Inescapable Dreams

The Riddle

"Phew.Finally closed" Jaekwan said while letting out a sigh of relief, "Yeah, Finally. The cafe has been super crowdy these days. Who ever knew working part-time as a barista can be so tiring?" Jaehwan said looking at his older brother. "I bet no-one. Hey you look really bad, what's wrong? I know the cafe has been really crowdy but working over time doesn't make me look that bad" said Jaekwan, "Hahahaha" Jaehwan let out a small laugh as he looked away from his brother.

"I'm not joking, seriously what's wrong? c'mon tell me" the smiling face of Jaehwan suddenly disappeared & changed to a serious expression as he took a seat, looking outside the well-lit empty street through the huge glass window.

*Glass being put on table*"...Are you not going to tell me?" Jaekwan said as he took a seat opposite his brother & dragged him back to reality...

"I don't know where to start....I've been..." "Same dream again, huh?" Jaekwan cut the younger's speech "How...How do you know it's a dream?" Jaehwan asked.

"Dude you've literally been squealing & screaming I don't know what recently, at first I thought you were speaking another language" Jaekwan said teasingly. "Yeah? Well then I guess that's when it got worse" Jaehwan said. "What got worse? What's your dream about? tell me." "It all started a few months ago..." Jaehwan said.

"They're cute ^~^ " Jaehwan said looking at the little girls laughing & playing with their dolls at a park which he decided to visit that morning. He started walking towards the empty bench which happens to be right behind the little girls when suddenly one of the little girls' doll hits his feet as it falls on the floor, he bends down & picks it up willing to give it back to the girls, he raises his head to look at them only to find no one else in the park...

"Where...Where's everyone?" Jaehwan said while getting up & looking around "...A..A..A..And I'm sure it was morning when I pi...picked the doll up" he said noticing the darkness around him & squeezing the doll in his hand...

He looks at the doll he was holding then raised his head only to find himself in a long hallway that was litten by candlelight stands across it.

For a second he was dumbfounded he looked around saying "Where..Where Am I? What.. Am I doing here?" he was thinking that he was going crazy he was creeped out by the sudden supernatural events then he froze, eyes widen up , mouth opened ready to speak but no words coming out from his vocals, his whole body went numb as he heard sobbing... He was sure it was a female sobbing...

He opened his eyes to find himself on his sleeping mat "...So it was just a dream... And a really weird one too" Jaehwan said & sat down while rubbing his eyes, he let out a small sigh "Well...Better get ready to work" this was the very first time he had the dream...

He didn't know it'd be chasing him for what seemed like forever. after a few weeks of having the same dream over & over again, he started feeling worried...Worried that it had some sort of message behind it he didn't really care at that moment..all he wanted was to be free from that weird dream he never knew wishing for freedom could get things even worse & more complicated. After almost a month of having that dream it got more complicated...

At first it was just sobbing...swithed by crying...sometimes sudden stop of the crying followed by high-pitched non-stop witch-like laugh... Then things got even worse for him, he was having this intense headache & fever...

He slept normally but when he woke up everyday he felt so tired like he didn't sleep at all for the night, then one night he found himself walking in an unfimilliar road, he saw a sign "30 Miles to Wedgemore Town?" "...That sounds intresting" he said holding his backpack on his left shoulder.

"Well better get a move on Jaehwan-ah" he said to himself...He walked & walked for 30 miles straight... He found himself looking at this huge beautiful palace...He stood infront of the short stairway dazed at how beautiful & well designed the wooden gate was.

He slowly took a step on the stair, walked the whole stairway to the front beautiful wooden gate...He noticed the lionhead shaped doorknob, he twisted it to open the gates to find himself inside the palace "....Beautiful...This place..." he said.

He looked around every place... to find himself in a candlelight lit hallway "Huh? This place is..."

He found himself in the same hallway he visited everynight...He heard the sobbing again... "STOP! PLEASE JUST STOP!" He shouted, His voice echoed around the hallway... Silence replied him. "I... I...I'm going insane" he said...

