Obvious Crushes

Obvious Crushes

   Bangtan was in the waiting room waiting for their turn on stage, SeokJin was asleep sitting up in a random chair, YoonGi and NamJoon were finishing getting ready for stage, JeongGuk was off fixing his mike, and TaeHyung was sitting and watching JiMin and HoSeok play around as one of the Noonas filmed them. They wrestled for a little as TaeHyung watched enviously, he feels his heart drop as he hear HoSeok tell JiMin he likes him before the two goof off a little bit more. TaeHyung tunes them out before he hears his name called by HoSeok, he turns to the older curiously who chats a little before turning his attention to JeongGuk who had just walked over.

   If you couldn’t guess TaeHyung had a bit of a crush on the older boy. He knew HoSeok was friendly with everyone and everything, but he wasn’t blind enough to think the others friendliness towards JiMin was the same friendliness he had with everyone else. He didn’t go telling everyone else that he liked them, he also didn’t go to any of the others and pinched their cheeks either, he only did it towards JiMin and TaeHyung wished it was him that HoSeok was like that with. TaeHyung let a sigh slip through his lips as they were told they were up, he pulled himself off the chair before following everyone out.

   The group of boys climbed into the van after they finished their recording, TaeHyung sat in the back seat by the right window before resting his forehead on the window letting what he calls his teenage angst take over. He closed his eyes preferring to get lost in his thoughts rather the chatter the others were making. He let out a low grunt as he felt whoever sat next to him wiggle a little accidently elbowing him in the side. HoSeok says a soft sorry, TaeHyung lets himself peak at the other which makes his heart skip a beat before he notices that on the other side of HoSeok was, of course JiMin.

   TaeHyung guesses he fell asleep because the next thing he knew he was being woken up by HoSeok shaking him lightly saying they were at the dorm. He opens his eyes before climbing out of the van ignoring the others. TaeHyung cleans himself up before he heads to the room to sleep when he notices the only in the room was SeokJin, who was texting someone. He decides to climb into SeokJins bunk and cuddle into the others side causing him to look at the younger curiously. “What’s got you over here for?”

“HoSeok…” He mumbled into the others side. SeokJin rolled his eyes at the youngers reply, he had told him about his crush a while back because he needed someone to talk to and normally he would talk to JiMin about things like this but seeing as the other was half the problem he didn’t think it would have been a good idea. He promised NamJoon he wouldn’t get into the younger members love life so there was really nothing he could do. TaeHyung was about to continue to talk but the door of the room opened, HoSeok walked in noticing the two in the eldest bunk.

“Um, we’re putting in a movie if you guys want to join…” HoSeok spoke as he looked at the two, SeokJin pulled himself up off his bed with a nod before he shuffled out of the bedroom past HoSeok. TaeHyung let a pout play on his lips for second before sitting up and turning towards the other as he ask the other what movie their watching. “I don’t know, it’s JeongGuks turn so I’m sure it’s probably a horror film.”

“Oh, I think I’m going to take a pass on it then. I’m not feeling too hot, plus I’d probably pass out before it gets to the half way mark anyways.” TaeHyung replied awkwardly before he moved over to his own bunk since SeokJin had decided to abandon him in the room with his crush. HoSeok nodded as he stood there for a moment seemingly thinking about something.

“You wouldn’t mind me joining you in here? I’m not really feeling up to being scared to death tonight.” HoSeok responded, TaeHyung faced the other with a blank face before he shook his head to answer the other. HoSeok took it upon himself to climb into the youngers bed after grabbing his Ipad on his way. “Before you fall asleep watch a little bit of a movie that’s not a horror with me.

“Okay.” TaeHyung replied with a smile despite himself, he made a mental note to himself to stop getting so smiley around the other just because he wanted to do something together. The two of them decided on some random comedy that had just came out. The others walked into the room groggily to notice the two asleep leaning on each other for support. No one was surprised though, since HoSeok never came back out nor did TaeHyung.

   The next morning TaeHyung was shook awake by JeongGuk, who was still rubbing sleep out of his eyes. He asked what happened and why his neck was sore, which the younger muttered his reply before heading out of the rooms. TaeHyung walked into the living room where the ever so lively HoSeok was already harassing a barely awake JiMin, he turned around before walking back into the bedroom before bumping into YoonGi who was heading out of the room. He looked at TaeHyung curiously before looking passed him noticing HoSeok and JiMin. “Crush problems?”

