The Light To My Shadow

The Light To My Shadow

Yeouido Park, spring 2014...

The Cherry Blossom Festival started a few hours ago and the park was slowly filling up with more people as the minutes ticked by. Yuri walked across the petal scattered walkways among the thousands of visitors with her Polaroid camera in hand. She inhaled the fresh and sweet scent of the flowers that were hanging above her. As expected, she caught the eye of many men, even those who were already taken, but she didn't take notice of them or sent them a single glance. She was solely focused on capturing the perfect image for her scrape book.

As she walked over the bridge that crossed over a small pond, she caught a glimpse of some koi fish that were swimming in circles in the clear water. Thinking that they would make a perfect addition to her book, she snapped a picture of them. 

When she pulled out the newly took picture, a gasp escaped her lips. She bit her lower lip as she took a better glance at the picture. On it, a young man around her age leaned over the bridge's railings as he looked over to the side. Her camera caught his reflection in the water. Totally fangirling internally, she turned the other way and started walking down the steps of the bridge, but a hand prevented her from doing so.

"Hey." His soothing voice called out as his hand slid down to hers. He turned her around and placed a paper in the palm of her hand. "This yours?" She looked down at her hand and saw the picture she just took.

"Uh- Y-Yeah. Gomawo." She bowed her head, hoping he wouldn't see her blushing.

"It's a nice picture." He smiled, liking her shy and cute personality. She gently nodded and hid the picture in her pocket.

"I'm Luhan, by the way." He introduced, wanting to know more about her.

"Yuri." She mumbled, finally lifting her head to face him. His heart immediately started to flutter when a smile lit her face. They both shook hands for a second, but he felt this tingly sensation which he found amazing. 

"Care for a walk?" He asked and she happily accepted. From that moment, they hit it off without a hitch and they couldn't be happier. 

Months later... 

Yuri moved in with Luhan after months of their growing love. Life was going exactly the way she wanted it to go and she was more than happy that she found Mr. Right, but lately, he's been acting fidgety and weird like he's keeping something from her. Of course, she tried not to think too much about it, but he just wasn't acting like himself and it worried her.

It was currently 7 pm and she's still waiting for Luhan to come home so that they could go see a movie they wanted to watch. As the minutes ticked by, she slowly fell asleep on the couch as the TV played on in the background. 


A young couple skated across the ice in an indoor skating rink. It was her first time trying so he placed his hands on her hips while guiding her from behind. She couldn't help but laugh every time she would slip or lose her balance. They had a blast, but eventually took a break since their feet were killing them. After taking his skates off, Luhan knelt in front of Yuri and started to take off her skates.

"Oh, you don't have to-" She was cut off before she could even finish her sentence.

"It's okay. I want to." He smiled and slowly slid them off her feet, giving them a sense of relief. 

"Thanks." She sighed while leaning her back on the wooden bench.

It was their 5th date and they were already madly in love. It sounds cliché, but that's what happens when you find the person you're meant to be with. Yuri knew that the moment her eyes fell on his that she was meant to be with him. 

As the couple walked out of the rink, they linked hands and walked to his car. He planned a surprise for her and she was more than curious to find out what it was. She smiled throughout the whole car ride as they both sang along to the radio to their favorite songs. She rolled down the window to let in to cool breeze and enjoyed the vast view of the city before her. She stuck her head a bit farther out to get a better look, but Luhan gently pulled her back in.

"Don't do that." He said in all seriousness which made her sit back in her seat. She felt slightly embarrassed for being so childish and he saw that. "I don't want you to get hurt." He lightly kissed her temple which made the butterflies in her stomach go absolutely insane. It was a big deal for her since they've just entered the skin ship stage. They haven't kissed each other on the lips yet, but he was determined to do so that day.

