Searching for Yuri

Maid in Heaven

Kyuhyun opened his eyes in a sight that’s rainy and dreamy.  The first thought that went across his mind was Yuri. He turned to the passenger’s seat but she wasn’t there. He tried to get himself out of the vehicle to look for Yuri but his body was still felt sore in shock. Shards of glasses showered the interior and surroundings of the car. He found his car’s hood almost crushed like a soft drink can, ready to be dumped in a bin. Soon, people from different walks of life started to crowd on him: paramedics, police investigators, media, passer bys. “Yuriah!” he cried. “I don’t need all of these people right now. I just need to see you. Please… please…” he mumbled as he rest his face on his airbag feeling helpless.


Soon the driver’s side door was being forced open by the rescue team. They carefully took Kyuhyun out from the vehicle and placed him on a stretcher. As he was being carried to the ambulance, he tried to gaze his eyes in the scene hoping to see a single sign from Yuri. But there was none. He only saw the trailer van, which is now stopping in what supposedly their car’s path. There were no other casualties aside from himself… and perhaps Yuri. But still he doesn’t seem to feel relieved. With all his remaining might, he grabbed the nurse’s collar and pulled him close to his face. “Where’s Yuri?” Kyuhyun whispered as he bore pressure on his throat to speak.


“What? Who’s Yuri? Is there someone else with you in the accident?” the nurse attempted to clarify what he heard but Kyuhyun can no longer fight his eyes from closing.




Kyuhyun sat up on his hospital bed with a sudden jolt. It was as if his body had just started reacting towards the accident. Manager Park embraced him and cried, “Kyuhyunah! We’re so happy that you’re alive. It’s a miracle you survived that accident without any major organs or bones broken aside from minor bruises and cuts.” 


“Hyung, where is Yuri?” Kyuhyun asked.


“Yuri? As in, Yuri?” Manager Park let go of him and raised his eyebrow.


“Was she with you? The paramedics and police officers just saw you in the car,” Manager Park explained.


“Hyung, they must have not searched the perimeter well.” He took off the needle from the back of his hand and started to limp towards the door. Manager Park held his wrist and reminded him, “Kyuhyunah, wherever she is it’s time for you to let go of her and cut all your strings attached to her. We ended the contract with her already. It’s now time to move on and pursue your dream.”


“Hyung,I love her, ok!? So how can you expect me to just sit here and relax without even knowing where she is?” Kyuhyun punched the wall with his free hand in frustration and remorse. He felt a stabbing pain in his heart thinking all of these couldn’t have happened if he had confessed to Yuri way back, when the opportunity presented himself. He imagined that they’d be making memories full of laughter and pure happiness. At that moment, Kyuhyun just wanted Yuri and nothing else. He broke free from Manager Park’s grip and found his way out of the hospital to look for the woman he loves the most.




Meanwhile, a man was in a very good mood in spite of being stuck in a jam for 20 minutes already. He turned up the volume of his music player and started singing and dancing to its tune. However, he was still curious what had happened. He often passed by this road on his way home but never in those times he experienced a traffic this heavy. "Is it because of the rain?" he thought.


After a while, a police officer in his motorbike was counter flowing on his side. He put down his window and asked, "Ajusshi, what's wrong? Is this road close or what?"


"Ne. They are just about to open it. There was a car accident so of course there'll be investigators and medics. What more the one involved was an idol so the media added to the congestion of the road." the police officer replied.


"Ajusshi, you said it's an idol. Do you know who it is?" he worriedly asked.


"Hmmm… Who was that? The former member of Super Junior? The one who is about to have his world tour? Aish! They're so many members that i could hardly remember!" the police officer scratched his head in confusion.


The man hated to ask but he just felt he had to, "Ajusshi, is it Kyuhyun?"


"Ne! Ne! That's him! That guy is very lucky..." the police officer replied but without waiting for another second, the man got off his car and slammed his door behind. He ran towards the scene passing by cars whose passengers have started losing their patience and started to blow their horns already.


All that's left for the man to see were the shards of glasses scattered everywhere. The ambulance left, the media followed. A big trailer van and a near-smashed car were already being towed. The police officers were already packing up their tapes and traffic cones. The scene told him that there was nothing more for him to see but his heart was telling him to search. He ran his hand in his face to clear his vision from the rain. He started shoving tall grasses on the road side. His only source of light is the lamppost that was flickering due to the accident's damage on it. He could hear puddles of water underneath as he searched the area. He kept on shouting hoping that somebody would answer. After a few minutes of walking on the grass patch, the man finally found a girl sitting in the darkness, white as ghost. Blood was dripping from her forehead and she seemed shocked when he found her. The man sped off to her and shook her for response, but there was none. She just looked at him, gave a weak smile, and fainted in his arms. 

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heeyeonhwang #1
Chapter 24: Hwwaa... I love this? Is this part the end of the story? Update please... Thanks for posting such a great story >.<
heeyeonhwang #2
Chapter 22: Yuri... Just love Kyuhyun. He have been searching for u for so~ long.
Why u ignore him T.T
heeyeonhwang #3
Chapter 21: It's so sad T.T
Kyuhyun why u dump her before?
I'm so sad T.T
Chapter 24: Is this the end? hope it's not. If not, update please. A great story :)
Chapter 5: is it completed already?
no more updates?:(
or its ended already:(?
BlackPearl_Goddess #7
Wow... Just started reading your story today and my eyes have not leave the pc for the whole time... Whew... @_@
It's a fantastic story! Kyuhyun is so lovely & evil at the same time... Yunho is so charming & understanding... Yuri is so cute, pretty.... Hope to see another update soon! ^^
new reader here!hope you'll update soon!