Silly Boy
See You Tomorrow

Luhan is sitting on a plastic bench in the airport of Los Angeles, humming lullabies to himself. The air conditioning is poor and perspiration dots at the boy's nose. He is sat sideways, with his head on his arm on the back support of the chair. He drifts into a light slumber.

"Get your booty up, the bus is here"

Luhan is startled by the sentence that a voice snarled through his ear and he too quickly sits up, causing himself to see stars. "Calm down, Seni, I'm awake!"

There's a pregnant pause and after luhan's gotten to his senses, he looks up at a face that was not Sehun's.

"Oh, right." he mumbles, as if he had just before forgotten all about the trip out to LA.

"Oh, right", the other guy mocks. "The hell is Seni? It's Minseok. Min. Seok."

Luhan sighs and gets up, pushing all previous memories to the back of his mind, possibly trying to erase them completely. Right, whatever,  he tells himself as Minseok naturally drapes his arm around him.

Together, Luhan and Minseok exit the airport doors. At the first step out, Luhan's face is welcome by an icy but refreshing gust of wind. His hat falls off and his hair gets disheveled. His sunglasses fogs up. The little mishap glums him a bit, but he sees Minseok bending over laughing his gummy laugh and at that moment, and Luhan really did feel happy.

The hell, I love this guy.

Luhan told himself there was no looking back. For sure.

Smiling back at Minseok, Luhan picks up his belongings and shoves Minseok playfully. Minseok feigns surprise and annoyance as he returns the jest. The two continue on like this until they reach the bus, which, unfortunately, is packed by the time they try to get on.

They squeeze their tired bodies in between those of the sweaty and fatigued travelers. The bus driver tells them that they have to stand up the whole ride, so Luhan grabs a handle hanging from the ceiling while Minseok leans on him.

"I like that you're taller than me, Lu." Minseok utters as he attempts to nap in spite of their current and rather uncomfortable position.

Luhan silently agrees to what Minseok has just said, because he, too, likes leaning against taller people. He was reminded of a certain taller perso- , shut up.

Luhan gets an odd feeling creeping up his throat but he swallows the feeling down.

At the end of the bus ride, Luhan looks down and chuckles when he sees Minseok's open-mouthed, snoring face. How cute. He practically drags the latter down the bus. When they reach the flat pavement, Luhan lets go of Minseok completely, and Minseok falls down to the ground, eyes flying open, arms flailing. He looked startled by the sudden movement.

Luhan busts into a chuckle at which Minseok frowns, but nonetheless helps him back up. Minseok shoots a grateful smile, and Luhan can't help but to smile back. He definitely was excited for their new start in this foreign place.

"So, where to?"Luhan eagerly asks.

Minseok's eyes seem to sparkle at this question. "Ah, right around that corner." he replies, giving the taller boy a huge grin, and continues talking, like an excited boy on Christmas morning. "You're going to love it! There's a pool and everything, even a backyard garden with grass that isn't prickly, the way you like it. The theme is pristine white and simple, perfect for a minimalist like you. The bedroom is hella huge. Think of all the fun we'll have. You and me, it's great. My sister even says the wedding can take place in that yard! We'll have about 50 guests over. This will be perfect. We'll this off amazingly." he finishes with a deep contented sigh, as he laces his fingers through Luhan's own.

All the while, Luhan is listening intently and is pleased and happy about his hyung's description of their new home. This new home in a new place with Minseok, the boy he says he is in love with.

It's just two young men walking leisurely down the sidewalk. Hands intertwined, heads leaned against each other's. Hearts fluttering with anticipation for the following day to come.





The Following Day


The champagne cork flies off, and cheers from approximately 50 people fill the yard of the newly-filled residence.

"CONGRATULATIONS!", they all chorus.

And so a cake is cut,
A dance is given,
A face is kissed,
A marriage is sealed,
A beginning is born. Lu Han and Kim Min Seok, bound together by their vows, and the law.

Later that same day, when the guests are gone and the place is clean again, Minseok settles down on the couch, getting a film up and ready on the screen. Luhan goes to the kitchen to prepare their snacks. He grabs a pack of kernels and shoves it into the microwave, and leans back against the wall, impatiently waiting for the corn to pop. Pop, pop, pop.

He watches the glass plate turn with the hum of the microwave. As the corn slowly pops and the buttery aroma hits Luhan's nose, he decides to take a photo of the kernels popping. When he pulls out his phone, he notices a new facebook notification, so he unlocks the phone and checks it. He shouldn't have.

Because he slides down the wall he is leaning against, and cries. His body trembles and he is unable to control his sobs. He muffles the sounds with the back of his mouth. He can't believe it.










Oh Sehun updated his status.

"In the café! I'm an hour early, but I don't mind waiting. Going to hang out with Luhan Hyung today, so~f***in excited! (He told me I can't swear so I censored it) :3 Yehet. @Lu Han hyung don't be late okay? xx"


Luhan meant for only Sehun to hurt, but he did not expect his boomerang to return, hitting him with the same force he threw.

Stay tuned! -hunhanhearts
coded by aleric | client:  HUNHANHEARTS
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Yippee, an update! I don't know if people are still interested, haha.


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Chapter 1: WOW OMFG ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 7: What??? qq No, I refuse taking that As "the end"... it's not Completed, it sounds Really like it's still going on....! I'd like to See Lus reaction when he Meets the new Sehun And the other way around! T^T Please, authornim, this Story is Great.......! </3
Chapter 5: Nooooooooo! don't write another fic yet author him! i demand a sequel for this! huehuehue what would luhans reaction be?
sehundianne #4
complete?? there's gotta be a sequel! like what will lu's reaction be if he saw the new sehun and what sehun's reaction will also be! anyway love this lol
Chapter 3: Update sh00n jebaalll >///< kamsa for the chappie T.T :3 <3
Chapter 3: Update pleaseeee!
Author nim more more more more XD~ Pweaassee as a present for my close birthday? */\* jeball~ >////<
Chapter 2: ..update shonn T.T luhann u akfscsdjs
teji97 #9
Chapter 2: No, no, no, nooo!!! TT^TT why does it have to be like this?! why does Luhan have to be such a stupid jerk!? >.< pls write some more, author-nim!!!
Chapter 2: It is heartbreaking!! I am feeling guilty at Sehun.