
VIXX Kindergarten

"Wonsikie~!!" Little Hakyeon said as he ran towards his best, best, best friend.

"Hakyeonie hyung~!!" Little Wonsik replied as he ran towards his best, best, best friend.

"Do you wanna sit at the back today?"


So Hakyeon and Wonsik skipped towards their class together, hand in hand. After they reached the back, they sat down and played for a while. Soon the class heard the clacking sound of their teacher's high heels.

"Good morning children!" The teacher greeted happily and kindly. She's their favourite teacher of all, she would give out candies or play games with them.

"Good morning teacher!" The children replied with the same amount of happiness and kindess.

"Children, do you know what you're going to do today?"

"Ummmm... no..."

"Well, you're going to draw!"


"But!! You are going to draw a future, your future!"


"Yeah! So here are your drawing papers." The teacher said as she handed out all the papers the the children, not missing anybody's paper.

"Everyone has a paper, right?" 


"Okay, you can start drawing now!" Soon the children were off in their own little worlds thinking of how their futures. Some living in candyland, riding on unicorns, becoming a millionare. Getting crayons, paintbrushes, poster colours, water colours, colour pencils, markers and all.

"Wonsik-ah~ What are you going to do in the future?" Hakyeon asked.

"Nono~ Not yet~" Wonsik replied and covered his paper not letting Hakyeon see it.

"Awwwwwwww~ please?" Hakyeon pouted.

"Nono, hyung later~" Wonsik closed his eyes and shook his head.


Meanie... Hakyeon thought as he looked at Wonsik drawing happily. Well, I guess I'll start drawing my future then... What should I draw? Hmmmmm...Hakyeon thought as he tapped his chin. I know! I'll draw my future with Wonsikie! Hakyeon thought again. So working on his plan, he started drawing him and Wonsik when they grew older. Then, he drew a big house behind them with a garden full of flowers. He was so absorbed in his drawing that he didn't see his teacher smiling beside him. Awww... how cute of Hakyeon thinking of his future with Wonsik like that. The teacher thought. She walked another round again, realizing that every child has finished their drawing.

"I see everybody is done with their drawings, hmm?" She asked.

"Yes!!!!" The class replied in unison.

"Okay, who wants to share their future first?" Nobody raised their hands at first but slowly Hakyeon raised his hand.

"Hakyeon? You want to share first?" She asked.

"Yes..." He answered quietly.

"Let's give a big hand for Hakyeon, he's very brave." Loud clappings and cheerings were heard and Hakyeon blushed. Hakyeon looked around the smiley faces on the childrens faces.

"My...my future is...living with Wonsik..." Hakyeon said shyly and he lifted his picture up showing the picture he had drew. It was full of colours, it was really nice.

"Thank you Hakyeon, now Wonsik, what's your future?"

"My future is living with Hakyeon hyung. He's really kind, I'm sure he can take care of me. He's really brave and nice too." Wonsik said sweetly, smiling at Hakyeon and Hakyeon smiled back, he stood up and hugged Wonsik tightly.

Oh .My .Gosh!!!! I'm dying!!!! They're soooo CUTE!!!! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH!!! Look at them!!!! The teacher fangirled and fanned herself.

"Thank you Wonsikie~!" Hakyeon said and hugged Wonsik tighter around his neck.

"Your welcome Hakyeonie hyung and thank you too~!" Wonsik replied and hugged his waist tighter too.

"Your welcome."

"Hope our futures will come true."


And who knows will their future come true?




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Hope you enjoyed it.

This is the end of the navi chapter. And special thanks to my sister in real life, YoungminKwangmin, who gave me the idea of the hyukbin chapter, sick.


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winken #1
I was having a cute imagination of kindergarten looks of VIXX the I saw the name of the author. xD (JO TWINS BIASED IMNIDA! HAHAHA)
ghreena #2
Chapter 12: Aaahhh.... I want Jaehwannie birthday, hehheee...... and, invite all babies at his party. Euhmmm... I want MBLAQ's babies too, thankyou~
Chapter 12: oh my ! you sweetheart :D
Chapter 11: awwww, so adorable
Rhuzeety123 #5
Chapter 3: Umm... can you help me? I dont know who is Taekwoon and who is Jaehwan.. actually I dont know any of vixx real nane
Jia_Yi #6
Chapter 10: Wooo ~ happy birthday :D
Jaehwan and Taekwoon is so cuteeee <3
Chapter 10: -singing happy birthday to you-

i love this chapter~
Chapter 10: 'singing happy birthday to you'
thanks for chapter :D