

Lee Hongki was the eldest of Five Treasure Island, the lead vocalist of Five Treasure Island, the mother of Five Treasure Island, the person with the worst temper in Five Treasure Island, the one guy who always did something unusual with his look in Five Treasure Island, the guy who began to wax his legs to look more attractive in Five Treasure Island, the guy with the angelic face in Five Treasure Island, the guy with- well, you get the point: He was one amazing person in the band, the very person that Song Seunghyun had found himself smitten in love with.

The attraction had started off nothing more than harmless admiration. Hongki was the one person who had made Seunghyun feel at home when he'd first joined the band. Seunghyun took a liking to the older male, admiring his fashion sense and amazing vocal talent. But over time, that adoration developed to be something much, much more: Love. As far as Seunghyun knew, Hongki was straighter than a ruler. No one had mentioned, let alone hinted otherwise. With such feelings desiring to burst through, Seunghyun had found he had no choice but to tell someone, anyone, about his feelings for Hongki. So, being his room mate, Minhwan had been the one to confide in. The drummer eager to help in any way he could to find out if the feeling was mutual or just one sided.

It had been a late night for the members of the band, having just finished a rock battle with fellow label band C.N.Blue before embarking on the long drive back to the dorm. Seunghyun, Hongki and Jaejin were all sitting in the middle seats of the van, Jonghun and Minhwan in the very back along with various fan gifts they had recieved after the performance from their many fans. Sitting in the front seats were their manager who drove quietly, radio on softly as the band members slowly succumbed to slumber as the drive went on.

Hongki, determined to stay awake until they arrived at the dorm, distracted his sleep-deprived mind with his Nintendo DS, playing games to keep himself awake. He was playing for half an hour when he felt a gentle weight fall upon his shoulder on the side where Seunghyun was sitting. Drawing his eyes away from the small screen of the DS, Hongki discovered Seunghyun's head resting upon his shoulder, fast asleep and lost in his dream world. The guitarist's face glowed in the city lights passing by rapidly, different colours reflecting off the sofe, pale skin. Hongki became slightly transfixed at the beautiful sight before him, a sweet smile on his face as he reached a hand up and Seunghyun's soft hair lightly before resuming his game play.

"So pretty." Hongki muttered, meaning Seunghyun. Minhwan, awake still, witnessed the kind gesture and made note to tell Seunghyun when the boy awoke.

It was another hour and a half before the van stopped outside the building where Five Treasure Island resided. Jaejin woke as soon as the van stopped, blinking the bright light out of his eyes as they adjusted. He stretched his arms upwards and yawned, taking in the scene of the van where all the members, minus himself, had fallen asleep. His eyes rested on Hongki and Seunghyun, Seunghyun's head resting on the vocalist's shoulder and Hongki's head resting atop the guitarist's. A grin appeared on Jaejin's face as he pulled his phone out and snapped a quick picture. Shortly after taking the picture, Seunghyun's eyes fluttered open, seeing they had reached their destination and sat up properly with a yawn. The moments caused Hongki to fall sideways, half hanging over the seat. If his seatbelt wasn't on, he would have fallen to the floor of the van quite quickly. Seunghyun's mind was still heavy with sleep as he turned in his sleep and began hitting Jonghun's legs to wake the elder up.

"Hongki hyung." Jaejin woke Hongki, unclipping his seat belt allowing his body to fall off the chair completely. A hard thud could be heard as Hongki's body hit the floor hard, shocking the boy awake instantly. "We're home." Jaejin simply said with a smile, deciding it best to escape from the van before Hongki's rage exploded. Unfortunately for the remaining members, Hongki exploded and Jaejin giggled as he listened from outside the van. He threw the door open once more and dragged his hyung out, the elder half flailing about and half stumbling as he lost his balance. Seunghyun followed, jumping un-gracefully to the ground and stretching, Minhwan and Jonghun soon beside him doing the same.

"Let's un-load all these bags." Jonghun said, doing his best to cheer up the two youngest members who witnessed the wrath of Hongki. To Seunghyun he said: "I'm sure the fans hid sweets in amoungst all of this." and the Minhwan he said: "What's the bet there's chicken in here somewhere?" Both phrases raised their spirits and soon they had finished unpacking all their musical gear as well as the fan gifts, standing in the elevator with bags all around the five boys before proceeding to their dorm, Minhwan and Jaejin having to slide some of the bags across the floor with their feet because there was so much stuff.

Their manager entered the code number to their door and opened it, holding it open to admit the band members and bag after bag of items. They neatly set it all up in the living room, feeling too tired to unpack it all that night. Once everything was stacked up tidily, the members went about their individual after-schedule activites: Here meaning the removal of make up, showers to be-rid of the hair spray in their hair and skin care routines before going to bed. Minhwan and Seunghyun had their shower first, both going together because it saved water and took less time to shower than if they went alone.

"Seunghyun hyung." Minhwan broke their comfortable silence as he put shampoo in his hair, the hot shower relaxing their tense muscles.

"Hmm?" Seunghyun asked, rinsing the conditioner out of his own hair.

"In the van, you fell asleep on Hongki hyung." Seunghyun opened his eyes and looked at Minhwan seriously.

"I did?" Minhwan nodded. Seunghyun bit his lip, uncertain.

"Did he seem mad?" This time Minhwan shook his head.

"Definitely wasn't mad. He said you looked pretty." Seunghyun was slightly speechless, his heart pounding against his chest audibly as he replayed Minhwan's words in his head over and over.

They finished up in the shower after Minhwan told Seunghyun what he'd seen, both getting changed before heading to their shared room. As they lay beside each other, Minhwan took a glance to Seunghyun who was staring blankly at the ceiling.

"I think there is a possibility that Hongki hyung likes you." Seunghyun met Minhwan's eyes.

"You really think so?" He asked excitedly. Minhwan nodded, settling into his pillows and pulling his blanket up under his chin.

Seunghyun smiled, closing his eyes and visualizing what life might be like if he and Hongki were together. With those thoughts in mind, he allowed himself to descend into a dreamland, dreaming of Hongki's angelic face.

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owo hooongggggki
Another Paramore song??
But it's so cute~
Title makes me think of PAramore
PigRabbit1912 #7
cute! and i really like ur background
"over thinking everything and drawing his own conclusions."<br />
<br />
"the kiss confessing things words definitely wouldn't be able to explain."<br />
<br />
"kissed his kips" <br />
<br />
Keep it up~
tofubunnyholic #9
request for a sequel..!!!
awww so they loved each other all the time...<br />
cuuute~~<br />
to bad it's over now... you should write a sequel!!<br />
*nod nod*<br />
but great story*thumbs up*<br />
i loooove it♥