Once parked near the entrance of the beach, they walked hand in hand towards the blue ocean where the waves gently crashed against the white sandy beach. As much as she wanted to take a dip, she was perfectly happy walking along the shoreline with Luhan. As the water lightly touched her feet, she squealed from the cold temperature which caused Luhan to chuckle uncontrollably. To solve her little dilemma, he picked her up bridal style and carried her the rest of the way. Yuri, blushing like a mad person, snuggled closer to him and inhaled his addicting scent. This was her paradise.

The moment he let her down, she frowned and kept her hands securely around his neck. He noticed her sour expression and chuckled once more before leaning closer and closer to her face that turned a bright shade of red. He stopped an inch away from her lips, giving her the chance to move away if she didn't want the kiss, but he was surprised when she crashed her lips against his.

The kiss could be described as wild, but it felt soft and gentle. His hands landed on her waist as he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. She stood on her toes just to reach his height and to make his lips obtainable. His lips were just as she imagined: soft and sweet. She loved every second of it, but when lack of oxygen became an issue, they slowly pulled away. He leaned his forehead on hers and let out a deep sigh as he bit his lower lip. She knew that he had something on his mind just by the way he was acting.

"Everything alright?" She asked and he hesitantly nodded. She raised a brow and he finally let it out.

"I love you."

At that point, her heart was literally moving faster than the speed of light and she was on cloud nine. Her eyes widened as she unconsciously pointed at herself. He chuckled at her cute reaction and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Yes, you." He whispered in her hear which made her smile like a fool. 

"Nado saranghae." She whispered back before pulling him down for another passionate kiss, but a huge wave crashed over their legs, bringing them both down to the wet sand. They were both soaked with the cold sea water, but laughed it off as he pulled her body of his and kiss her. Heat instantly rushed to her cheeks as she enjoyed every second.


Her dream was cut off as a loud bang came from the front door. She quickly rubbed her eyes and composed herself while checking the time. It was currently 2 am and Luhan had just arrived home, his hair a mess and his clothes untidy. She furrowed her bed as she walked up to him, trying to keep her calm. Well, who wouldn't be mad at that moment? He promised to take her out and comes home early in the morning without telling her.

"Luhan? Are you okay?" She asked when she noticed how he leaned from side to side as if he was on a boat.

"F-Fine." He muttered under his breath as he kept his back to her. He leaned on the door for a moment before turning around to stumble through the room. His eyes were half opened and his breath smelled of alcohol.

"Are you drunk?" She asked, but regretted it afterwards when he lashed out at her.

"So what?! Is a man not allowed to go out and grab a drink with his friends?!" He slurred his words while waving her off. She stayed frozen in place. He never acted this aggressively towards her. Never once did he raise his voice at her or even swung an arm at her.

"Luhan-" She tried to steady him, but he pushed her off.

"God! I'm not ing handicapped! Get off me, would ya?" He shouted and let her stumble onto the couch. He walked away and went to the bedroom and shut the door, creating a loud noise that made her flinch. She just stared at the door in shock as she tried to make sense of the situation. Yuri was a bit afraid to confront him, but she knew that it would be okay to talk to him in the morning. If she wanted to talk to him.

The next morning, Yuri woke up with a sore back and aching limbs. She slept on the couch and it wasn't comfortable at all. After brushing her teeth and getting ready for the day, she walked over to the kitchen to make some coffee. Upon smelling the delicious scent of freshly made coffee, Luhan woke up and realized that Yuri wasn't next to him. He slightly frowned, trying to remember the moment she left bed because he would usually notice any movement coming from her. The night before was nothing but a blur to him.

"Morning." He happily greeted while wrapping his arms around her slim waist. She slightly flinched at his touch, scared that he might be in his drunken state. Noticing the uncomfortable look on her face, he looked at her questionably. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing." She stuttered while looking the other which could only add more to his cloud of confusion.

"You sure? 'Cause you seem pretty fidgety."

"Luhan, do you remember what happened last night?" She asked curiously and he took a while to think. That's when it hit him. He gulped before daring to speak.

