You're Not Alone

The Riddle

"Ah! I'm tired~~" Taekwoon said. "We're both tired we've been walking for 3 hours, good think I packed some food before I left home" Ken said. "Thank you" the older one said.

At first the atmosphere between the two was so awkward & silent after an hour of walking Leo finally spoke as he asked Ken if he had food he was hungry, the two stopped for a little late lunch break then hit the road again & walked for two more hours the two knew more about each other as they had small random conversations such as what did they do? who's older? and normal conversations like that.

"Hmm...?" Ken said as he bumped into Leo who suddenly stopped & stared at something. Ken looked at him for a bit, then looked up to where Leo was staring at. What he saw shocked him, he got nervous & slightly angry but he didn't let any of his emotions show & he was surprised that Leo was staring at what he saw.

"30 Miles to Wedgemore Town" Ken said out loud, Leo didn't bother looking at the younger, "I did't know you can't read" he continued teasingly, Leo finally looked at him & hit him slightly on the head "Ouch HYUNG! that hurt!" Ken said while rubbing his head & letting out a natural cute hurt-face.

The older couldn't help but smile at the younger's stupidity. "So you know this place?" the younger asked. "No" Leo lied...

Jaehwan knew that he wasn't telling the truth, as for his hyung knows how to read & a sign wouldn't need this long to stare at for sure. Curiosity was eating him up, he clenched his fists but decided not to ask anyways as he didn't want to tell him about the nightmares he's been having & for that he knew the older would ignore him anyways as he kept doing the whole trip, so he told the older to just go on & keep walking for another 5 miles...

The older pointed at a faraway building, they both decided to approach it as they got closer, they noticed it was a hotel they decided to stay there for the night as they were both practically dead & they knew they can't keep going in the dark as the sun was about to set... 

"How much do you have?" the younger looked at the older waiting for a response "10000 RMW" Leo said. "What?!" Ken was shocked "How can a man travel only with 10000 RMW?" he continued. "Well rich boy. for your knowledge I got fired because I "scare" customers with my poker face that's why, unlike somebody here I came all the way on foot from the beginning" Leo said. "well I have 150000 RMW if we could get 1 room for both of us tonight & give them 100000 they might go & bring my car back & also fix it so we could leave with it first thing in the morning & reach our destination in no time" Jaehwan explained his plan, the older didn't like that but he was sick of walking for days so he agreed with the plan anyways...


"Ravi-ah! let's wait to see the sunset before we go to that bar!" N shouted cheerfully as he was walking right behind Ravi "Aish my ears heart, could you stop shouting when you talk?" "Oh~ come on~ Ravi Ravi Ravi come on come on lets watch the sunset~~eung?"

The older one said cutely as he kept hitting Wonshik's arm lightly. *Ravi sighs* "Fine" he gives up to the leader's most natural cuteness. The older grabs him by the arms & brings him up a nearby hill to watch the sunset together...

The sun is beautiful...really beautiful, full of hope, warmth , freedom & happiness. But darkness of the night was going to fall & engulf their half of earth anyways, what the boys wanted...what N wanted was a reminder.. something to remind him that he can do it! he shouldn't be nervous or afraid for the sun does not get stuck forever in the darkness... for the sun to rise again...for freedom to come back...hope,life,happiness they all come & go like the rise & setting of the bright sun...

He knew that he should take this opportunity to bring what he's been wanting so desperately to come back, what both of them wanted so desperately to come back. They both lied on the grass side by side watching the nightsky with a half smile on their lips after the beautiful view of the sunset...

"Ravi~" the older called softly. "Hmm?" the younger replied without moving his head... "Thank you" N said. "What for?" asked the younger. "For coming with me, I know it's not easy to believe that we actually came all the way here because of some nightmares I keep having, no one would ever believe that" the older explained.

"Yeah, you're right, others might think you're a freak but your hoobae wouldn't, plus I'm did not come here for free you know" Wonshik said. " I know " the older said, they stopped the conversation for a bit "...Why?!" asked Hakyeon "What why?"..."Why did you come with me?" asked the older.

