0! S0m3 0f my k3y$ @re br0k3n!

H3lp :(

Kris: . . .

[Kris is now offline]

GuTao: KR11111111111111111111111111$$$$$  D:




Authors Note:  I think I died a few times while writing this. My sincere apologies this chapter. I lost interest in writing the chapter I was originally going to post as chapter 3 so I wrote this quickly. The next chapter will be better, I promise.
My break also ends today OTL  But that actually means updates will come a little faster (and on time) because I won't be gaming 24/7 (yay for you!) Bye for now~ ♥

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dosoojung #1
Chapter 3: i think i've dealed with this kind of writings too much...I actually can read it...even though when I read an indonesian fanfic with this kind of wR1t1ng I am still a bit confused and cannot read it...
Chapter 1: baychara yixing~
Chapter 3: W3LL, 1T W@$ @B0UT T1M3 Y0U UPD@T3D and how the heck did you manage to type like that, it's a horrible experience.
Chapter 1: Cute. .
wonderfulmint #5
Chapter 1: I love this! Cleaver idea. Please continue :)