“I..I don’t know what you’re talking about.” TaeHyung stuttered as he looked at YoonGi, who rolled his eyes at the reply. TaeHyungs crush on HoSeok was the furthest thing from a secret, granted the youngers signature blank face worked wonders but he had a habit of staring at HoSeok too often and that was what ratted him out. TaeHyung let out a defeated sigh, knowing even if YoonGi didn’t already knew, he would now know thanks to his reply to the question. “He’s always messing around with JiMin…”

“You have got to be kidding me, you’re jealous of him bullying JiMin? He attaches himself to your side and calls you cute constantly but you’re jealous of him bullying JiMin.” YoonGi looked at the younger incredulously, he couldn’t believe TaeHyung couldn’t see how much HoSeok liked him. HoSeok was just about as obvious with his feelings as TaeHyung was with his. “Are you really that oblivious to how HoSeok feels about you?”

“No, I’m just his cute dongsaeng.” TaeHyung replied with a huff. YoonGi shook his head at the other before telling the younger to stay there. He walked out of the room, he was going to end this nonsense today, he was sick of seeing TaeHyung mope around when he saw HoSeok playing around with JiMin and he was sick of hearing HoSeok complain about how close TaeHyung was with SeokJin. After a while HoSeok was being dragged into the room by YoonGi who then proceeded to sit him on the bed before closing the door and locking the door the two guessed. TaeHyung banged on the door, ignoring the others eyes on him. “Hyung, don’t we need to get ready for schedule?”

“Nope, there isn’t any schedule till the second half of the day. So go ahead and take your time cause we have all morning.” YoonGi spoke before shooing NamJoon off. The two let out sighs, neither knew what they were supposed to do, all they knew was that their Hyung locked them in the room and they weren’t getting out until he got what he wanted.

“YoonGi Hyung says it bothers you that I mess around with JiMin…” HoSeok spoke as he peaked at the other. TaeHyung bit the inside of his cheek as he mentally nagged himself for letting his feelings show. He sat there as he tried to think on how he could reply, if he said it didn’t bother him that would mean he was lying to HoSeok but if he said it did then the other was bound to find out about how he felt. He just wanted to have break down right now, the only thing he knew for sure right now is that this is all YoonGis fault. “You know I’m just messing around right, I’m not serious… the only reason I do that with him is because I don’t feel that way towards him at all.”

“It seems like you do, the two of you get along so well…” TaeHyung muttered, he flinched slightly as the words escaped his mouth. He hadn’t plan to say that out loud, he was just going to say oh or okay but now he just wanted to curl up and die because now his feelings were bound to be obvious. He peaked at the other from the corner of his eye, HoSeok was biting his bottom lip as he stared at the wall in front of him.

“We’re only close because I was the first person he met, and we kind of clicked because we both liked dancing.” HoSeok replied quietly before thinking about what he should say next. The two sat in silence, trying to figure out what to do next, TaeHyung was about to ask another question but HoSeok spoke first. “And even if I did like JiMin that way it still wouldn’t matter because I like someone else more.”

“You do?” TaeHyung asked finally turning towards the older who was already looking his way. It got quiet again, the two just sat and looked at each other, HoSeok had no clue how he was supposed to confess to the other that it was him that he liked and so he just pushed his face closer to TaeHyungs till their lips pressed together before pulling apart shortly after. It wasn’t their first kiss but it was different then their forced kiss that they had to do as punishment, which YoonGi also had a hand in making happen oddly enough. This one was sweet despite the shortness and it left the both of them with red cheeks.

“Of course I do, it’s my cute dongsaeng.” HoSeok replied a bright smile, gaining some confidence after the kiss. TaeHyung just blushed a deep red at the remark before he turned away, which HoSeok took the advantage to give the younger a back hug and kiss on the cheek. The two sat there for little playing with each other’s fingers before they decided to get up and try to get YoonGi to let them out only to notice the door was unlocked with YoonGi sitting on the couch in the living room next to JiMin and with the rest of the group watching a random movie.

“Well look who finally came out.” YoonGi commented as he noticed the two staring at him. JiMin let out a little snicker as he watched the two lightly glare at the older. NamJoon shook his head and muttered something about meddling in other people’s love life before turning back to the movie, SeokJin gave the two a smile. “Why are you two glaring at me for? If I didn’t do something the two of you bound to die from jealousy, if not that were bound to kill because of it.” 

 Sorry for any mistakes and if it's a bit cheesy, I was hyped up on coffee when I wrote it so...

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Jia_Yi #1
Chapter 1: this is so cute!!
Chapter 1: aahw haha that was cute!
alelittlewitch #3
I loved it, and this is like the unconfortable situation on Bangtan Bomb... but you can see what JHope said to V. i don't understand Korean but I'm pretty sure Hope said: I want to bite you.... to V... this is what I've talked with my friends... Ok your fiction seems to me so real, so possible... please keep writing
luvvmiss94 #4
Chapter 1: This is great since i need to regain my vhope feels after what happenend in recent bbomb..

I wondered how taehyungs feel hmm
Chapter 1: Woaah this is great! Dont worry! Thanks for making this story!