Stalker Kyu

Maid in Heaven

- Kyuhyun’s POV –


I watched Yunho introduce Yuri to the guests in each table. But prior to reaching ours, Yuri excused herself and gestured her finger towards the toilet. Yunho gave her a peck on her cheek and whispered her something that made her giggle and kiss him back on his lips. Aish! Go ahead. Play more games with me and make me jealous. Yuri started walking out of the hall and I found this as a perfect opportunity to meet her privately. I wanted to talk to her. I wanted her to tell me straight that she and Yunho were just fooling around. I trailed her and waited for her outside the female’s lavatory. My heart can’t help but flutter in excitement. When I heard the steps of her heels, I purposely blocked her way. I saw Yuri up close: her eyes, her peach cheeks, and her lips that I longed to touch. I scooped her into an embraced and whispered to her, “Yuriah, I miss you so much. Where have you been? Tell me everything that happened inside was just a big grand joke.”


Yuri awkwardly pushed me away. “Uhmmm... Ajusshi, mianhe. Do I know you? The way you call me, it seems we’re close in the past but I had an accident and suffered amnesia. I have no recollection of my past except for the last two years until now.”


My mouth hanged open in disbelief. “Bwo?”


“Ajusshi, I have to go now. My fiancé is waiting for me,” she excused herself and started walking.


I grabbed her wrist and grimly asked her “Yuriah, did you seriously lose your memory? I wouldn’t believe that you have forgotten me,” I pulled her close to me until her face is an inch closer to mine. I grabbed her hands and cupped it on my cheeks where my tears raced against each other. “Yuriah, I’m Kyuhyun. Don’t you remember me? You told me your dream of me is the sweetest. Have you forgotten that?”


Once again she pushed me, but this time, she put more strength and harshness into it. “Yah! Ajusshi! Stop scaring me. I said I can’t remember anything so can you quit spouting nonsense,” she yelled. Then she ran and left without even looking back at me.




- Kyuhyun’s POV-


I opened my room and my dim lights. I laid my car keys in a small dish on my bedside table and laid myself on the bed. I looked at the pillow and thought “Yuriah, remember we shared this bed when you were sick?” I ran my hand on the empty sheet and the pain of being aware that I have lost her over Yunho sank into me. Before I furthermore allow myself to be eaten by sadness, I got up and pulled my drawer open. I took out a brown envelope and brought out its content.


Shall I show these to her?  I looked at the hard copy of the paparazzi pictures that our hired publicist took. I smiled as I looked at our photos holding hands, kissing in public, looking and laughing together. Aish!!! Even if she sees this she’d ask how come now she’s with Yunho and not with me. I wouldn’t know how to explain. How will I explain that I just hired her… that we had a fight… that I love her, but I didn’t search well enough for her. Shall I push against the wall or shake her or shall I have her hypnotized so she can remember me? Aniyo, she might also remember how tough and mean I was with her. Seriuosly, I am that desperate to do those? I shook my head to erase the absurd ideas he had in my mind. Waaaah! This is darn more difficult than I thought.  




The next afternoon, Kyuhyun went to the studio hoping that he’d bump into Yunho though there’s a slim chance since he resigned already. Coincidentally, Yunho was bidding goodbye to his choreographer and back up dancers who weren’t invited to the farewell party last night. “Wahaaaa!” Kyuhyun cheered in his mind. He put on his stalker mode: he wore his black ball cap and aviator shades then zipped up his sweat shirt. “Get ready for ninja Kyu,” he thought.  


Kyuhyun followed Yunho out of the building and to the parking lot. He let Yunho get out of the lot before he started his own car. Kyuhyun was challenged keeping up with Yunho’s speed at the same time keeping distance so he won’t get noticed. Yunho finally parked his car outside of a specialty store while I parked a few blocks from him. After 5 minutes, he came out from the store with a wine in his hand and a small brown paper bag on the other. He placed it in the trunk and sat on the driver’s seat once again.


Kyuhyun started his engine when Yunho’s vehicle started moving. Yunho’s next stop was in a flower shop. After pointing to the several brightly coloured flowers, he had it wrapped into a bouquet. “Yuri hasn’t change. She still likes flowers,” Kyuhyun thought as he recalled Yuri's pretty face sitting on his backyard's flowerbed.


Yunho put the flowers on the passenger’s seat and started driving along a winding residential area, which seems to Kyuhyun an imitation if Wisteria Lane. Yunho parked his car in front of a white picket-fenced house. The house’s garden was surrounded with blooming jasmine and daisies. The house has a classic wooden swing seat for two on the porch standing by the left side of the white door. The roof is deep gray while the walls are made with bricks many shades lighter than the roof . The house was classically adorned with white American-style windows that reveal well-lit rooms inside. Kyuhyun cut off his headlights and parked a few yards away from the driveway. He went down under the cold night and idly surveyed Yunho as he went down from his vehicle with the items he grabbed on his way.


 Yunho gave a few knocks and attempted to straighten his shirt with his free hand while waiting for a response. Yuri opened the door and enthusiastically greeted him "Oppa!" with her heart-stopping smile. "Bingo!" Kyuhyun evilly laugh at the thought of finding where Yuri lives. Yunho wrapped his hand on Yuri's waist and Yuri wrapped hers around his neck. The two planted each other a quick kiss on the lips and Yuri took the bag of cheese and went back inside after gesturing Yunho to sit on the swing first. A few moments later, Yuri went out with a bucket of ice hanging on her wrist, a plate of sliced cheese on her hand, wine glasses for two on the other and a tablet tucked in between her lips. Yunho laughed hard at the sight of Yuri and helped her carry the items she was holding. Kyuhyun painfully watched the couple excitedly engage in discussion, perhaps about the details of their wedding, over wine and cheese.


"Hyung, enjoy every moment with her while it lasts. Tomorrow, i'll start taking back what's rightfully mine," he warned. “Nobody has won against the evil magnae yet.”

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heeyeonhwang #1
Chapter 24: Hwwaa... I love this? Is this part the end of the story? Update please... Thanks for posting such a great story >.<
heeyeonhwang #2
Chapter 22: Yuri... Just love Kyuhyun. He have been searching for u for so~ long.
Why u ignore him T.T
heeyeonhwang #3
Chapter 21: It's so sad T.T
Kyuhyun why u dump her before?
I'm so sad T.T
Chapter 24: Is this the end? hope it's not. If not, update please. A great story :)
Chapter 5: is it completed already?
no more updates?:(
or its ended already:(?
BlackPearl_Goddess #7
Wow... Just started reading your story today and my eyes have not leave the pc for the whole time... Whew... @_@
It's a fantastic story! Kyuhyun is so lovely & evil at the same time... Yunho is so charming & understanding... Yuri is so cute, pretty.... Hope to see another update soon! ^^
new reader here!hope you'll update soon!