I'm leaving

Don't want love, need a little loving

He woke up at 8.30 in the morning when a rai of light touched his face.

Damn sun, ugghhh........do i smell pancakes.

When he walked out of his room into the kitchen he saw chen baking pancakes while xiumin was whining about not having received his goodmorningkiss jet. 

Goodmorning, he said.

Goodmornig panda,Chen and Xiumin said in chorus.

In the living room Lay was watchin some strange documentary of lions, one where the lion was atacking a deer............Zitao shivvered at the sight. Even scarier was the sight of Lay acting along with the lion, pretending to be ripping his prey to shreds.

Don't you have anything healthier for your mind to do in the morning, Tao said.

Goodmorning to you to panda, was Lays replie.Tao rolled his eyes and headed back to the kitchen cause he didn't want to watch lions feasting on a bloody dear.

Walking into the kitchen he suddenly shrieked at the sight of Chen and Xiumin face.

Isn't it a bit too early for this to be happening, you're burning my eyes.

I'm sorry panda, but is just received my goodmorningkiss, Xiumin winked at Tao.

Tao was happy for the couple, but couldn't understand that it is possible for people to trust each other to that extent and be sooo.. voulnerable. Tao's motto in life was: Never ever trust and depend on people to much, because you never know when you are going to be betrayed. Even with his friends, who he has known sinds middle school, he was careful.

Hey Zitao hand me the syrup, Luhan said.

Don't you think you're using a bit to much syrup, xiumin asked.

Well dont you think thats fancy comming from you, the person who needs to lose weight

.Yaahhh....., im not that fat you know, just a bit chubby, Xiumin said, tears forming in his eyes.

A know, i know Luhan said, but you know youre cute cause you're chubby right....Aaaww, Luhan felt someone kick him from under the table.

Don't try hitting on my boyfiend shall we, Chen sent a dealy glare torwards Luhan.




Aheemmm, everyone, i have an anouncement..................I will be moving to Korea next week, i already started packing so i can send some of my stuff beforehand to make it less of a hassle. I will make sure to come and visit you guys sometimes. 


With that anouncement the rest of breakfast became awkwardly silent up till the point Luhan started crying and asking Tao why he was leaving. 

I just felt like a change of scenery.

Then can't we all leave together, can't we.

Don't be so dramatic, and besides I already decided that when i go to Korea i am going to live alone. Even if you also moved to Korea i would still decide to live on my own. We can still see eachother though. 

What about work, Lay asked

I think i want to work at an entertainment comany, i sent my resume and stuff and they said i can go for an intervieuw. If that doesn't work out i can still go and search for some work as an accountant. So don't worry needlesly about me. 







Soo, i finished my first chapter, not verry much to my liking, but i would like to get some advice to better my writing skills.

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Chapter 2: Kris the alien?? O_o Didn't see that one coming... Hope you update soon! *^▁^*
Chapter 1: ♥IT!! Can't wait for the next chapter! Fighting!!