" I told you. I want you to teach me some dance moves like the ones you do in the art academy we attend" The younger explained. "Like I believe that! You can't fool me Wonshik-ah! just tell me why? & you better speak honestly" N said as he looked at Wonshik because he knew that the younger would not believe him when he told him the reason he wants to find the palace...

The younger fell silent for a moment then he opened his mouth & said almost a whisper to Hakyeon's ears "...Because it's chasing me down too, You're not alone." at that the older got up, mouth half open, eyes widened up "...Wha??" the older said, the younger got up as well & started telling him how a female's voice keep calling out for help & the evil laughs , & how the darkness engulfs everything at the huge "Kim Jongmin's palace".

The older wasn't surprised anymore he knew what Ravi exactly wanted was what he wanted, the older felt happier that he was not alone. After that they decided to go to the nearby bar & grab some drinks & kill some time , then build up the tent to sleep for the night.



Back at the hotel...

"Hello. How can I help you today sir?" The concierge asked Jaehwan.

"Hi . We need a room to stay for tonight" Jaehwan replied. "One room sir?"  "Yes please, and just for tonight" Jaehwan explained. "Here's your Key, room 409, how would you like to pay?" "in cash please" , "That'd be 60000 RMW, sir" said the concierge. "Also would you do me a favor?" Jaehwan asked.

"You would not want us to disturb you in your night together I understand" said the concierge. At that Jaehwan felt his cheeks burn up he hoped that the concierge didn't see his cheeks as both of him & Leo kept muttering "'s not what you think" "Oh~ it's not? I'm so sorry, I mis-understood" the concierge apologised & bowed politely.

Jaehwan continued anyways he told her that he needed someone from the hotel to fix & bring his car back for some amount of money, the concierge decided to help them for 80000 RMW Jaehwan decided to give her the money right away & asked him to change his room for a two single beds room & he gave them the keys to room 206...

After they both went to their room Taekwoon crashed on the bed & went fast asleep from his tiredness, as for Jaehwan he decided to give his brother a phone call, after he assured Jaekwan he was getting ready to go to bed but he couldn't sleep because Taekwoon suddenly started rolling around & mumbling some desperate words... (He's having a nightmare. I better wake him up) Jaehwan thought.

"Taek..." *Gasps* just before Jaehwan calls him Leo wakes up eyes widen up & breathing heavely, when he calmed down he noticed Jaehwan looking at him.

" You were having a nightmare hyung, I was about to wake you up" Jaehwan said & Taekwoon nodded a thank you nod. Taekwoon  went to wash his face with cold water as he was sweating from his nightmares as he went back & sat on his bed Jaehwan suddenly opened up & told him everything about why he's having his trip. Taekwoon was rather calm & expressionless, when Ken noticed that he asked him if he's not surprised but what Leo answered surprised him even more! " You'r not alone, Jaehwan-ah~" 

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Guys in the latest chapter's AN I said I'll update after my pre-dawn meal but I'm srsly sleepy~ Sorry guys~~ I'm so sorry but I haven't slept yesterday so :(


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weirdstuff #1
Chapter 8: Tis awesome storyyy.. Uhuuu, i'm so curioussss
wowwhKENDV #2
Chapter 23: Arghhhhh !!!!
Can't wait for next chappie..... >_<
Died for waiting....hahaha
Anyway,great story tho....
I love it.. <3 <3 <3
trixiecanadilla1234 #3
Chapter 22: I want more!!!!! pls update soon new reader here!!!
na24ni #4
Chapter 22: Combine between voodoo doll and eternity. Thats cool after all. But thing's make me confuse is the plot. I don't get it.
Just waiting for update and make them complete.
aizie14 #5
Chapter 21: too bad. your story is getting more exciting and I really want to read the next chapters but I can't do anything about it but just wait.: -(
aizie14 #6
Chapter 20: can't wait to read the next chapter