Cold War

Maid in Heaven

- Kyuhyun’s POV -


“Kyu, I got you a maid,” hyung replied.


“Bwo!? Hyung, I don’t need one! I spend almost my entire day at home so it’s impossible not to have time to take care of the house,” I rationalized.


“Pabo! Stop reasoning out. We both know that you’re already 30 and all you know is to play star craft and cook ramen if you’re hungry ever since you finished your military training. Now you have someone to clean your room, cook your food, answer incoming calls, and maintain your garden,” he explained.


“Hyung, are you punishing me? Why don’t you just send her to your place or Shindong’s place since you have children already. Surely, your house is messier than mine,” I kept on trying to convince him.


“Kyu, Taeyon stays at home and she has time for both our children and chores. We owe her this cleaning job. Our car bumped to her and left her unconscious for several days. The same happened to you before so I thought that you’d be more empathic. Besides if we take her, we’ll cut down your expenses,” he explained.


I looked at the girl from head to toe. The girl who used to have the most beautiful smile now has her lips curled and her hands clenched. Though she was glaring at me, I can see that she’s fighting hard not to make her tear fall. “this is going to be a great game: survival of the fittest,” I thought as I do my evil laugh in my mind.


“Araso,” I said while looking at her in disgust. I turned to hyung and told him, “hyung, make sure there are terms and conditions. I don’t want her getting into my privacy. I want her to pretend she’s an elf who cleans the house unseen.”


- Yuri’s POV –


“Aish!!! I’ve never met such an irritating and arrogant man in my entire life. Be thankful you’re handsome and you’re an idol if not I could have smashed your face with my own fist,” I mumbled under my breath.


“Araso,” he said while looking at me in disgust. He turned to Manager Park and told him, “hyung, make sure there are terms and conditions. I don’t want her getting into my privacy. I want her to pretend she’s an elf who cleans the house unseen.”


He left the living room and headed towards the stairs. I thought it would end then and there. But purposely he came back to just peek through the open door and stick out his tongue on me.


I closed my eyes to control my anger and thought, “God, you could have just took my life in the accident. I don’t want to work for an evil and childish man!” But my anger seems to be difficult to disperse because it has already reached its boiling point. Rather than ignoring him, I pierced him with my eyes and stick out my tongue back.


And so the war begins.

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heeyeonhwang #1
Chapter 24: Hwwaa... I love this? Is this part the end of the story? Update please... Thanks for posting such a great story >.<
heeyeonhwang #2
Chapter 22: Yuri... Just love Kyuhyun. He have been searching for u for so~ long.
Why u ignore him T.T
heeyeonhwang #3
Chapter 21: It's so sad T.T
Kyuhyun why u dump her before?
I'm so sad T.T
Chapter 24: Is this the end? hope it's not. If not, update please. A great story :)
Chapter 5: is it completed already?
no more updates?:(
or its ended already:(?
BlackPearl_Goddess #7
Wow... Just started reading your story today and my eyes have not leave the pc for the whole time... Whew... @_@
It's a fantastic story! Kyuhyun is so lovely & evil at the same time... Yunho is so charming & understanding... Yuri is so cute, pretty.... Hope to see another update soon! ^^
new reader here!hope you'll update soon!