"Please...Please...Help me......Help me... Help me..." He heard a female voice saying that his eyes widened... almost dumbfounded "WHERE ARE YOU?" he shouted, again... silence replied him. "Help me~" the same soft voice calling out for help as desperate as possible, while crying, she said everytime she called out for help, so pitiful that if anyone heard would also cry feeling guilty for not knowing how to help the pleading angel voiced girl.

Jaehwan kept having the same dream over & over again, & everytime he went back to the palace in his dreams he looked at the name of the owner of the palace written on a plate beside the huge beautiful gates "Kim Jongmin's" it said.....




".....So this is what's happening with you? seeing the same crap over & over again every single night for the past few months?" Jaekwan said as his younger brother told him everything. "Wow! you must really be going insane with that chasing you every night!" He said. "Yeah~ it's  dragging me more & more into it's darkness for's inescapable~ no matter how I try, no matter when & where I sleep. I fall into it again & again" Jaehwan explained.

"So what are you going to do?" Jaekwan asked. "I'm thinking of going to that place" he said "WHAT?!" Jaekwan said & let out a small laugh "Are You CRAZY? That place is only in your dreams! who says it really exists?" he said.

"You're right..But the way she's calling for my help, the way that place is always chasing me in my dreams~ it sounds like it exists" Jaehwan said. "You gotta be kidding me!" Jaekwan said "Hey it's not gonna hurt looking for it" said Jaehwan.

"So if it exists..If it is REALLY there as you say, How would you find it? & if you find it you go & do what?" Ken's eyes widened up at his hyung's words he was speechless & thought for a second & two "I go...and..." "Help the girl" Ken looked straight at his hyung's eyes with determination & sincerity... Jaekwan knew right away that Ken did not only want to go but he Need it to go...

He needed to stop his nightmares from dragging him more... He was hungry & thirsty for some freedom... even for a moment he would feel at ease...he needed to bring peace back to his life foe his sake, Jaekwan knew that & more, looking at the younger's eyes he found out in his willingness that that house really DOES exist & Ken knew exactly where it is.

"Alright!" Jaekwan said giving up to the younger's determination & let out a sigh. "I'll lend you my car" at his hyungs words Ken couldn't help but grin from ear to ear...he felt like he's taking one step towards his freedom. "Thank you hyung! really! you're the best! I love you!" The younger jumped from happiness then his smile disappeared as he said "But hyung...." "Hmm..?" "What about work? the boss may not give me a day off let alone a few weeks for travelling back & forth plus finding my freedom."

"Leave him to me, I'll handle this" Jaekwan said, "Really?! But you might get kicked out you know? and I'm pretty sure you can't do both our works on your own" Ken said. "I can manage really!'re my brother & the maknae of our family. I love you & I hate seeing you suffering like this" Ken looked at his older brother really happily & hugged him hard, Jaekwan knew that Ken really appreciated his help he knew that Ken was so grateful that he couldn't explain by words. Jaekwan was a great help as he gave full support to his younger on his journey in a few days.

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Guys in the latest chapter's AN I said I'll update after my pre-dawn meal but I'm srsly sleepy~ Sorry guys~~ I'm so sorry but I haven't slept yesterday so :(


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weirdstuff #1
Chapter 8: Tis awesome storyyy.. Uhuuu, i'm so curioussss
wowwhKENDV #2
Chapter 23: Arghhhhh !!!!
Can't wait for next chappie..... >_<
Died for waiting....hahaha
Anyway,great story tho....
I love it.. <3 <3 <3
trixiecanadilla1234 #3
Chapter 22: I want more!!!!! pls update soon new reader here!!!
na24ni #4
Chapter 22: Combine between voodoo doll and eternity. Thats cool after all. But thing's make me confuse is the plot. I don't get it.
Just waiting for update and make them complete.
aizie14 #5
Chapter 21: too bad. your story is getting more exciting and I really want to read the next chapters but I can't do anything about it but just wait.: -(
aizie14 #6
Chapter 20: can't wait to read the next chapter