"D-Did I hurt you?" He asked as his hands around her waist tensed. The thought of anyone laying a finger on her made his blood boil, but he would never forgive himself if he was the one to hurt her.

"No. You just acted... weird." She really didn't know how to describe the way he treated her and she didn't want him beating himself up over it. In an instant, he hugged her tighter.

"I'm so sorry. That'll never happen again." He promised and kissed her cheek affectionately. She was 100% convinced and they continued their day happily. What she didn't know that his problem was only growing...

Night after night, he would sneak out when she's not noticing and go to the bar with his friends. No, his friends were not the problem. Luhan invited them so that they could stop him from drinking too much, but in the end, it never worked out since they would also drink until they're unconscious. When Luhan was still a bit conscious, he would stumble into his car and drive back home. It was a miracle that he didn't crash into anything.

One night, as he fumbled around with the keys outside the apartment he shared with Yuri, the door swung open, almost making him fall to the ground since he was using it as a support. Yuri stood on the other side, still trying to contain her anger as she crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot on the ground. It was the nth time he came home drunk and she couldn't help but feel a bit hurt. He promised...

"I can't believe you. You went out drinking again." She rolled her eyes and didn't even bother to help him in anymore. He chuckled darkly before wiping some alcohol residue from his lips.

"Is there a problem?" He continuously chuckled as he fell on the couch.

"Yes! I don't like it when you get drunk. It scares me." She said in a soft tone. Normally, he would soften up and immediately apologize to her, but in his current state, he couldn't help but get mad.

"What are you going to do about it?! I can do whatever the I want!" He shouted and grabbed her wrists.

"L-Luhan, let g-go!" She panicked and tried to worm away from his grasp, but he pushed her up against the wall.

"This is my house and my life so I can do whatever I want." He breathed heavily. "You're my propriety now. Deal with it." He tucked away a loose strand of her hair and his touch seemed to make her tremble even more.

"P-Please, get off me." She managed to mumble, but he just laughed at her attempt to subdue him.

"Or else what?" In a matter of seconds, he forced his lips on her and she tried to push him off. She eventually succeeded, but it only made him stumble a few feet back. He lightly chuckled and immediately pushed her on the couch. Luhan fumbled around with the buttons of his shirt and kissed her whenever he got the chance. Yuri kept on pushing him off, but in vain. Tears streamed down her face as the taste of acohol infiltrated . Then, he started taking her clothes off.

Finally, she took the biggest risk ever and slapped him across the face. He stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. When he stayed there, she grabbed the essentials and ran out the door before he could get up. Her heart was hurting badly and the tears just wouldn't stop. The guy she thought was perfect turned out to be just some drunk bastard who could eventually abuse her to death. That night, she spent in her old apartment while crying her eyes out. The way he talked to her and touched her felt wrong. She was too scared to face him again. Heck, she didn't want to face him at all.

The next morning, Luhan felt like as he got up from the floor. He vaguely remembered what happened last night and was confused when Yuri was no where to be found. Some of the chairs and tables were flipped as the front door was wide open. At first, he thought that someone robbed the place and kidnapped Yuri, but when he noticed that nothing was stolen, he fell down once more. He finally remembered what he did.

Feeling like the biggest on earth, he went out on the search for Yuri and was determined to apologize. The first place he went to was her old place. Luckily for him, the moment he left the car, Yuri walked out of her apartment building. She stopped in her tracks once her eyes fell on his. She immediately ran back and he chased after her. She kept on screaming and ran into the stairwell since she knew that the elevator would take too long. Luhan finally managed to catch up with her, but she just kept on screaming while hitting him and telling him to stay away.

"Wait! Listen to me! Please!" He shouted, but she wouldn't listen.

"Don't touch me!" She shouted back while sliding her back against the brick wall. She sobbed as she remembered the way he acted around her last night and it chilled her to the bone.

