
Tell me a lie

"Tiffany-ah?" Taeyeon knocked on Tiffany's bedroom door wich was open, Tiffany looked up and smiled sweetly at Taeyeon. "Dae TaeTae-ah?" Taeyeon was really calm wich made Tiffany frown. "If youre ever going out with someone... Please... Please lie to me and say youre not" Taeyeon's eyes started to get watery and Tiffany raised her eyebrows at what Taeyeon said. "Please promise me that you'll lie to me if that time ever comes Fany-ah~ I beg you... I dont want to be heartbroken" "Taeyeon-ah... I" Tiffany did know what to say and her eyes were getting wet because of the tears wich started to form in her eyes. "Just promise me... Please". Taeyeon was begging her to lie to her, Taeyeon had never asked Tiffany to lie to her she always wanted Tiffany to be honest with her and tell her the truth, she didnt like it when Tiffany would lie to her. "Taeyeon-ah" Tiffany was totally tongue-tied. She was so shocked by Taeyeons words eventhough she had been lying to Taeyeon the past months she didnt expected Taeyeon to ask her to lie to her whenever she would start to see someone else. "Just promise me that.. Thats the only thing I ask from you so please" Taeyeon pleaded. Tiffany just nodded her  head slowly wich made Taeyeon form a sad little smile on her face. Before the tears fell down she quickly thanked Tiffany turned around and walked to her own room with a quick pace.




A month later

Its been a month since Taeyeon asked Tiffany to lie to her. Tiffany felt bad lying to her bestfriend ever, Taeyeon had been kind of ignoring Tiffany at the dorm but they still did fanservice. Tiffany decided to tell Taeyeon the truth. Well she decided to tell everyone in her dorm the truth she had been hiding for so long. She felt bad lying to her friends. She ever wanted to lie to them but... With this situation there is no other optition... Is there? She gethered everyone in the livingroom and they sat there at the couch area waiting for Tiffany to say why she gettered everyone in the livingroom. "So..." Sunny started while hugging one of the cushions while sitting on the floor. "Unnie why did you gethered us here?" Yoona asked with a curiousity. "Keep it short I want to sleep" Jessica commented with an anoyed and bored expression. "Okay so I asked you guys to come here because I needed to tell you something and it bothers me that I keep lying about it and keeping it a secret for you guys while youre like sisters for me and youre my bestfriends and I dont like lying to you gu-" "Just say what you want to say Miyoung" Sunny said. "Okay then here we go... I... I uhm..." "You..." Sunny said. "I am dating Nichkhun"

'You promised me you would lie... You broke youre promise Miyoung'


So this is my last chap of this story
Sequel: I loved you first
Hope you liked this short story
_pinocchio_ out *peacesign*

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ooo i love this
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 3: Poor taeyeon, dont worry go for jess!! Thanks for this
Le_truelocksmith #3
Chapter 3: Aww poor Tae:(
Kimmyvu #4
Chapter 3: This is a good story. Poor taeyeon
Chapter 1: Awww~~ nice authorssi nice!