
VIXX Kindergarten

Another day passed. Another one. And another one. For the first time, Little Hongbin would admit that he is bored of school. He has best grades among the whole grade, aced every single quizzes, dictations, anything you could think of, really. He sighed and rested his chin on his hand. He wanted to do something fun. Something crazy! He wanted to forget about school and play. And that's where he got the idea. It's Friday today right? Hyukkie and I are free! We can do something fun! Like like... A sleepover! Mommy would let us right? It's a Friday right? Yes! I'm gonna ask Mommy later! Thought the little toddler. He was over excited already. It felt like years just to wait until school was over. But finally, finally school hours are over. We're free!!! Thought Hongbin as he put his hands in the air. He quickly packed his bag as fast as he could with his small hands. When he was done, he sprinted out the classroom and found his Mommy waiting for him already.

"MOMMY!!!" Shrieked Hongbin. He ran towards his Mom and was enveloped in a big hug before feeling himself being lifted up in the air.

"Hey, Binnie~ How was school? Was it fun?" Hongbin's Mom asked as she opened their car door and placed him gently on the seat before buckling him up.

"Fun!? Not fun at all! It was boring!" Hongbin said. He blabbered on about how the teacher didn't know the alphabets and had to ask the students, (according to Hongbin and the students, they thought the teacher was stupid, and she said she was 'teaching') momentarily forgetting what he was planning to say earlier.

"Oh yeah Mommy, can I have a sleepover at Hyukkie's place? Pwease, pwease, pwease?" Fortunately, the toddler remembered and asked.

"Oh sure. Well that was weird, Hyukkie asked the same thing too and his Mom asked me and we agreed," replied the Mom casually.

"Oh really!? Me and Hyukkie are just meant to be~"

"Silly boy! Do you know what you're talking about?" Mom sighed and shook her head as she drove off to their home.


After Hongbin and his Mom arrived home, Hongbin immediately started packing his bag for the sleepover. He packed his fluffy, white, soft and cuddly unicorn with him, his clothes, toothbrush and a warm, light purple coloured blanket with him (which obviously was his Mom packing it). And there he set off again, this time toward Sanghyuk's home.

"I'm going on a trip on my favourite moving car, zooming through the roads, little Hongbin!" The young boy sang his own song, copying it from the little Einsteins. After he was done singing, he stared at the things that zoomed pass by, slowly falling asleep.

"Hongbin-ah, wake up, we're here already," Came the soft and gentle voice of his Mom.

Hongbin rubbed his eyes before he sat up slowly, looking around him.

"We're at Hyukkie's place already," Smiled Hongbin's Mom.

It was true. Hongbin saw his friend's wide grin. Waving his hands. Hongbin grinned back at him and unbuckled his seatbelt, grabbing his bag before getting out of the car with his Mom's help.



The two friends finally meet, hugging each other tightly. Sanghyuk wrapped his arms around Hongbin's waist and Hongbin wrapped his arms around Sanghyuk's neck. The Moms had almost immediately started talking to each other, Mrs Han welcoming Mrs Lee into her house. 

"Binnie, you want to come to my room and play? Let's play pillow fight!" Exclaimed the young boy.

"Sure! Let's see who will run faster!" Replied the other boy. "One, two, three!" And then, they ran. They ran as fast as they could. Quite fast for toddlers at the age of 4 and 3. When they arrived to Sanghyuk's room, apparently Hongbin had won.

"Ha! I won! I get to choose my pillow first!" Yelled Hongbin.

Sanghyuk pouted, "Fine. Find your pillow in that cupboard on the left." He pointed at the cupboard on the left.

Hongbin smiled and skipped over to the cupboard. When he opened it, indeed it was filled with pillows. He squealed and chose a big one.

He pulled it out and said, "I found mine! Now find yours." Sanghyuk sighed and trudged over and didn't even bother choosing one. He randomly pulled one pillow out and said, "Found one."

But before they started, a knock came from the door. The door opened, and Hongbin's mom peeked her head in.

"Binnie, I'll be going home now. Be asleep at around ten... Thirty. Kay?" Said Mrs Lee.

"Yes, Mommy. Bye bye Mommy," Said the cute boy. He ran over to his mom and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight, Mommy. Be safe! I love you!" 

"Love you too, Binnie," Said Mrs Lee. She smiled and closed the door.

"Back to the game," Said Hongbin as he smirked. "Three, two, one, let's start!"

Giggles and laughs filled the room. And obviously, Hongbin was winning.

"Haha! I'm winning!" Hongbin said. 

Sanghyuk got so frustrated of getting hit that he growled and smacked Hongbin hard on the face. So hard that Hongbin fell onto the floor from the bed. After realising what he did, he quickly went next to Hongbin.

"Binnie? I'm sorry, are you okay?" Said Sanghyuk. Before Hongbin had put his head down, he swore he saw tears from Hongbin's eyes, threatening to fall. Instantly, Sanghyuk felt guilty. But suddenly, Hongbin looked up and before Sanghyuk could even say hippie ho, Hongbin had hit him right. In . The .Face. Sanghyuk was surprised. He stayed there, sitting on the floor. What?

Hongbin giggled, and his giggles turned into laughs. Sanghyuk looked up, then it clicked. Hongbin had hit him. 

"You... You cheater!" Sanghyuk shouted at the laughing boy. Soon they started chasing each other, hitting here and there. This was what Hongbin wanted. A crazy and fun night for just the two of them. A perfect and crazy sleepover.


A/N: yaaaaayyyy. I finished with this chapter!!!! Sorry for not updating for a while. Hehe...

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winken #1
I was having a cute imagination of kindergarten looks of VIXX the I saw the name of the author. xD (JO TWINS BIASED IMNIDA! HAHAHA)
ghreena #2
Chapter 12: Aaahhh.... I want Jaehwannie birthday, hehheee...... and, invite all babies at his party. Euhmmm... I want MBLAQ's babies too, thankyou~
Chapter 12: oh my ! you sweetheart :D
Chapter 11: awwww, so adorable
Rhuzeety123 #5
Chapter 3: Umm... can you help me? I dont know who is Taekwoon and who is Jaehwan.. actually I dont know any of vixx real nane
Jia_Yi #6
Chapter 10: Wooo ~ happy birthday :D
Jaehwan and Taekwoon is so cuteeee <3
Chapter 10: -singing happy birthday to you-

i love this chapter~
Chapter 10: 'singing happy birthday to you'
thanks for chapter :D