"I'm sorry! I didn't think-"

"That you were going to take advantage of me?!" She exclaimed while harshly wiping her tears.

"Oh God. Did I do that?" He grabbed a handful of his hair in frustration. "I never intended to do that! I was drunk and-"

"You told me you wouldn't do that anymore." Said Yuri as she tried to stand back up.

"You don't understand! It's just something inside me that's making me do that!" He tried to explain, but she was already halfway up the stairs. When he made a move to follow her, she stopped him.

"Just leave me alone. I need to think about things." She told him before running up the rest of the stairs. He just stood there, angry at himself.

That very night, he went back to the bar and drank as much as he could to drown away the pain. It might be one of the worst ideas he has ever gotten, but it was the only thing he thought of. But this time was different, instead of drinking until he became aggressive, he drank so much that he was just unconscious at that point. He slept on the bar counter and just waited for the bartender to wake him up.

When he felt a nudge on his shoulder, he drowsily got up and stumbled around to find the exit. Suddenly, he felt someone placing his arm over their shoulder. Luhan thought it was just one of his friends so he let them carry him. In the car, he kept quiet while thinking of Yuri. He missed her so much and couldn't believe that she was no longer part of his life. He wanted to kiss her and craved for her touch, but it's probably too late for them to be together at that point. During the whole night, mumbled things about her without even caring about the presence beside him.

"D-Don't leave... Yuri-ah... Saranghae." He said as his head bobbed from side to side.

Finally, they reached his place and his friend set him down on the bed and left. During the whole night, he had nightmares of losing her over and over again. He hugged his pillow tightly, thinking that it was Yuri. 

The morning light hit his face and woke him up. He groggily rubbed his eyes and once they were fully awake, he froze. Yuri sat on the opposite side of him with a jacket draped over her as she slept peacefully. He didn't know how she got there or why she was even there, but he didn't hesitate to place her on the bed since she looked uncomfortable sleeping in a chair. When he was about to let go, she held on tighter and pulled him in.

"Um... Y-Yuri-ah..." He tried to get away since he knew that she didn't want anything to do with him and that she must've not known that she's cuddling with him since she's sleeping.

"Just shut up and sleep." She sounded fully awake, but her eyes were closed. He gulped and obeyed. He scooted closer to her and placed his arm over her waist hesitantly.

"A-Are you sure?" He stuttered and she confidently nodded while keeping her eyes closed. From that point, he didn't bother to ask why she came back. He was just happy to have her back and nothing could bring him down.

"Thank you." He whispered to her while trying to keep his tears from falling. She smiled and vowed to take care of him. It was the least she could to for her soul mate.


While still trying to decide whether to stay with Luhan or not, Yuri went on her laptop to make her forget about the pain. Maybe some music could help her ease the pain in her heart. Unconsciously, she typed in Luhan's name in Google.

"." She cursed when she realized what she had done, but suddenly, something caught her eye. She clicked on the link with his name on it and read the article.

SPRING 2012:

Late at night, witnesses called 911 after seeing a car crash into another on the road of -xxx-. One of the drivers left the scene without any injuries, but the other was sent to the hospital. The male was Xi Luhan, a local of the area. He came home after drinking at a bar and cut another driver off which caused both cars to swerve out of control and hit each other. 

According to his friends, Luhan has suffered from depression and anxiety attacks after his parents death. To add to his symptoms, his girlfriend broke up with him which induced his drinking habits. He became aggressive after drinking and his friends couldn't do anything. 

"He refused to go to rehab." A friend told media outlets.

"After his parent's sudden departure, something inside him snap, but when his girlfriend left, he just lost control." Another friend said.

"We're all worried for him. At this moment, he's stable, but we don't know what's going to happen if something like this happens again." His other friend stated.

Currently, Luhan is being examined at the hospital and will be released in a few days for court. His punishment will be determined. 

Yuri's heart sank when she read that article. She couldn't believe that Luhan once got into a car crash because someone he loved left him. She also felt guilty because she might be the one to cause his drinking habits to worsen after this and that she might cause him to get into another crash. 

