Dinner is Wrongly Served || 32

The Forgotten Shards

The Forgotten Shards



“You were great.” Charlie gave Kyuhyun a big, bear hug as soon as the recital was finished. Couples and families were also outside the theater, congratulating one another, hugging and kissing. Everyone did well. Ten minutes before the show was over, Yoona had excused herself, told Charlie that she has to go home early because of her Mom’s condition. Charlie waited until the show was over.

“You were totally a different person,” Charlie added, patting Kyuhyun on his shoulder. “I didn’t recognize you until Yoona pinpointed you. And you had a great voice. Everyone was deeply moved. No one said a word then. Amazing. It was amazing.”

Kyuhyun grinned. “Not really. Thanks anyway. I’m glad you came. I thought you wouldn’t since… well, I’m glad you came. Are you going home now?”

Charlie nodded. “Yeah, I have to. See you around.”

“Let me take you home,” Kyuhyun offered.

Charlie waved her hands. “No, it’s okay. Besides, I’m pretty sure you’re going to have a celebration afterwards. That’s what usually happens when the event is successful. I won’t bother you now. I can go home by myself.”

“Are you sure?”

Charlie flashed him a thumbs up. “Bye!”

“Be safe.”

As Charlie got into a cab, she should’ve known that it was going to be a late night with heavy traffic. She glanced at the cab’s digital clock. It’s seven o’clock in the evening already. Donghae must be waiting for her. She gave herself a mental shake. Nah, she thought. Why would he?

Eight more months, she glanced at her fingers. Eight more months and it’s all up to Donghae whether he chooses to be with her or not. Besides, Charlie’s pretty certain he won’t choose to be with her. Why would he? She was relentless. She thought of those times where she had hurt Donghae couple of times. One of them was this morning when she accidentally kicked on . Well, it was his fault! He scared her. Girls get defensive, too, you know.

When the cab approaches her house, she gets off after paying the fare. She notices how the lights in the first floor are still on. She glanced at her watch. Holy , she thought. It was already ten-forty-five in the evening. Could Donghae be awake at this hour? Or maybe it’s his parents? No, not now. Not when she’s coming home late because of traffic. They might misunderstand.

But his parents aren’t here, right?

She opened the door quietly. No one was around. That’s a good sign, right?

Tiptoeing, she ran to the—

“What took you so long?”

Holy crap. Charlie froze, turned around only to sigh in relief. “Donghae, it’s you. You scared me.”

“What took you so long?” he repeated, his expression cold.

“Traffic,” Charlie replied warily. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were my Dad.”

“I was worried,” Donghae stated. “You should’ve called.”

“You should be asleep,” Charlie retorted. “People at this hour are usually sleeping. Not reprimanding. Unless you’re some worried father who’s constantly worrying about his baby girl. But you’re not, so back off.” Donghae didn’t say anything. Instead, he glanced sideways, his cold expression turning into gloom. Charlie bit her lip, wishing she could just take back all she has said. She looked past through Donghae’s shoulder and saw candles at the dining area.

“Were you waiting for me the whole night?” Charlie speculated.

Donghae nodded quietly. “I thought you were going home for dinner so I kind of…”

“You made dinner?” Charlie bemused, sauntering towards the dining area.

Donghae blushed, nodding. “Yeah. I don’t know if it tastes good though. But I bet you’ve eaten.”

Charlie bit her lip. She had eaten a burger along the way but she could make an exception. Besides, Donghae made all of this with effort. “I didn’t. I’m hungry so I’m going to eat.”

Donghae’s eyes lit up. “Jinjja? Then come on.”

Donghae placed a lot of food on Charlie’s plate—steak, chicken, you name it. He must have prepared a lot. When Charlie took one bite, she stopped munching. Donghae sat across her, waiting for her reaction. He looked hopeful that she would like it. But to be honest, it tasted so bad she was going to barf. The chicken was half-cooked; the steak wasn’t cooked so well, the spices were all over the place. It tasted horrible. Still, Charlie continued eating.

She forced a smile. Anything for him. “It’s good!” she lied.

Donghae’s face broke into happiness. If she didn’t see him so happy before, she saw it now. His smile was genuine, so pure, that Charlie believed he was really happy. That small thing could make him so happy? How wonderful and innocent. If only Charlie could smile like that, it won’t be any problem.

