

Baekhyun POV

I'm sure my own world was so peaceful and calm. Everything was white and I'm having a good rest in my world. Nobody would bother me, nobody could tell me what to do. But I was yearning to hear her voice. To hold her soft hand. To give her a gentle kiss on her forehead. But not once, I hear her calling out for me.

"Mister, I hope you will get well soon." one voice cracking into my head and make me awake from my sleep. I'm sure it was a girl voice. So soothing and full of sincerity.

"Who are you? Han Daeun?" I speak to that voice but I got no reply. Curiousty engulf me and I running clueless in my white world. There is no end of it. Everything is the same. And I'm tired of searching where the voice come from so I stood there and I put my hand on my chest.

"Why only your voice I could hear?" My heart beat like crazy so I closed my eyes to gain calmness. But then my ear catch the same voice but this time it was the sound of her crying. I don't know her, who the hell she is, but just hear her crying, tears begin to roll on my cheek. My hand tremble and out of blue, a warm hand grab my hand so I turned to see who is it?

"Don't you want to go back now?" It's just a kid. A little kid with a long hair with such a delicate face. She was smiling at me sweetly. Behind her, there were a white door standing strong.

"Are you the one who call for me?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"If you want to find her, you need to open the door behind me."

"Then what going to happen to me? Am I going to die?" I doubt her and the door she pointed at.

"No, once you open the door, you will wake up from this long sleep. There are many people who is waiting for you, and need you."

I crossed my arm against my chest and let out a heavy sigh.

"If I woke up now, my mother will nag at me again! My life will be control again. I hate that, so no thanks I'm not going back." I turned my back on her but she grab my hand and drag me to the door and open it widely.

"Yah kid! Are you crazy?"

"You should go back now or else I'm not going to exist! You must meet someone nice and love you with all her heart, not your lover who going to someone else arm" she shouted at me and she pushed me towards the blinding light in front of me. I couldn't say any words at her but I saw her waving her hand and her lips saying something to me but I couldn't hear her. The next thing I know is another voice,so familiar call for my name and I slowly open my eyes with neon light strike my eyes.

"Baekhyun are you awake?" My body feel numb so I couldn't even lift a finger. When my view become clearer, I divert my view at the left side and the first face that I saw is my mother, with tear falling endlessly from the corner of her eyes.

"Omma.." I could only speak so slowly. Just hear that could make her smile and I could feel the warmnest when she hold my hand in her. She my hair gently and I saw a doctor with 2 nurses come to check on me. He asked such a stupid question that a kindergarten child could even answer it. As they doing check up on me, my eyes catches a white flower in a vase but I don't bother to ask my mom about it. It might be her the one who put it in there.

3 days past since I woke up from coma, and those flower still living healthy and fresh. Whenever my mom want to replace it with another flower, I stopped her from doing so, lying that those were the type of flower that I like. Since when I was a nature lover?

"Omma, do you know where is Daeun?" I shot a question to my mother and her face was not good when I asked her. She seem want to avoid answering it but I forced her to spit it out.

"Baekhyun ahh, you should learn to forget about her. She is not meant for you."

"What are you saying omma? Are you trying to marry me off with someone else that why you said like that? Omma, whatever going to happen I'm going to marry her whether you like it or not."

"I'm even thought to marry you off when you wake up from coma. I really mean it. But did you know? She doesn't care about you and she going to get marry with other man tomorrow." My eyes widen and I was in disbelief. My mother must be lying.

"Why would she do that? We love each other."

"I know..but.."

"I'm going to find her." I pull out the IV tube from my arm and climb down from my bed. I went to my drawer and took all of my stuff and clothes and throw it into a bag. My mother grab my arm to stop me from going out.

"Baekhyun, you are not well yet."

"I don't care! I need her explaination right now!" Thinking about her make me a bad son to my mother where unconciosly I scream at her and pushed her away. Her face was in shock mixed with sad feeling when I act like that.

"Omma, I'm sorry but I need to see her right now." I freeze in my position and my head down toward the floor.

"Just rest for one more day. I'll booked a flight ticket for you tomorrow. Go and satisfy your heart son. I won't stopped you anymore."

"To where?"

"Jeju Island"

My mom said weakly and then walked out from my room, giving me space to settle down. I realized that it was not wholly my mother fault. It's my fault for falling into sleep for 3 years long. Its my fault for breaking her heart. Falling into coma must be the punishment for me because I never love her with all of my heart.

Seyoung POV

"Park Seyoung! How long are you going to trap in your room?! You didn't go to work for 3 consecutive day!"

Dad being so angry and knocked the door thosand of times. I think the door won't last long either if he keep doing that, trying to get me out from my room. I sighed and grab my pillow to cover my ear. I closed my eyes, forcing myself to sleep but I won't be able now. What I keep doing right now is looking every second pass on the clock and doing some cross on the calender, counting day that have past.

"Park Seyoung! You worrying me!" Dad shout again and I sitting up on my bed.

"Appa just leave me alone! I'm not in my mood."

What I really want to say is "appa just leave me alone. I'm going to die anyway.". How I wish I could be honest with him about my current situation. Dad then let me know that he already prepare dinner downstair and ask me to come down to eat but I rather starving and die. When I hear his footstep going down, I took my tablet on my side bed table and slide the screen to unlock.

One mention on SNS pop out on the screen and it turn out to be Hye Rim.

"Seyounggie..I get discharge today. After this I might get busy with the wedding preparation. Gosh I'm nervous! Ah and did you know the patient staying next to my room is freaking hot. You should come this morning. I guess it just not your luck."

I rolled my eyes after reading it and blow my bang. Am I care who is the patient? Did you have to mention about your wedding? It's not my problem! As I was scrolling down the SNS, suddenly an advertisement pop out on the screen.


"What? Is everybody trying to mock me?" Feeling irritated, I pressed the close button but the words stuck on my mind. I begin to ask myself. What am I doing here when I have so many thing I want to do? I bit on my lips and forcing my slow brain to extract what am I going to do in this 3 precious month! My hand running on the screen and I open up the memo in my tablet which I treat it as my dear diary, and I start typing and listing my bucket wish. 

When I statisfied with my list, I make my flight ticket booking and get down from my bed, go to my wardrobe, took out my bag and throw all the clothes into the bag. As I was walking around in my room, I pass by the large mirror next to my bed where I freaking scared of my reflection. My hair so messy, I smell like fish and there is a big dark circle under my hazel eyes.

"Park Seyoung. get hold of yourself! The world doesn't end yet!" I'm talking to the mirror and just then I remember something. For the first time after 3 days, I opened my door and the fresh air rush into my room that stink with dark aura. I run downstair where I found my father was reading newspaper with his glasses on at the lounge.

"Appa! I'm going to vacation! Don't ask me where and don't even bother to call me! And don't try to stop me!"

I shout behind him and his eyes widen because of shock. What is more shocking is the fact that I'm going somewhere without him, which never happen in my life. Before he could say anything, I rushed back into my room, slammed the door and keep it lock. I'm just going to endure him until tomorrow morning.


to be continued

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please anticipate the next chapter where our lovely Baek will make his first encounter with our so-much-worry Seyoung!


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Chapter 3: Update soon.
Chapter 3: Been waiting for an update for a month and at last...but i'm alittle sad as it was too short and i can't get enough of it...i'm craving for more updates...please update soon,author... P.s. love the story
Chapter 2: Update again and hurry because i really enjoy the story and i like the story so much.
Chapter 2: Oh man! Update again authour! Waiting for Baekkie to just get Seyoung and die. (I'm so fuking mean TuT)
Chapter 1: Please update~~ I want to know more about it.