For the whole day, she paced her whole living room, thinking about what to do next. She doesn't want him to think that she's coming back to him because she pities him. She honestly loves him, but the fear that was building inside her was making her hesitate. Finally, she decided to go over to his place and talk since it was the most reasonable thing to do. As she prepared to leave her place, her phone rang. Her brows furrowed when she saw his name flash on her screen. She found it weird since it was late at night so he might be drunk, but something inside her was telling her to pick it up.

"Yoboseyo? Luhan?" She answered and waited patiently for his drunk voice to reply. To her surprise, it was another male voice.

"I'm sorry, your friend passed out at my bar and we're closing soon." She figured that it was the bartender.

"Ye, I'll be there in a second." She said and received the address to the bar.

Once she got there, the place was completely empty except for two people. There was the bartender in his uniform, holding a passed out Luhan up. He placed him on the table and told her to hurry up because he had to lock the doors. She nodded and lightly poked Luhan's shoulder. When he didn't get up on his own, she placed his arm over her shoulder and dragged him out. While in the car, she bit her lower lip, scared that he might snap on her or do something unexpected.

"D-Dont leave... Yuri-ah... Saranghae." He mumble. Her heart was beating faster at that point and it was making her more sure about her decision. She was staying with him even with the risk of being abused by him again. It didn't matter to her anymore, she was clearly important to him and he was extremely important to her. There was no buts or ifs, she was now 100% committed to him.

That night, she looked after him from a distance since she's positive that he wanted his space for the night. While roaming his house, she noticed how unorganized it was: empty beer bottles were lying around and broken glass scattered the kitchen. 

"Oh no, it's starting." She mumbled to herself. She felt so stupid for letting him get to this point. "What kind of girlfriend am I?!" She kept on beating herself up over it. 

All of a sudden, she stepped on a piece of glass, but luckily, she was wearing her shoes. As she looked down, she noticed a piece of paper under it. She picked it up and smiled when she saw the picture she took of him by accident when they first met. A small tear formed in her eyes when she read what was written on the back...

"She's the light to my shadow" 

Author's note:

Annyeong :)

So, here's my finished one shot. I know there may be some mistakes, but I'll check it later because I don't want to make you guys wait for my update and it's pretty late where I am. I hope you like it! And if you want to, you can go on Wattpad and check out my other stories. My name is Muuchacho and I hope you'll consider reading them! 

Have a nice day~!


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Thank you to everyone who left such nice comments on my first story :') It means a lot!


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Chapter 1: Im loving your yulhan stories. Cant wait for the next chapter. ^^
ijustlovesoshisuju #2
Chapter 1: Wow! This is a really nice story... I hope to hear more of yulhan from you... Thank u soo much..just like you i'm also a huge fan of keep it up...and i'll check on ur wattpad altho i don't have any account there...

More yulhan please?
kwonyuri1205 #3
Chapter 1: Omo, i know u.. my id name on wattpad is beninglaras.. i come from indonesia.. nice to see u.. n u finally making a story here, a GOOD one story.. love it n im so happy.. cant wait for ur next fanfic project authornim..
Chapter 1: ohhhhhhhh... so it was you all along. hahah!
I was actually wondering if you had aff or not haha!
I'm the author of the crappy kaiyul story in wattpad. haha!
so glad to find you!
this story is so sweet! hehe <3
Merhaba #5
Chapter 1: OMG so cool can't wait for your next update.
Yulhan <3 Yuri is a kind girl
Chapter 1: Update please!
carrotmilk #7
I read your story on wattpad before...
I really love your story, especially who are you..
minhoyyuri24 #8
Chapter 1: yulhan!!<3
Chapter 1: Aw my yulhan<33
Glad she decided to come back to take care of Lu. At least she knew why luhan acted that way hmmm

Good job authornim<3~