He heard my thoughts( or so I thought)

Don't want love, need a little loving

Tao kept staring at Kris

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Why is this handsome, alien Kris guy interested in me, me of all people on board. Oh yeah, its because i'm sitting next to him. Maybe..........................no no no noooooooo, maybe he wants to  cut out my brains to experiment on, my brains, my precious brains.

I am not an alien and am not interested in your brains.

Hear that Tao he is not an alien and not interested in your brains, thank God, but ummmm, Tao actually aliens don't exsist, so thank God they can't exsist.

Yeah thank God i wasn't born an alien.

Yes, thank God he wasn't born an alien, cause if he was, he'd probably be after my brains.

I don't think so, even if I was an alien I wouldn't want your brains, it would be a waste to cut that beautiful head of yours open.

Hear that Tao he just called you beautiful and he......................., he what, he can hear my thoughts.

No I can't hear your thoughts, you're talking out loud Tao ssi.\

Whaaaaatttttt!!!!!!!!!! So just now you.........................

Yes I heard everything, from the part of you thinking I am handsome to the part where you thank God for me not being an alien.

Tao started blushing severely as the embarrasment from having blurted out all his thoughts settled in.

Tao ssii, don't feel embarrased, I kinda think you're cute and....Kris was cut off by Tao

Don't act all friednly, and pretend to know me, and pretend to like the embarrassing thing I just did, cause I hate it and I don't want to talk to you.

Well even though your mouth says you don't want to talk to me, your cute blushing face says otherwise.

Don't call me cute, and i'm blushing because i am embarrassed and not because of something else. You are annoying and right now I ....................

Sir, what would you like to drink? The soft voice of the flight attendant immediatly pulled Tao back on board and had him looking at her as if he had been sked the strangest question ever.

What would you like to drink sir she repeated coolly.

Orange juice please.

I'll have the same, Kris immediatly said.

Yes sirs.

Both males received their drinks and Tao started to awkwardly sip his before he grabbed a magazine and started to flip trough the pages not really paying anny attention to what was actually on the pages when all of a sudden he heard a sound which sounded verry much like a lawnmower, he looked beside him and there he was, Kris sleeping peacefully like a kid making horrible sounds.





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Chapter 2: Kris the alien?? O_o Didn't see that one coming... Hope you update soon! *^▁^*
Chapter 1: ♥IT!! Can't wait for the next chapter! Fighting!!