“Have you cooked before?” Charlie asked, attempting to swallow the food.

Donghae shook his head. “It’s my first attempt.”

“Why didn’t you let them cook?” Charlie can’t consume everything. She shouldn’t have said she was hungry.

Donghae shrugged. “I wanted to do something…”

“Something what?” Charlie encouraged.

“I, um…” Donghae cleared his throat. “Can I ask you a favor?”

“What?” Tell me to stop eating. I’d gladly oblige.

“Can you disregard the contract?” Donghae asked. “Forget about everything, you know. Forget about appa and your Dad. Forget about everything else. Do you want to go out? Next week maybe?”

Next week? Seven months more until the contract. How does Donghae expect Charlie to forget about it? Not when it’s near. “What? Are you sick? Does this include you cooking for me all of a sudden? You can’t be serious,” Charlie bemused.

“I am,” Donghae replied in a serious tone. “Will you do it?”

“Donghae, you don’t know who I am,” Charlie asserted. “We met like four months ago and you want to take me out? You wouldn’t want to go out with me even if we didn’t meet through our parents.”

“It’s worth a try,” Donghae insisted with a smile. “Besides, why not enjoy the few months left?”

Charlie frowned. “Fine. But I’m going to… I’m going back to New York next week.”

Donghae’s eyes widened. “Wae? Are you leaving? The year is not yet over.”

Charlie shook her head. “I’m, uh, visiting my Mom’s grave. And Hayley’s.”


“Would you like to come?”

Donghae’s face brightened up. “You want me to come?”

“You said you want to go out with me,” Charlie told him. “And you’re going to know the real me, Donghae. I assure you, it’s not the best life story. But are you really going to go? Won’t your Dad not allow you? I mean, gee, Donghae. I’ve made a scene back at his party. I don’t think he’d allow you to go with me.”

“I’m going. I promise.”

“You know, you could just stay and date Jessica while I’m not around.”

Donghae gave a quick kiss on Charlie’s lips. “I promise.”

Charlie gave him her smile. The smile that she’s been keeping so long. What was in Donghae that makes her smile and forget all about the worries in the world? What’s in him that makes her say everything without him even trying? What’s in him that attracts her most?

Whatever it was, maybe… just maybe, Charlie might give it a chance.


Yayyyy, HaeLie momentssss. Witweeew. Okay, so i don't really have much anything to say. Not feeling well right now.

Comments are appreciated. You guys are daebak. I love you, and that's all x

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omg 63 subscribers and this.. is like super ancient mang


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Chapter 44: Waaahhhh! So great and I love it! The story was well written, the flow of the story was excellent, everything was put together well and I could say that you're a great author! One of the best authors indeed. More power to you authornim and HWAITING!
i'm in loooooooooove with your story <3
waah.,-that was.,daebak!
floreat #4
ch. one

oh, you have no idea how conflicted i'm feeling as of. ㅠㅠ i don't know whether to want to be in Charlie's position. i mean, most of her family was massacred by what looks like her ex boyfriend and i surely do not want to be in her shoes and still be living with those horrible memories, but at the same time i'd love to be in her shoes because she is to marry lee donghae. LEEFLIPPINGDONGHAE.. ohmagad, my conflicted feels! ㅠㅠ
anyway, i'm sure there is more to her story as to why she is to marry him. (: i shall get to reading firther and then i shall be back for more comments~
floreat #5
Based on the foreword alone, I already know I'm going to love this story. [: From the poster, character descriptions, and the introduction I already know the writing will be nothing but sublime.

I will start reading this as soon as my basketball game finishes. huhu, I'd rather be reading than playing, and that's no lie. ㅠㅠ Nonetheless, I WILL get to it.

Ciao for now. ^ㅇ^
Love the story of yours c:
while reading the 2 last chapters i didn't realize tears are coming out in my eyes... i'm so sad that Yoona died...
anyway, your story is so beautiful... LOVE LOVE LOVE
simpledk26 #7
I super duper Love this storyyyyy !!! =))
RinnieRain #8
OMG, I'm on chapter 30 and I'm like squealing OMGOMGOMG<333
Alzina #9
oh dear..I LOVED THIS FIC! Finished it in one go...such an awesome story! nicely written as well...good job dear! <br />